FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Ok, What everyone has been waiting for. Dum,dum,duh,dum! Guess who's getting married? Betcha can't guess! Wait, of course you can! Duh! Hey, just so you know, I'm making this up as I go, so, if their memories don't specify what card they were capturing, or whatever, just deal with it. You make up what card they capture, K'? A lot of these I made up.




_Enforced words_

<Flashbacks>(Pay attention, there will be lots of them.)

[Editor's notes]



To See You Again

Chapter Eleven


Li scanned the audience.[Or whatever you want to call them] Everyone was either smiling, or fidgeting. Except Sakura's brother. Tori just sat there, giving Li the death eye. Li sighed.

'He'll never forgive me for that.'He thought.

<"HEY, YOU!" Li heard someone yell.

"Let go of me!" Sakura cried, hurt.

Li saw Tori and jumped away, in fighting stance. Tori readied himself, and Madison ran over to hold Sakura. "Are you okay?" she asked.

Sakura slid down and answered, relieved, "It was nothing I--couldn't handle myself."

Tori glared at Li and ordered, "Don't pick on my sister kid! Why don't you home before somebody gets hurt? Namely YOU."

Sakura watched her brother and Li face off. But another interruption was in store. Julian came running and leaped over the fence, unaware of what's happening. "Hey, anybody here hungry? Look what I've got!" he chirped.>

Li smiled, remembering that day.

'The first day I met her. She was right. That wasn't much of a first impression.'

Li sighed, and looked at everyone again.


"I swear, I'm going to break down before this is even started!" Sakura whined.

"Oh, your fine!" Madison said.

Sakura pulled a non-existent wrinkle out of her dress.

"If this is fine, I DON'T want to know what an actual breakdown looks like." Sakura said.

"Sakura! Your ready. You are about to marry the person you love the most, and-"

"Do you know how it feels to have a serious case of butterflies? It's VERY nauseating!" Sakura cut her off.

"You LOVE him. And you know he loves you back! So where are the butterflies coming from?"

"I don't know." Sakura answered quietly.

"You DO love him, don't you?" Madison asked. Sakura head shot up.

<"I'm going back to Hong Kong The day after tomorrow." Li said.

"The day after tomorrow? Why?"


"I'm going to miss you, Li."

"I'm going to miss you, too." Li said, trying not to cry.


"I love you." Sakura whispered to his disappearing figure.>

"OF COURSE I LOVE HIM! I love him more than anything!" Sakura said.

"Than what are you worried about, Sakura?" Lara popped up behind her.

"I'm not sure." Her eyes wandered to the camera in Madison's hand.

"Your not taking that, are you?" Sakura pointed to it.

"I don't see why not!" Madison said, holding it up defensively.

"Madison! Your a maid of honor!"Sakura said.

"Oh, calm down! She can hide it between us, no one will even notice." Lara said.

"Ok, mommy! I'm weady!" Josie said. She was in a cute little frilly dress, and had a basket full of Cherry Blossom petals.

"Well, that's everybody, right?"Lara asked.

"Yep." Madison said, straightening out the hem of Josie's dress.

"Well, than lets start!"

Sakura's eyes widened.

"That's how you start a wedding?"

"I'm new at this, so sue me. Anyway, your new at this, too. And I'm sure Li is glad about that."

"Argh! Lets just start!" Madison went out of the room for a minute. She came back with Sakura's dad, and went out again. The music started.

"Hey, sweetie. You look nervous."Aiden said.

"Oh, is it that obvious?" Sakura asked sarcastically.

Aiden chuckled

"Don't worry. It's mostly just boring." He said. Sakura saw Madison run up to Josie and say something, and Josie started to walk down the aisle. She ran back.

"She forgot what she had to do." Madison said, sounding out of breath. Sakura smiled.

'Maybe this wont be that bad.' She thought. She looked at Madison and Lara and her other bridesmaids get ready to walk down the aisle.

'Yeah, right.'


Li looked at the end of the aisle. The music had started, and he was waiting for Sakura. He saw Josie at the end of the aisle. Madison ran up to her, said something, and her eyes widened, and she started to walk. A few steps later she paused, grabbed a handful of flower petals, and threw it ahead of her. And as soon as she walked past that, she paused again, and threw another handful, until she got to the end of the aisle. Li grinned. Josie looked at him, giggled, and ran behind him, grasping the back of his pant leg. Li smiled, and looked back to the end of the aisle. Madison and Lara were coming down. They were both the maids of honor, since Sakura just didn't have to heart to choose. Chelsey and Rita were close in suite of them. He smiled, noticing the video camera between Madison and Lara.

'She will never grow out of that.' he thought.

Then. Then he saw what he had been waiting for. An angel. Pure and simple, she looked like an angel. She was beautiful, so beautiful Li almost fell down. She reached the last row of chairs, kissed her dad on the cheek, and walked to Li.

"If your anywhere NEAR as nervous as me, I pity you."She whispered.

"Your going to have to up that a notch to 'Mourning.'" He whispered back. Sakura smiled.

For the most part, her dad was right, it was pretty boring. But she was content to look into Li's eyes the entire time, barely listening to the preacher at all. Those deep, auburn eyes. They just seemed to burn, able to do anything, leaving her weak. They shone with adoration. She smiled the tiniest bit, making it look even cuter to Li. She wished the preacher would just skip to 'I do', and 'You may now kiss the bride'. She REALLY wanted him to skip to 'You may kiss the bride.'. She shivered. Her butterflies turned to fuzzies. Now to Li.(Don't you love these detailed thought they have?)He was doing mostly the same thing. (I'm going to type it like I just didn't do Sakura, I love these types of things.)Li stared deep into the jewels Sakura called her eyes. They looked like emeralds, and right now they shown. He almost ached for sunglasses, but wouldn't get it even if he could, for fear the might smear a feature of her magnificent beauty through the lens. He just stared at her, trying to copy this image into his brain like a picture, to look at at any point in time. It was so beautiful, he felt like he should bow, and kiss her hand. No, he just wanted to kiss her hand. Or, maybe he wanted to kiss her, period. He smiled, and blushed lightly.

'I love you so much. Now we'll be together forever.'He thought.

<A beam was heading toward Sakura..

"NO!" Li screamed. Jumped at her, and pushed her out of the way, the beam grazing his left shoulder.


"Li! Are you ok? Thank you so much! You saved my life!" Sakura said, gushing over him, trying to look at his wound.

"I'm fine! capture it!" Li screamed, trying not to faint, not because of the wound, but because Sakura was all over him, trying to help. He turned red.

"Li! are you getting a fever?" Sakura felt his head, making him turn a deeper shade of red.

"Capture it!" Li said.

"But what about you?"Sakura asked, looking worried.

"It might hit me again!" Li said, trying to find someway to get her to capture it, before he had a breakdown from her just touching him. Sakura's eyes widened, and she leapt up.

"Clow card! Return to your power confined!">

Li smiled. He hadn't remembered that. He should have figured out she liked him at that point.

'I _was_ pretty dense.' he thought. He focused on Sakura again.

'Man! They want to torture me, don't they? They make me stay away for an entire day, and then they expect me to stand here, right in front of her, and not at least kiss her? Oh god, I'm not going to make it.' He looked deeply into her eyes, hoping it would ease some of the longing to wrap his arms around her waist, bend her over and kiss her passionately. It didn't work. If anything, it made it worse.

"Li Showron. Do you take Sakura to have and to hold, For better or for worse, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The preacher looked at him. Li smiled.

"I do." He said, looking at Sakura like she was the only one there. Though to him she was. She beamed.

<Have you even gone out with anyone since I left?" Li asked.

Sakura blushed.

"Uh....Is it a bad thing?" She asked.

"No! Absolutely not. It just makes me kind of guilty."

Sakura's eyes widened.

"_You_ went out with girls?" She asked.

"No, I just got asked out a lot! I would never go out with any of them."

"Oh, well, I got asked out, too. A whole lot, but I didn't like anyone."

Li smiled.

"Other than me?"

"There is NO way that I don't like you. I love you! more than anything! That's why I never even let anyone kiss me other than you!"

Li's eyes widened.

"You never even got kissed?"

"Well, a lot of people tried, but I just kicked their asses." She said. She grinned. Li wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her softly.>

Li squeezed his eyes shut for a second, the memory not helping his urge to kiss Sakura like there was no tomorrow.

"Sakura. Do you take Li to have and to hold, for better or for worse......"

<(Near Christmas)

"Li! I can't find the angel to the tree!"

Li walked into the living room.

"I'm sorry!"

"It's not in any of the boxes!"

"Ok, we have four options." Li said.

"Four? How did you come up with that?"

"Ok, one:We find it."

"There is NO hope of that."

"Two: We buy another one"

"That sounds reasonable. But I have a feeling this is going to get either really funny, or really sweet.

"Both. Three:We stick the cat up there."

Sakura laughed.

"Wait I'm not done."

"Okay, go on."

"We sit you in front of it."

Sakura smiled, and kissed him.

"Your sweet, but an angel goes on top of the tree." She said.

"Well, we'll change tradition, your too cute to be up high were no one will see you."

Sakura's smile turned to a grin, and she kissed him again, knocking him over.>

"....In sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

Sakura smiled.

"I do." She said softly.

"If anyone is against the unity of this couple, speak now, or forever hold your peace."

Tori started to raise his hand, but Aiden kept it down. Sakura gave him the death eye. The preacher smiled.

"We will not take an opinion from someone who just hates the groom."He said. Sakura smiled, and Tori pouted.

"I pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride."

"Finally" Li whispered, too low for anyone other that Sakura to hear. She giggled. He put a hand behind her head, and slowly pulled her to him. Their lips met, and Sakura pushed herself closer to him, almost knocking him down. They stayed in the kiss for what seemed to the only a moment, but was an entire minute. Tori just sat and gaped. Sakura and Li finally parted, still trying to keep close enough that they could take a breath but kiss again. Lara beat them, though, and pulled Sakura away.

"My legs are TIRED, I DON'T have the patience." She said. Sakura giggled.

"Lara, you don't have any patience, period, you don't have to include tired legs." She said. She looked at her new husband, her face shining with joy that she couldn't possibly be able to let out, for fear she would hurt herself. She walked back over and pulled him into a deep, passionate, LONG kiss.

"I Love You, Li." She whispered.

The End(Finally)


So? Did you like my fic? This chapter was hard. I'm planning on making one with all of the chapters put together, a little tweaked so they'll fit with out looking weird. And, If I get enough feedback, I might make one of two of my ideas for a sequel. Nuh, uh, uh! No spoilers! You'll just have to wait. ^_^, me so evil!

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