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What are they thinking?

Have you ever watched an award show and wondered what the BSB were doing when 'N SYNC is either accepting an award or performing? This idea came about while watching old taped appearances. When 'N SYNC won their America Music Award and were walking to the stage look in the corner of your screen. It is quite funny, cause you seen Mister Kevin Richardson looking all pissed off. I found it all humorous, but it really made me think. All ideas were sealed when Nick Carter wouldn't even acknowledge 'N SYNC at the VMA preshow. The Backstreet Boys hate 'N SYNC and vice versa. So... what happens when 'N SYNC is performing and the BSB are in the audience? Read and learn.

BRIAN: "They are so much better than us it is scary. How come they get Justin as the cute one and we're stuck with... Nick? I better break away while a solo career is still doable."


NICK: "Where ever I go all I ever hear is Justin, Justin, Justin."

AJ: "Why is it that Chris can pull off the title of group freak better than me? Maybe I should buy a joke book."

HOWIE: "Now that JC... he's an attractive fella."

NICK: "If we leave here early... we can be at the local McDonald's in... 10 minutes."

AJ: "What has Joey done with his hair? Talk about circus side show."

KEVIN: "Oh... so THAT is how you pull off a dancing without looking like a bunch of uncoordinated asses. I honestly didn't think it could be done."

NICK: "We're so much better. We're so much better. We're so much better. DAMN! Who am I kidding? No we're not."

KEVIN: "See they put Justin in the back there. Why can't we do that with Nick?"

BRIAN: "Lance equals southern kindness. I'll show him a few things about southern kindness."

NICK: "Why did all the girls make such a quick switch from me to Justin?
KEVIN: "Maybe cause he's better looking, more talented, actually HAS a personality and..."
NICK: "GOT IT! Kevin these are my thoughts what are you doing talking in them?"
KEVIN: "We've been on tour WAY too long!"

HOWIE: "It's tearin' up my heart when I'm with you, but when we are apart I feel it too... Why are they singing this song? I Drive Myself Crazy is so much better."

Do you have anything to contribute? Do you think you have a BSB thought? Let us hear your ideas! Just e-mail us!
