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The Recycle Theory


There has been something on my chest for a really long time, and I figure it was time to get it off. (No it isn't JC's hand. You guys are so dirty.) This whole ordeal that Backstreet Boys are the pioneers of this new boyband phenomenon, or that 'N Sync is copying New Kids and BSB... well let me break it down for you, this started a long time ago. Sit back and relax and let the venting begin baby.

My annoyance began a long time ago when a certain blonde smart ass said, "we have been busting our butts off for six years and there are others who have been here less and we are put on their level." Well could it be if they are getting recognized so quickly because they have more talent then you? It is just a thought, and what level are you guys on anyway? I don't think you are The Beatles, The Beach Boys, or The Four Tops. You have a long way to go. I let it slide and said he is young and the smart ass doesn't know any better.

Then on MTV's 1515, I heard something that maybe want to slap Chris Kirkpatrick. "Backstreet Boys may have been the pioneers..." The pioneers of what? They haven't blazed a trail on anything... well maybe to the strip joint to celebrate their fame. I shook my head in shame because no one could understand the truth that I knew.

So I decided to explain it to everyone for one time and one time only. After that it is up to you to spread this truth. I call it The Recycle Theory.

In the 90's we have 'N Sync, 98*(Love them), and some others that I just don't care to mention because I don't like them. People think they are New Kids wannabes, so that leads us to the 80's.

Okay were the News Kids on The Block an original concept? NO!!! I am sure you have heard of Maurice Starr, if not I will break down for you. He was the manager for News Kids and a group called New Edition. While Mr. Starr was managing New Edition he wondered if he could do the same thing for the white audience. (I have proof on this...) So he figured he'd hold some auditions, and see what he'd get. He got the five Bostonites known as New Kids on the Block, but if we back up even further we have New Edition. The concept behind New Edition brings us back the groups from the 50's.

Which leads us to groups like the Beach Boys, The Beatles, The Four Tops, The Temptations, The Jackson Five, and the list goes on and on and on.

So boys and girls, please stop and think the next time you say that the bands of today are original because they might not be.

But just because the concept may not be original doesn't mean they suck. I personally don't want to see a 50 year old pelvic thrusting on stage. Do you?
