FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Welcome, one and all! This is the seventh Chapter of my ever growingly popular fanfic!

Li: Liar.

Me: HEY! I can dream, can't I?

Li: No.

Me: Your mean. ;_;

Li: No, Your pathetic.

Me: Ok, how am I pathetic?

Li; You have this gift to be able to make a perfectly fine fic into a complete mush and sap factory

Me: Ok, that's it, I'm gonna make you do something embarrassing!

Li: No, no, no! I'm sorry! Really!

Me: Too late! I've already decided what your gonna do!

Li: Noooo!

Note: I changed the name of the Look card to the See card.

Second Note:It's around October in this fic. I'll tell you when a lot of time passes.(Like, A month, Or something.)





[Editor's notes]




To See You Again

Chapter Seven

Sakura woke to sunlight on her face. It was morning. she felt the body next to her and opened her eyes. She saw Li, still asleep. She smiled and laid her head against his chest. She was so happy. Her love had finally come back for her. She remembered last night.

<"Yes, I love her more than anything, and I always will."

She looked up at him, tears in her eyes.

"Who is she?"

"She's you.">

The thought of it sent shivers up and down her spine. They had gotten back to her apartment and fell to sleep on the couch. She looked up at him.

'He is so sweet..'She thought.

Li stirred. He opened his eyes to find two beautiful green eyes.

"Morning."Sakura whispered sweetly.

Li smiled.

'She has gotta be the sweetest person ever.'He thought.

Sakura cuddled closer to him

"I'm definitely not cold anymore."

Li's smile widened.

"Did you have a good sleep?"She asked.

"Best ever."He replied.

Sakura smiled and kissed him.

"You are the sweetest person in the world."

Li smiled down at her, eyes only half open. Suddenly his stomach growled loudly. Sakura giggled and Li blushed.

"Oops, sorry." He said, his blush deepening.

"It's ok, I'll go make breakfast."

"You don't have t-"Sakura effectively shut him up by capturing him in a deep kiss.

"I, know,"She said when she finally pulled away."But I'm going to, anyway."

He watched her walk off, and settled back down, thinking about how sweet she was.


Sakura put all but three of the pancakes she had made on a plate. Those three she put on a different plate and brought it to the table. She walked over to the couch to see that Li was already dozing off. She walked around to the front of the couch and bent down onto her knees. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep. She bent over and kissed him. He turned his head so it was closer to hers. She pulled away, smiling.

"Rise and shine."She said softly, not really on purpose, but even when she was kissing him, she went weak.

Li smiled.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to fall back to sleep."

"It's ok. Your breakfast is on the table. I have to go somewhere, so could you tell Kero when he gets up that he can only have ONE of the pancakes in the kitchen?"

"Sure, no problem. Where are you going?"

"That is a surprise."She said, smiling.

"A surprise? I haven't even been here a full 24 hours and you already have a surprise for me?"

"Who ever said it was for you?"She teased.

Li grabbed her and pulled her onto the couch and started to tickle her.

"OK! OK! It's for you!"Sakura gasped between laughs. She pulled herself into a sitting position. She looked at Li and burst into a fit of giggles. Li wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm so happy your back."Sakura said, though her voice was somewhat muffled since her face was pressed against his chest.

"I'm so happy to be back."He said, Smiling down to her.

"Oh! That reminds me! I have to go!"Sakura suddenly jumps up and runs to her room.


"Same as 'where'!"She shouted from her room.

"A surprise?"

"Yep!"She walked back into the living room, now with her shoes on.

"I'll be right back!"

"If your gone more than a minute, your gone too long."Li said.

Sakura smiled and walked out the door. Almost immediately she walked back in.

"Hey! You did come right back!"Li Said, smiling.

"I forgot my keys, silly."She answered. Li pouted. Sakura walked back out of the door, giggling.

Sakura reached the car and got in. She smiled.

'I am SOO happy!' She thought.

She reached into her bag and whipped out the See card.

"See Card! Release and dispel!"She shouted.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Back inside, Kero's P.O.V.)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kero sniffed. He opened one eye. He sniffed again.


Still very drowsy, He floated up into the air.


He flew into the kitchen, not noticing Li, who was cleaning off his plate. He floated over to the plate on the counter.


"A whole stack!"

"Oh, Uh, Sakura said that you could only have one."

"Well, I don't see Sakura protecting them, so- HEY!!! WHO ARE YOU!! AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!! You little thief! I'll rip you to shreds!"

"Tough talk, coming from a STUFFED ANIMAL!"Li said, smiling.

'Now, were have I heard that before?'


'And why isn't he freaked out that I can move? OH, NO! Sakura is gonna kill me! I promised that I wouldn't freak out anyone, not after Lara.'

"The only thing that gets in the way of your appetite. Pride."Li said, drying off his plate.

"Who are you? And why aren't you afraid of me?"

"Well, I'm not afraid of you for obvious reasons."

"I am going to ignore that, and I am still waiting for you to tell me who you are."

"You don't recognize me? I'm hurt."Li said, with a mock sad face.

"You do look familiar. Were have I seen you before. Do I know you?"

"Of course! You don't remember 'The Kid'?"

Kero gasped.

Just then, Sakura walked in.

"You know, Li, The hotel manager was about to auction off your luggage!"Sakura shouted from the living room.

"You Let This...This...KID In here?!?!?!?!?"Kero shouted.

"Of course I did. If I hadn't, he wouldn't be here. You are really dense when your mad."

Li smiled.

"You got my stuff?"He said, looking at the bags next to her.

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you some thing. Do you have any place to live?"

"Uh, No. Not yet."He said. He walked over next to her.

"Good. Then your staying here."

"WHAT?!?!?!!?"Kero screamed.

"I said, He's staying here."

"I'm fine with it."He said, smiling at Sakura.

"WELL I'M NOT!!!!!!"

"I don't care. Do you care Li?"

"Well other that the fact that he won't give me a moment's peace, No. Not in the slightest."

"He'll give you a moments peace. If he didn't, I wouldn't ask you to stay here."She whispered into his ear.

"You will care!"Kero said.

"Oh, Keerrrooo?"Li sang.

"What?"Kero said, rather grumpily.

"Guess what I have?"Li said, talking normally now.

"And I care?"Kero said.

Li opened one of his bags, and pulled out the new Xylon Warrior video game. It hadn't even come out in stores yet.


"He's not the only one."Sakura said, leaning her head against his chest.

"Aaahh, The beauty of on-line buying."He said, giving Kero the video game. Kero, trying his best to re-gain his composure, snatched the game out of his hands.

"Uh, (Clears throat)I...Think I'll leave you two alone...To talk."He took off to the bedroom, practically screaming"Yes, YES, YYEEESSSS!!!!"

"Now you know one of the things that will put kero on your good side."Sakura said.

"Yeah? And what's the other thing?"


They burst into a fit of giggles.

"You thought ahead."Sakura said, turning to him.

"I knew that I wouldn't be able to get near you if I wasn't on his good side. Plus, I kind of missed the annoying Rat."

Sakura smiled and kissed him.

Lets get your stuff put away."She said, and picked up one of his bags.

"Yeah."He said, smiling.

~~~~~~~~~(It's nearing the end of November)~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey, Li! Where have you been?"Sakura asked.

"I was getting your Christmas present."He replied.

"Really?What is it?"

"Aaaah. You can't find out until Christmas."


'She is going to love this.'He thought.


Ha HA! I told you I would be back! And It didn't take me that long, did it? I told you! I just couldn't keep myself away. I have so many ideas! One minute I have one story plot, and the next it's totally different! I love to write. And I will still definitely take any suggestions. Any at all. I'm open to any and all. I personally like the last chapter better than this one though. I just didn't put enough mush in this one. Sorry to anyone who likes mush. I love mush. I was just trying to stay away from the names that comes with mush most of the time. Like, Smookums, or Sweetie pie. I HATE that. I love mush, but I HATE mushy names. Anyone with ideas, and I say it again, I'm open to them. And I'm very Flame resistant(now), so anyone who doesn't like it an e-mail me, too. I just need feed back! I haven't gotten any in a while, and I was just wondering if anyone was still reading this crummy old fic.

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