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Music Video Reviews

Some psychiatric hospital they're in. It allows more than one person per padded cell. Complete with stylin' silk PJ's and heavy jewelry. Last time I checked that was a BIG no no. Suicide watches and all.

I've never been to a psych hospital so someone needs to inform me. Are low cut tops and short skirts the outfit of choice for doctors? VERY professional if you ask me.

Chris' Segment - He's in glasses *does little happy dance*. Ahh... such a beautiful day... everything is going so lovely... then his phone rings *uh oh I don't have a good feeling about this*. Now she's gone... Okay he best be talking to Joey's escort service if she plans on stormin' off like that.

Justin's Segment - Okay warning HOT guy with jewelry... and uh oh now she's gone too. I don't get it. The jewelry must be of SOME value, I mean it's Mister Ghetto Fab himself. I don't imagine him shopping in K-MART for it *attention K-MART shoppers hotness on aisle 2* I can't see it. But what gets me is he sings "you confessed your love. Undying devotion, I confessed my need to be free.." Sorry to inform ya babe but when she leaves with the jock that's her confessing her need to be free. Not vice versa.

JC's Segement - Does the poor boy not see it coming? He's on a talk show for goodness sake! Nothing good ever happens on them... unless you're watching Oprah. Then the faceless dude comes and JC goes postal on him. *chants* J-C J-C J-C!!! Poor soul. Now he's COMPLETELY insane!

Joey's Segment - ooohhh... bad actress... Clueless chick! Now I find this TOTALLY ridiculous, what kinda mistress/secret girlfriend kisses him in front of his girlfriend. *swift thinking there girlie* Then Joey gets slapped... hahahahahahahaha *breath* hahahahahaha.

Lance's Segment - I've seen this video a billion and a half times and still cannot figure out what poor Lancey-poo did wrong. He was just playin' 'she loves me she loves me not'. A totally innocent game. And then the Marsha Brady look-a-like leaves him. *all I ever hear about is MARSHA MARSHA MARSHA* (sorry... it begged to be said)

This video challenges the integrity of psychiatrists. Is there any need to assault Joey like they were in a bad porn movie. I was fully expecting second rate/home video-esque camera shots and Marvin Gaye's 'Let's Get It On' to start playing.

Then guys leave girls go in... what a concept! *claps* JOEY YOU ARE GENIUS!

Overall this is my favorite *NSYNC video, but still a source of major confusion for me!

Tearin' Up My Heart
Sing it with me... "one of these things is not like the other..."
"It's Tearin' Up My Heart when I'm with you... but when we are apart (umm... you mean like when you're in an abandoned warehouse with your friends dancing around and taking pictures???) I feel it too..." The song and the video's whole entire outlook doesn't match. They could sing the song on a stage set in the middle of the Sahara and it would make more sense.
JC is sporting the Clooney look. THANK GOOD THAT CHANGED! Although... come to think of it I bet his hair moved then... :o)
Okay Justin really freaks me out in this video. He's hot; that is what freaks me out. The fact that he is like 15 in that video scares me to no end. I was 15 once too, NONE of my guy friends looked like that. I was obviously living in the wrong place and I obviously still am cause after years of growing guys I know still don't look like that. It must be the water.
I find it so cute that Chris looks so young in this video. I just gush over that fact.
Now I have to touch on the clothing aspect of the video (like there is a lot there to touch on). Joey has his overalls, Justin has his suspenders etc. Okay is it just me or do they look like carpenters???

I Want You Back
There is one word to describe this video: CUTE. Anytime you get attractive guys playing pool, basketball, jet skiing and just simply driving around I'm okay with it... really.
I am anti-Chris on this video. The hair... ummm... it's well... scary. It's stringy and just bad.
The clothing however is good. Okay... fair.
Come to think of it I must have missed the 'park in the middle of a busy street and dance around the car' lesson in drivers ed. Bummer. Seems like fun.
I have a video gripe... Justin needs to come play basketball in my local park! Then I'd actually give a damn and go support today's youth.
I believe this is where the trend of stupid girls in *NSYNC videos started when the STUPID girl leaves JC in the car. HUH? WHAT? Did I miss something? *JC you can drive over to my house and pick me up... my addy is...*
