FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Um, Hi.

Li: Your getting worse and worse at this.

Me: I know! I'm sorry. I'm really worn.

Li: Uh huh.

Me: Oh, back off!

Li: If you were a really good author,you would have thought of something better for Sakura to get me for Christmas.

Me: HEY! Your hard to buy for! What was I supposed to have her get you? A Machine gun?

Li: That I wouldn't mind.

Me: Sorry, this is a splatter-free Fanfic.

Li: One of that reasons it sucks.

Me: BACK OFF!!!!!

Note:Ok, I know, too many notes. I skipped like a month, so I didn't write this, But Li has seen Madison and Josie, And Madison is going out with Eroil, Who just moved there about two weeks after Li got there.





[Editor's notes]


_Forcing the word_


To See You Again(This title doesn't really apply anymore)

Chapter Nine

"Li! I know your happy, but we have to go to my dad's house! NOW!"

Li was still trying to get over Sakura actually saying that she would marry him.

'Oh! I am sooooooooooooooooo HAPPY!'He thought. He kissed her again.

"Li, Your not helping with my habit of being late."

"Your always late. So whats a few hours?"

"Very funny, Li. We have to go!"

"Your going were?"Kero flew into the room.

"We're going to my Dad's for Christmas, If Li could drag his mind out of the gutter."

"Aaaargh! You would think you wouldn't be so serious right now!"

"So would I...that didn't sound right. Anyway, We have to go, now."

"Ok, I push the petals, you steer."

"Nice try. I'm not gonna sit on your lap. Maybe at my dad's house though."

Li's eyes widened.

"Isn't Tori gonna be there?"

"Yeah. Now, wouldn't you like to see the look on his face, after he sees you with me on your lap, then after we tell him I'm marrying you, and all concidering he didn't even know you were in town. Much less staying at my apartment."

Li's face turned red, and he doubled over. Sakura couldn't tell if he was blushing, or if he was holding his breath, trying to keep down all of the giggles.

"Wait! Hold up! Stop the presses! Tell King Kong to listen! Since when are you getting married?"Kero said.

Sakura decided that it was a cross between the giggles and a blush when a very strage noise came out of the ball he had made himself into.

"What was that?"Kero asked.

"Li? are you ok?"

"I'm fine! Lets go."He squeaked.

"Is it gonna be hard for you to walk, curled up into a ball like that?"

Li sat bolt upright, knocked Sakura over, And started to tickle her.

"Li! Li!Aah! WE HAVE TO GO!! STOP IT!!!!"

"Ok! Ok! As long as we can Make out before the end of the day."

"What's 'Making out'?"Kero asked.

Sakura and Li looked at him, and broke down in laughs.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~(At Sakura's Dad's house.)~~~~~~~~~~~

"WOW! Your getting married? That's great!"

Li blushed, hiding behind Sakura.

"Li. It's fine. This isn't Tori. It's my dad. The one you should be worrying about is Tori."

Li refused to get out from behind her.

"Wow. And I was starting to be afraid that you might be single forever!"[I'm gonna call him by his first name]Aiden said.

Sakura giggled. Li just blushed, knowing why Sakura refused to date anyone. She had told him.

<"No. I refused to date _anyone_!"Sakura said

"Not that I mind, in the slightest to be sure, but why?"Li asked.

Sakura cuddled up to him.

"I always compared them to you."She whispered.>

Li smiled.

"So, have you set a date?"

"Oh, no. He just asked me this morning."Sakura said.

"Who just asked who what this morning?"Said a voice behind them. Sakura spun around, and Li covered her mouth.

"Hey! why are you covering her mouth? And who are you?"Tori said.

"I'm covering her mouth so that she won't scream,(Sakura giggled) And I'm her fiancee."He said. Sakura gasped. She had thought that she would tell Tori. She looked a Li like he was crazy. Tori Looked at Li like he was about to tear his throut out. Li bit his lip, trying not to laugh.

"Your kidding, right?"Tori asked.

"About something like this?"Li said.



"Who are you?"

"I'm Sakura's fiancee. Who are you?"Li said, Fake jealousy in his voice. Sakura dropped the'Your crazy' look, and broke down in giggles.

"I'm her brother!"

"Oh! Thats good."

"For the last time! Who are you!?!?!?!?"

"I'm her fia-"Li stopped at Sakura tugging on his sleeve. She stood up, and whispered into his ear.

"It will be even funnier when he finds out that my fiancee is the boy who beat me up the first day he was here."She whispered. Li laughed.

"What?"Tori asked. Aiden had gone back to cooking Christmas dinner.

"Nothing."Li said.

"_Who_._Are_._You_?"Tori asked again, losing all paitience.

"Oh! Do you mean my name?"


"Oh I am so sorry! My name is Li."

Tori glared at him, not remembering his name, but knowing he had seen him somewhere before.

"Sakura never told me about you."

"Well, it would be hard, since you had just left to go to France the day we met! And I didn't have your phone number."Sakura said

"You mean you've only been together about three months?!?!?"

"Yes"Sakura said."How long do you think we would have waited?"

"I dont know! Just longer than tha-"Tori was interupted by the doorbell.

"Sakura? Could you get that?"Aiden asked.

"Sure, dad! And I think I'll bring Li with me."She said, pulling him along with her.

"I could have stayed, you know."Li said when they reached the door.

"I wanted you to come with me."Sakura said. Sakura opened the door.

"SAKERWA!"Someone screamed.

"Hi, Josie!"Sakura laughed as the little girl jumped into her arms. Madison walked in.

"Hi Sakura! Hi Li!"

Li laughed at Josie climing on Sakura lke a monkey, and Sakura trying to keep her from falling. Madison picked her up off of Sakura.

"Isn't Eriol coming?"Sakura asked.

"Yeah, but you know him, Has to make a grand entrance."

"I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!"Tori shouted, stomping into the living room."YOUR THAT KID THAT GANGED UP ON MY SISTER! WHY WOULD YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY HIM?!?!?!?!?"He asked Sakura, pointing at Li, rather feircly.

"OHMYGOD! your getting married?"Madison asked.

"Mommy? What's 'Married'? And why is Mr.Toewie screaming it?"Josie asked. And then the doorbell rang. Li opened the door, to find Lara.

"Hey Lara!" Someone tapped his back, and he turned to find Eroil.

"Very funny, Eroil."Li said.

"Hey! Who are you?"Poor Tori was left out of everything.

"I'm Eroil, Madison's boyfriend."

"Now why couldn't he say something like that?"Tori said, pointing at Li again.

"Hello! I'm Lara."Lara said, Taking Tori's hand.

"Lara...."Sakura said.

"Oh, calm down. I was just saying hello!"

"Hello!"They heard from outside(The door was still open.)

Sakura looked outside. Layla(Ms.Makinzie) And Julien were there. Layla went up to Tori and hugged him.

"Heeeelllllloooooo Hunkie!"Lara said to Julien

"Lara? That was not just a hello."

"Oh, as long as he's single I'm good!"Lara said.

They talked for a little while, Tori glaring a Li the entire time.

"I think your brother is still mad at me."Li whispered to Sakura. Sakura glanced at Tori.

'Oh, Tori, why can't you get over it?'She thought to herself. She walked over to him.

"Tori? Why are you glaring at Li?"

"Because I can."He said shortly.

"You know glaring at him won't do anything. We love each other. You looking at him funny isn't going to stop us from getting married."

"The first day he was here he beat you up!"

"That was an acceident. He didn't want to. He thought he had to."

"How could he have to beat you up?"

"It was...Business problems."


"Yes business."Sakura sighed. "Look. I may not like your choice in people that you love,"Sakura said, Looking at Layla.Tori blushed. "But at least I don't glare at her all of the time!"

Tori's blush deepned.

"You cant stop the choices I make. I'm not ten anymore. I can take care of myself."

Tori smiled.

"I wont promise I'll be nice to him, though."He said.

"Just don't be mean, ok?"She asked.

Sakura stood up.

"TIME TO OPEN PRESENTS!!!!!"She screamed.

Every one cheered and ran to the tree.


It was just after dinner. Despite what Sakura had talked to Tori about earlier, though, He had sat inbetween Sakura and Li. He had said it was so he'd get to know him better, But Sakura knew Tori better than that. Li said that it was ok. Lara had left with Julien, talking about all of the foods she knew how to make. Madison and Eroil had left with a very sad Josie. Josie had not wanted to leave. She liked Li a lot. And Sakura, of course, But she liked Li the most. Layla had gone back home, and everyone else was cleaning.

"I think Tori might like me better than he did earlier today.What did you say to him?"Li asked Sakura. They were doing dishes.

"I really didn't do anything to make him like you more. I just destroyed his hopes of splitting us up."Sakura smiled.

Li looked at her like she was evil, and rolled his eyes.


"Bye Tori! Bye dad! Great to see you!"Sakura said, walking out the door.

"Bye Sakura! Merry Christmas!"Sakura's dad said.

Sakura and Li walked toward the car. Suddanly it started to snow. Sakura smiled up at Li. She leaned her head against his shoulder.

"This is by far the best Christmas ever!"She said.

To Be Continued.


BIG thanks to Magickey on this one, she, like, totally shattered my writers block! Three cheeres! Hip,Hip,Hurrah! This doesn't sound as cool when you type it.

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