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Oh Baby Baby... Oops... Wrong Song

Once again we travel into the land of the brainless with the release of Britney Spears' new single, the ever so smartly titled 'Oops... I Did It Again'.

Did what again exactly?

Made another pointless single that people will buy because well... I have yet to figure the reasons out yet.

This song is would be good if it weren't for three things...
(1) the music didn't sound like our familiar freind and Britney starting point (oh I hold SINCERE bitterness toward this song...) 'Baby One More Time'
(2) If she wasn't singing it. Or if you see her in concert should I say... LIP SYNCHING it...
(3) That damn Titanic interlude.

Oh my... well... that seems like EVERY aspect of the song pisses me off, now doesn't it?

I'm making notes of two SPECIFC thing in this song that make it totally unbearable to me.

a. THE TITANIC INTERLUDE. I think I might be able to TOLERATE this song if it weren't for the pointless nature, and pointless placement of this... this... thing. (Like I should expect more from her anyway...) First off, she sounds like she's 4. I swear my baby cousin sounds more adult then Britney in her Keri Strug-esque tribute.

"I thought the old lady dropped this into the ocean at the end..."

Right... And what year did Titanic come out anyway? (I think the word DATED comes into play... just like everything else she does... the belly button ring included. DATED.)

And the guys voice is bad Elvis impersonating at its best. I bet even her friends ask her "WHY?!?" with this one.

"Awww you shouldn't have. . ."

Well Brit. . . we wish you didn't.

b. THE LIP SYNCH FACTOR. Of course you'd leave it up to Britney to have a song (ala Cher's 'Believe') that is impossible to sing live due to all the studio equipment used on it. Somehow... I don't think this factor upset Britney at all.

I mean... When was the last time she sang LIVE anyway?

By: Blite

Well, Miss Spears is at it again with her new single, '...Baby One More Time' Part duh, (a.k.a 'Oops...I Did It Again'). When I first heard this song I couldn't stop laughing. I was like is this the slow version of B1MT that should be played at the upcoming Prom? Every time I hear the beginning of the song I go Oh, baby, baby, and wonder why I'm so off with the words. I mean she sings baby just as much as she did on her first song. There is so much to say that I'm not sure where to begin, but the beginning is the best start.

I think I did it again
I made you believe we're more than just friends
Oh baby
It might seem like a crush
But it doesn't mean that I'm serious
'Cause to lose all my senses That is just so typically me
Oh baby, baby

After I hear this verse I think, oh the true colors come out. She's a tease. At least she is getting honest, but that doesn't make me sing, "I see your true colors shining through," until the chorus.

Oops!...I did it again
I played with your heart, got lost in the game
Oh baby, baby
Oops!...You think I'm in love
That I'm sent from above
I'm not that innocent

I knew she tried to fool her fans and the public, but she sang it herself she's not that innocent. It makes me wonder if she is tired of hiding her favorite twins. Now the song just goes down hill after this point. The next verse makes no sense and she adds a titanic twist in the middle. That so two years ago!

Anyway this song is horrible and she is trying to capture her B1MT success by putting out this B1MT reject. She's 18 and she sounds like she's 13, it must be a song that didn't make the first cut because the lyrics were a little too old for her. I personally think they are still too old. Not only that, but her voice is so altered on this single she has to lip-synch it in concert to do it any justice. *GASP* What a shocker!

She is going to sell records with this being the leading single, but like the first album people are going to be pissed that they spent money for only one or two decent songs.

Don't believe us?

This was taken from Entertainment Weekly (I'm opposed to music critics in general. This is just being used to stress OUR points.)

EW review of oops 'Time' and Time 'Again'

Britney Spears makes a false move with her first single. Kristen Baldwin explains why repeating a successful formula is a bad idea

Lord knows, there's a lot of pressure on Britney Spears these days. On May 16, she'll release ''Oops!... I Did it Again,'' the follow-up album to her 12-times-platinum debut CD, ''...Baby One More Time'' (what is it with this kid and ellipses?). Topping such a successful Act One is a daunting task at any point, but it's going to be especially challenging now that the 18-year-old divette has 'N Sync's recent record-breaking first-week sales of 2.4 million albums staring her in the face. All of these overwhelming expectations could explain the completely disappointing title track -- the album's recently released first single. It takes just one listen to ''Oops!... I Did it Again'' to hear that Britney wants to replicate (literally) her past successes: The song is practically a beat-for-beat remake of ''...Baby One More Time,'' right down to the moaning vocals and ''ooh baby baby'' in the chorus.

''Oops!'' even oozes with the same inappropriate sexual overtones, as a sly Britney coos about toying with men (''I made you buh-leeve/we're more than just friends'') and emphatically announces, ''I'm not! that!innocent!'' About the only thing that separates ''Oops!'' from ''Baby'' is the confounding dialogue interlude -— Britney receiving the Heart of the Ocean jewel from a suitor (creepily voiced by producer Max Martin) --that essentially serves as the song's bridge. (''Aww, you shouldn't have,'' sh trills. No, Brit-Brit, YOU shouldn't have.)

Of course, nobody's expecting the poor girl to show White Album musical range before she hits 20. But in producer Martin's frenzy to duplicate the pop flavoring of ''...Baby One More Time,'' he's left ''Oops!'' so digitally fussed and fiddled-with that it's impossible to tell if Spears or her vocals have evolved at all. In fact, ''Oops!'' could easily be a single from any number of the myriad Britney wannabes out there -- and Spears isn't going to do her career longevity any good by impersonating herself circa 1999. Just as popster Christina Aguilera insists her next album will experiment with R&B, rap, and rock, Spears should figure out what she'd want to be recording if she didn't have the weight of the Teen Pop Universe on her shoulders -- and then go to it. Hit us, baby, with something new.
