FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Chapter 1: The Dare
When the new kid comes to high school, he has plans. BIG plans.
Especially for Sakura. No one knows whats up wit this guy...
Hey everyone. In this story, Sakura is now in high school, and Li's also
there, and so is Madison, MeiLin, and everyone. I don't know everything
about CardCaptors. There will be new characters. ^ _ ^ Too bad Li hasn't
told Sakura that he likes her.

Dear Diary,
Hey, it's me Sakura. High school is kind of boring now. Too much
homework. I wish it were just as exciting as when we were in junior high.
Li and me, I mean. Oh well. Cheerleading practice. I joined, remember? Li
is so tall and handsome now. Gosh, I wish he would date me. I know Meilin
likes him, but why is she so cold towards me?

Sakura finished her diary entry she started when she got into high school
and got up. 'Gosh, I wish I could do that pyramid flip. I'm going to try
it again,' Sakura thought as she put on her aqua, green, and white
sleeveless two-piece cheerleading uniform. 'Okay, here I go!' She vaulted
out the doorway, leaving her lucky gold locket behind.

Outside, Tomoyo was taping the whole practice. Kero pretended to be a
doll on Tomoyo's arm. 'why did Sakura join cheerleading? I thought she
hated that' 'Sakura wanted to join something new, that's all.' All of the
other cheerleaders loved watching Sakura doing new stunts, because was
the lightest and friendliest.
'Wow, look at her go' 'Yeah, Sakura's the best' 'Isn't she great?' 'She's
mine, bozobrain' 'Yeah right, idiot' 'Sakura is Li's girlfriend' 'NO SHE
All the boys liked her a lot, especially Li. He just couldn't admit it to
her, after all these years. 'Li, why don't you admit it, you love her!'
'NO, i don't!' 'Sure you don't, Li Syaoran' 'Of course I don't!' 'Then
let me go out with her on a date!' 'NOWAY, man!' 'See, you do love her.
Here, I'll show you what you want to do' Li's new friend, Bryan, walked
away, and with his back turned, he wrapped his arms around himself and
started making kissing noises.
Bryan's friend, Tom, said 'Hey, look, Sakura's going to do that flip
All the boys stopped arguing and watched Sakura.
Li looked straight at her skirt and thought,'Man, she must be beautiful
all over'

'Oh god, I'm so nervous' Sakura thought, looking at Li out of the corner
of her eye. 'I hope I don't mess up in front of Mei Lin.' Mei Lin grinned
all goofy and smiled, teeth showing. 'I hope Sakura messes up, she
thought. Then Li will hate her and marry me!' Just the thought almost
made her squeel.

'Okay, here goes.' Sakura ran as fast as she could, then did two gigantic
flip-twists, landed on the trampoline with a gigantic leap, then flipped
once and landed on top of the cheerleaders' human pyramid. 'Wow, Sakura,
that was absolutely fantastic!' 'Yeah, you were as light as a feather
this time.' 'I wish I had your talent, Sakura' 'I wish I had her eyes,
they match our cheerleading costumes perfectly' 'I wish I had her ability
to attract boys' Sakura blushed as red as the tiny ruby on her bracelet.
'Well, I-I didn't do anything! Now, we have to go change and do our
homework.' Mei Lin rushes right up to Sakura's nose. 'If you don't stop
showing off for Li, you're going to be sorry you ever met him.... or me'
Then, with this humongous scowl on her face, she pouts and stomps away.

Li stared as Sakura amazingly landed the pyramid. Sakura smiled as bright
as the sun and waved her arms like it was nothing and jumped of the
pyramid with experienced flair. All the girls walked to the locker room.
Li sighed, 'I DO wish I could kiss Sakura right now. She's so.....oh, I
can just feel her tender lips.'

The next day, a new student came to Li and Sakura's class. His name was
Matt. He had deep brown hair and dark amber eyes. He could sometimes, if
he concentrated real hard, he could read people's minds. He read Sakura's
mind: 'That Matt guy is cute, but the cutest guy in the world definitely
is Li.' Then he switched to Li's mind: 'Man, that Matt guy must be all
over Sakura's mind right now. She must think he's way more cute than me.'
Ah, jealousy, Matt thought. The teacher seated him next to Sakura. 'Hi,
I'm Sakura, Matt. This school is kinda cool, but what I like most is
cheerleading and baton twirling. Ask Li. He watches my practices.' Matt
looked over at Li with a secret glare. He thought Sakura was way cute.
'She loves me! She loves me! She loves me! She loves me!' Li thought like
crazy. Then he smiled his most charming smile. 'I'm Li Syaoran. I'm on
the school's soccer team, and, she's right, I do watch her practices
because I like to see what kind of cheers they'll do at the soccer
games.' Matt smiled. 'I'm GREAT at soccer. How bout you show me around at

At lunch, all the guys ate their lunches and talked to Matt. But Matt had
other things on his mind. 'Hey, Li, I can tell from the way you're
looking at Sakura that you have a crush on her.' 'No I don't' 'Oh yes you
do' 'He does, Matt' bryan said. 'He absolutely loves her' 'I DO NOT, YOU
GUYS!' 'I know what'll solve this. A dare.' 'A dare? What kind of dare,
Matt?' Li had a feeling that he would not like it one bit. 'I dare you to
ask Sakura out on a date, and kiss her at the end of the date.' 'That's
easy, you idiot!' 'IM NOT DONE YET!!!!' 'Well, go on......' 'AFTER the
night of the date, dump her. We'll be watching, so you can't cheat us.'
'Matt held out his fist for the handshake. 'Deal?' Li looked at his hand,
then at Matt's eyes. For just a second, he saw a look of pure hatred and
hope. Then, his eyes turned friendly again. Li held his hand out, then
slowly took it back. 'I can't do that. It will totally break Sakura's
trust in me.' 'Yah, I told you he loved her ' That did it. Li did the
handshake. 'I'll do it. I'll do the dare.'

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