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Meet JUSTIN, he is my favorite member of *NSYNC. Ain't he simply darling? Don't ya just want to do naughty things to him? It isn't hard for me to describe my sincere liking of Pelvic Thrusty Justy, it lies in three main aesthetically pleasing features - his mouth, his arms and his eyebrows (YES I really did just admit to that). There, oddly enough isn't anything I truely disturbs me about Mister Timberlake. Well except for the glow in the dark color his hair tends take on occasion (as a girl who is of LEGAL age. LEAVE IT RED!). No I'm not blind, I'm not deaf, I do hear the basic commentary "but he's a self-abosorbed jerk" every now and again. I am, however, old enough to understand it. Not the fact that he's a bastard on occasion, but that he is highly uncomfortable being around girls who place creedence on his every motion, even the insignificant ones. *steps down off soap box*

-CHRIS- Okay what can I say about him? Put him in glasses (ala beginning of the IDMC vid) and I'd let him have his way with me (kiddin'). But he just seems like a cool guy, his jokes do on occasion annoy me. And once in a while I remember he's 27 and quite frankly, that scares me. But you can tell he's having fun, so that is definately cool to see.

-JOEY- Oh lord... you don't want to start me. He does NOTHING for me what-so-ever. Absolutely nothing. I have tried over and over to become a 'Joey Fan' it just isn't happening. I admire his flirting though, he's just trying to make the best out of his situation. So opportunistic, oooh point for him. But I can tolerate him (when his hair isn't 'look Kool-Aid' red).

-LANCE- Okay he has grown on me so much. When I became and *NSYNC fan, I'll admit Lance was often the butt of many of my jokes. But now he's just cute... I want to give him hugs. lol. I don't believe he's as innocent nor as shy as people believe, but that's a good thing. And he seems genuine; they type of guy I'd like as my best friend.

-JC- JC JC JC, okay star of my first naughty thought EVER (boy I've come full circle in that area... JC to Justin... the MMC Chain). I loved him on MMC when his hair moved and his voice was in it's pre-beautiful stages. He was my guy and forced me to start a 'DAYS TIL I'M 18' countdown (sad days). I used to tape every episode and simply drool over it. *Memories like the corner of my mind. Misty water colored memories of the way we were* But onto today... JC's voice is SMOOTH. He's one of only... lemme think... 3 people I wouldn't kill if they woke me up at 4AM to sing to me (the other 2 being Brian Littrell and Brian McKnight). Not to mention he's hella fun to watch perform (aside from his monster veins... we can ignore that... kinda... sorta...), I find myself cheering for his next 'DAM' (drastic arm motion). He's cute. *sigh*

Alright that's it from me! Now you know my feelings on the members-o-*NSYNC. And believe me, you might not know it YET but you're a better person because of it.


Since JC is my favorite I will spell *NSYNC backwards. Cnys N... sounds like a diease.

*-JC-* I love everything about this man. His voice, his looks, his personality, and the dorky things he does. (Face it girls he can be a dork) What can I say I can gush over some JC, but that doesn't mean that I like everything about him... I just need more time to find out what I don't like about him.

*-Lance-* I like his eyes, the way he laughs and his nice deep voice. BUT the boy can't dance... it is a shame, especially with all of the training he gets.

*-Joey-* Seems like a happy go-lucky kind of guy, but a problem is he seems to be a guy who GETS LUCKY ALL the time.

*-Chris-* He is the oldest one in the group and as long as he is older then me I can keep liking the group. I can always say Chris is older then me buy a LONG shot, but acts like a 10 year old compared to me.

*-Justin-* Now that he is of age I can talk about him... the boy is hot!! I said it and I feel better about myself. However, the boy can sometimes be in embarrassment to the educational system of the stars. I understand that you want to show your thug appeal, but do you have to do it ALL the time? SHEESH. I can be down too, but sometimes you need to chill. Keep the jigga style down on occasion.


Ok ok, after the twisting of my arm ill give my opinion! I can't guarantee any of this will make sense so just enjoy my babbling. Now where to start. Since we share a brain I'll start with Chris. My Dreaded Dream. What to say. Well the first thing I want to say is "I want his wardrobe!!" Ok you may think I'm psycho, which I am, but I love the way the boy dresses!! Then on top of that you have the hair. I love it! I 3 times now, soon to be 4, have done mine the same way and I love it. Any guy who can wear silly, funny colored glasses and still make me melt has to be something special! Chris may not like his feet but I love the fact I could put on his shoes and they would fit. Watch out Chris! I want your clothes and shoes (with you in them!!). Ok enough gushing about his physical appearance, on to the rest of him. Crazy, Crazy, Crazy!! Yes that's Chris. That boy can do anything and it would be expected! He doesn't care what anyone thinks. On top of all that craziness you can tell he cares. He is always smiling and making people laugh. Whether it's a fan or one of the guys. I see the best of myself in him and the way he acts. You can't ask for more. Well I guess I'll stop my Chris gushing onto the other 4 guys.

JUSTIN - the first thing I have to say is there is no way he is only 18!! It makes me feel really old!! The boy is way too damn hot for his own good! Is every guy from Memphis that hot? If so I'm moving!! Enough drooling. Yes I was drooling forgive me. He just seems like the boy next door. Some may say he's a jerk but I just don't see it. In my mind he's just a typical 18-year-old, hormonal, guy. Give him a break if he's not perfect!!

JC - the first thing that comes to mind when I think of JC is a big brother. He is the guy I can picture chewing me out when I do something "bad". Yet on top of his big-brotherness he is fun. Just look at the way he dresses. He has must have a sense of humor and a lighter side. And if he wears those orange glasses again I'm gonna scream! JC leave he funny glasses to Chris, please!!

LANCE - sweet, innocent Lance. NOT! He may seem sweet and innocent on the outside but take a closer look. You know what he is thinking!! Ok I'm going to leave that alone for now. Now who dresses that boy. It may be just me (which is highly likely since I wish I had Chris's wardrobe) but he scares me! He needs some fashion advice.

JOEY - Joey, Joey, Joey. That boy is too happy for his own good. I think he has superman on the brain and its effecting him. Don't get me wrong I think he's great but when a guy is more flirtatious than any girl I know I worry. Now that boy needs to make up his mind on a few things. Prep or not? He needs to stay away from the sweater vests!! He looks like my Calc prof!! He is doing better though. I just noticed the other day that I have 2 shirts he wears a lot so he has earned lotsa points in my book. He just needs to stick with that and away from the scary stuff!!