FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

I'm Back! Bet your wondering what Li got Sakura, Huh?

Sakura: YES!!! TELL ME!!!

Me: Oh, now come on, Then how could it be a surprise?


Me: Now, where have we heard this before?


Me: Ok, I really don't have much to say, anyway.


Me: Ok! Ok! Crazy person!





[Editor's Note's]



To See You Again

Chapter Eight

Li felt something on top of him.

"Wakey, Wakey...."He heard someone say.

He opened one eye. It found the face of his love. The most beautiful girl in the world, in his opinion.

"Merry Christmas!"Sakura said.

"Merry Christmas."He said

Sakura climbed off of him.

"WadyagetmeWadyagetmeWadyagetme!?!?!"She said, jumping on the bed like a six year old girl. Li laughed.

"Why don't you go first?"They walked into the living room.

"But I wana know what you got me!"

"And you will. After you give me what you got me."

"Aaaawww."The look on her face made her look more childish that ever. Li tried his best not to laugh. Sakura walked back into the bedroom.

"Kero is still sleeping."She said as she emerged. She held a long, green box. Li opened it to find a very old, green flute.

"What's this, and were did you find it?"He said picking it up.

"Well, first off, you might not want to play it. And second, You know my dad is an archeologist, right?"

"Yeah."He said, setting the flute down on his lap.

"Well, He meets a lot of people, and he met this one girl, and we became friends. So I was telling her that I didn't know what to get you, by the way, your very hard to buy for, And she knew that you seemed to like what my dad does, and since she liked me so much, she let me pick something that she had found. So long as we take care of it."

"And why the flute? Other than the color?"

"Well, It reminded me of the first Clow Card that you captured."


"When you captured the Time card. We had a music test, and we had to play the recorder. And the day before that, my dad had a Presentation at the school, and you seemed to like it, and that's why I thought that you liked this kind of stuff. You do like it right?"

Li smiled.

'She's nervous. She really didn't know what to get me.'

"I love it. And I love who it came from."And with that, he kissed her.

"Your sweet. Your a liar, But your sweet."

"You think that I don't love you?"He asked, knowing that's not what she meant. She gave him a 'You-know-what-I-meant' look. Li smiled.

"So, what did you get me?"

"I'm glad that your talking normally now."

"What. Did. You. Get. Me?"She said, very impatient. Li laughed. He stood up.

"You are THE most impatient person I have ever met in my life!"

"Yeah, but you love me for it."

Li smiled, walked into the bedroom, and emerged with a small, gray, velvet box.



I Bet that you thought

That I would end it here.

Oh, now come on!

I'm not that cruel!


Sakura's eyes widened, and her mouth open partly. Li sat down next to her, opened the box, and set it in her hand.

"Sakura, Will you marry me?"

Sakura looked at him, and then looked at the box. Inside was a ring. The diamond in the middle was colorless, but on each side, there was a little pink diamond, in the shape of a Cherry Blossom. Sakura looked a Li, and back a the box. And looked a Li again. His head was low. He wasn't looking at her, or the box.

'He thinks that I'll say no'She thought.

She slipped the ring on, and closed the box, with a snap. Li flinched. Sakura tilted his head up, and kissed him. He didn't really acknowledge.

'He is really depressed. He still thinks that I wouldn't marry him.'

She pulled away. Li looked like he was about to cry.

"You actually think that I would say no?"She held her left hand up. Li looked at the ring, and smiled. He grabbed her arms.

"You. Scared. ME!"He said. Sakura giggled. Li pulled her into a deep kiss.

"I love you."He whispered.

To Be Continued.


It was short, I know. But at least I kept going until he proposed. I've still got a few chapters to go, be paitiant, K'?

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