FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Hi, Yall! Okay, I know everyone asked for a SEQUEL, but I decided to go for an EPILOGUE first. And if you don't like it.........I'M SO SORRY!!! No, I'm kidding. You don't like it, tough. This is MY fanfic, I can do what I want. Just for an update on relationship status:


Layla(Mackenzie)+Tori=Going out/intement

Madison+Eroil=Going out/semi-intement

Lara+Julian=Going out/semi-intement

Now that that's out of the way, this is kinda short, but it's an epilogue! what did you expect? Anywayz, on with the story!




_Enforced Words_


[Author's Notes]



To See You Again

Chapter 12(epilogue)

Li was on the dance floor with his new wife. 'I Love You, Always And Forever', by Donna Lewis was playing, but Li held Sakura close to him, despite the beat to the song.

"I had to have done something WAY past right at some time in my life to be able to deserve this." He whispered into Sakura's ear. She smiled.

"My thoughts exactly." She said, holding him tighter.

Li closed his eyes and took the moment.

'No one could love ANYONE as much as I love Sakura.'He thought, burying his face in her hair.

"Do you have ANY idea how much I love you?" He asked her. She smiled, still holding him tight.

"Now I do."She whispered. She pulled away, and kissed him softly.

[My fanfic, I do what I want. Even screw up the times when they do something....]

"Time to catch the bouquet!" Sakura said.

"All single girls on the floor!"

Everyone ran out onto the dance floor(A spot on the grass that was kind of cleared out.),Including Madison, Lara, and Layla. Sakura smiled and waved at her friends. She turned around, Li helping to guide her so she throws it at the dance floor and not the tables. He winked, and Sakura threw the bouquet in the air. Half way(Just about to comedown)it flew apart, the flowers going everywhere, thought the most in the vicinity of Madison and the others. They looked at their boyfriends, a sly look in their eyes. The boys blushed. Sakura giggled.

"What about the garter?" Someone yelled. Sakura blushed a light red, while Li looked for the person who suggested.

"Ok, who wanted to throw the garter?" Li asked, after he couldn't find whoever said it. No one answered. Sakura came up behind Li.

"I think someone wants to see my leg..."She trailed off. Li narrowed his eyes. Sakura smiled.

"And I'm sure the LIST includes you." She finished. Li's eyes widened, and he blushed.

"Hey, wait a minute, list!?" He asked. But Sakura was already getting a chair to step on. She walked back to Li, put one leg up, and pulled back her skirt. Li looked like her like she was crazy.

"Come on, Li. Take off the garter." She said, a teasing look in her eye. Li grinned.

"You think I wont?" He asked.

Sakura looked away. Li stepped closer, about to take it off.

"You know, your askin' for it..."He trailed off(For all the dense people out there, he meant that she was asking for trouble.)

Li reached down and slipped it off. he stood back up, and Sakura let her leg down. She brought her face up close to his cheek.

"I know." she purred. (Ok, even the most dense people know what she meant by that.)She smiled, satisfied that she COULD do it to him, too.(You don't understand this, read chapter ten)

All the single men gathered, and Li threw the garter. And, It landed...............(I'm killing you aren't I? I could just keep writing like this, you know, just keep going, and going, and...no, I'm not that cruel.) On Tori's head. Li turned, and saw who had gotten it, and looked back at Sakura. She smirked.

"That's what he gets for picking on you." She murmured. He smiled.

"You do the sweetest things...." He started. Sakura smacked him playfully on the back of his head. He smiled evilly. He grabbed her around the waist, and pulled her into a passionate kiss, not letting go for at least two minutes, I didn't keep count. Sakura pulled away, breathless.

"I didn't know you would like me embarrassing my brother that much!" she gasped. Li smirked.

"Well, it's either that, or your dress. Or your garter. Or maybe it was looking up your dress while I was taking off your garter." Sakura gasped.

"Your funny. Your also glad my brother didn't hear that."

"Mmmm." He answered, and pulled her into another DEEP kiss. Sakura tried to pull away, but Li just held her tighter, and kissed her harder. She gave in, and melted in his embrace. He finally pulled away, Sakura faint in his arms.

"You need to control yourself in public. If I faint, my brother is going to kill you." Sakura whispered.

"It would be worth it." He whispered back. He leaned in for another kiss, Sakura too weak to resist.

"Ok, break it up, you two!"

Sakura's head fell to his chest, not able to hold itself up. Li looked to who interrupted them. It was Tori. Li's eyes widened.

"It's ok. I won't hurt you just yet. It's your wedding day." He said with a smirk.

"That's nice of you." Li said with a fake smile.

"Isn't it so?" Tori said, knowing that Li was lying.

"No. Actually, it isn't, but I wouldn't say that, for fear of you clobbering me."

"Is Sakura ok?" Tori asked, ignoring that comment.

"Immm fmnnme" She mumbled, her voice muffled.

Tori smiled.

"I'm glad she found someone she loves." He said, trying to set the score straight. He patted Li's shoulder, and walked over to Layla. Li smiled. He kissed the top of Sakura's head.

"This is a VERY good day." He said. Sakura smiled weakly, still not even strong enough to lift her head.

"Yes. It is." She said.

The VERY End.


Okay, just to set this straight, I will NOT write another chapter dealing with their honeymoon. Just so you know. I will NOT Write a sequel, either, unless enough people send me feed back! SO SEND ME FEEDBACK!!!

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