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Reviews of Specials


Fashion time:
JC, I am totally convinced is the ONLY guy who can pull off orange!
Chris and the Pippy Longstockings look??? Overalls and pigtails??? "Hey pa, lemme an' Chris go down to the wattering hole and fetch us some water."
Justin and his baby blue shades. How can I say this nicely? DAMN BOY BABY BLUE DOES NOT NEED TO PART OF *EVERY* OUTFIT! And now matter how hard you try to make it match... it, on occasion doesn't. Deal with it!
*hesitant laugh* Joey looks good. So does Lance as a matter of fact. Two thumbs up.

Now the average age of the audience is... 14? Maybe, if ya stretch. Average look gone for: 20. Odd how that happens. *NOTE* Make up and tight shirts don't actually make you older. Sorry to break the news to ya and all.

Okay Justin sings "if you want me girl let me know" and is met with... *crickets chirping* If it's any consolation now... AHHHHHHHHH JUSTIN AHHHHHHH TAKE ME! ME! ME!

I am NOT by a long shot a Carson Daly fan. But Mister Barrel of fun himself was quick on his feet when he implanted that the best song to describe Justin's life is 'Beat It'. *cough* Dis *cough*

I didn't even force myself to sit through the travesty that was passed off as a 'trivia game'. I could have answered EVERY question, but that is beside the point. Hell... no it isn't beyond the point. I would have won that game and somehow managed NOT to make an ass out myself on national television. I can't however say the same about the actual winner.


I'm sorry but this sucked so badly, in my opinion, that I am not even going to comment on it. Aside from the minutely amusing pre-scripted Justin/Chadwick skirmish and the ensuing Marlon Wayans/Jayson Williams commentary of it. SO POINTLESS! WASTE OF TIME!


Performed: Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays & God Must Have...

They look hot. Literally and figuritively. The best part perhaps is that the crowd is all clad in tank tops and short while the guys are in jeans, sweaters and jackets. LOL.

Aside from that minorly amusing situation they sounded good! :o)

Disney Concert Special
Where it all began...

Let's start with the clothing shall we...
The guys come out all hyper jumpin' around ready to sing 'Crazy For You' (which believe it or not I will get to!) But I wouldn't be me unless I got a few words in on the clothing.
JC - Upon first site I think... pretty okay. A little fashion faux paux, but he's cute he can get away with it. But as I find myself drawing my eyes to him I begin to think 'man that outfit is nice if you are following your concert with a trip to the nearest war... then... it ws a good choice.' What the f*ck is the gun strap for? What a thug!
Chris - *sigh* Where to start? Okay... umm... neon vs. camoflage. Do you want to be seen or do you want to hide? Choose one and stick to it. I beg you do that. And the overalls so weren't what he needed... (1) they were too short; (2) the straps kept falling; further impairing his dancing ability.
Joey - I swear if I don't get 3 wishes I am writing a complaint. Those pants are umm... different. The fact that people LET him go on stage wearing them makes me question the integrity of his friends. He's a genie in a bottle.
Justin - The pants, although they are horribly oversized (I mean I can fit in them with him... ohhhh... not a bad idea actually when I think about it... sorry) don't bother me. I mean, they're shiny and all but... not outright tacky. But that damn silver jacket makes him look like a baked potato.
Lance - His pants are completely too short and too tight. Which sadly enough makes him look like a worse dancer (something he can't afford to have happen)

Randoms. I hope all of you are able to keep up with me. Instead of picking apart each song and what they do in the process of it I decided just to write things that hit me as odd or funny.
'Crazy For You' - here's a thing that'll make you go hmmm... JC and Justin do not get air time while they thrust in this song. We all know what I'm talking about... I mean it's the only reason I tolerate the song. I decided (since I am a proud owner of the unedited video) that having children exposed to such... sexually implicating behavior is damaging and far beyond what Disney can air. And I love this song cause Justin's 'magic tongue' makes an appearance. Too bad (for Joey) it's the only time the camera is locked somewhat on him then Justin comes in and puts his tongue all out there for everyone to see. *sigh* Boys.
'I Just Wanna Be With You' - Rock witchu? Umm... okay... god bless you?
Interview Segment - When Justin is talking in his Cracker Jack extracted sunglasses they make his nose look clay-like. Okay I know that's odd to say... but it just seems as if you can like push it around. Mold his nose so to speak. And with the hoop earring. Did they have him on loan from Pirates of the Carribean that day?
I wonder if Joey really takes his camera EVERY WHERE???? Come to think of it... I don't want to know.
I find it very funny that they only let Joey talk. Like do intros and stuff.
Chris has problems doing the simultaneous singing and dancing thing
You know it's quite sad but I believe I can school the better portion of *NSYNC in basketball. Damn straight that's a challenge.
"Actually I scored 10 points actually." Joey... was there really a need to say it twice? And in one sentence. *sheesh*
Giddy Up - Who choreographed the pimp daddy walk that they open this song with? That person and whoever told them they looked cool doing it need to be arrested for expressing bad taste. And *NSYNC themselves, *shakes head* are actually proud that they played ANY part in the writing of this song?? Why?? Cause I just find it really unnecessary to say 'ride it' repeatedly at the end of the song 750 billion times. But one this is rather amusing in that, I am old enough to knoew what they're singing about and let me tell you there is nothing better then seeing 10 year olds proclaiming 'just ride it' and having NO CLUE.
You Got It - I love the way they perform this song... it's my favorite fast song they perform in concert. I am a fan of the Justin/JC rapid fire pelvic thrust thing they do and that was all I payed attention to... that was until I notcied amidst that Joey is busy feeling himself up. Needless to say that my attention quickly was returned to JC and Justin.
Okay Sailing... this has always annoyed me and now here is a forum for me to express it. "Make an ocean of people" - okay umm.. Chris I hate to let you know but they are ALREADY an ocean of people. Whether or not they wave their hands in the air to the music DOES NOT effect that in the least! *breath*
Outfit change... overall not a bad thing. JC is too layered and Justin is lost in the jacket. But other then that... not bad.
Oddly enough Justin is the only one it the group who can convincingly raise the roof be he does it entirely too much.
What exactly does "*NSYNC has got the flow" mean? Any one who knows e-mail me.
"We hopefully hope" there goes Joey with th double word useage again!
And... cut.

FANatic #1

I didn't even sit through it again... quite frankly I regret sitting through it even once (despite the fact that it had *NSYNC on it).
