FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 12: Is This Where It Ends

COMMENTS, COMPLAINTS, AND ALL THAT JUNK TO -- smileymon810@hotmail.com.
At the bottom, my author name is different. That is really who I am! I
have 2 identities!


"Where am I?" The brown-haired girl sat up. She was in an angel's
outfit: white dress, beautiful wings... everything except a halo. She was
resting in a bed. "I'm... Sakura Avalon, Cardcaptor." Sakura said. 'This
place looks like where your last stop before heaven would be.'
"That is correct, little one." A voice called out to Sakura. She looked
over and saw two people: one, a guy with long hair, and another, a guy
with glasses on in a regular outfit. 'Who are they?' Sakura wondered to
herself. The guy with the glasses smiled, and the guy all in white with
the long long hair remained solemn.
"My name is Yue, and this is the soul of Clow Reed, little Sakura." the
long-haired guy said. Clow Reed's soul smiled. "Hello, Cardcaptor
Sakura." Sakura looked at the two anxiously. "Where am I?" she asked,
confused. Yue smiled. "You are at my place, the place of the pre-heavens
and clouds. I brought you here because you were dying from your fight
with the Evil Card Magician, so I brou-"
"Wait, Evil Card MAGICIAN? Who's in the world is that? I don't know any
magician." Sakura looked puzzled. Clow Reed frowned in memory of his evil
twin brother. "My evil twin, The Dark Card Master -" Sakura gasped in
memory of her little battle with him, "- had an accomplice who made evil,
Dark Clow Magic. He took form as a human, and I sealed him as a human
forever, but he still has his old magic. The magician was reincarnated in
the human you know as -" Clow Reed paused. "Matt?" Sakura asked,
appalled. "MATT, he's the Evil Card MAGICIAN? Is that why he has all that
magic?" Yue intercepted. "Yes, Cardcaptor Sakura. Now, that won't matter
anymore, because I have used my magic to save you and bring you here.
Your mission right now is to go back to Earth, awaken yourself, alert
your guardian of my following message, and then go into the time warp."
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Sakura asked, frustrated.
"I am talking about the small price you must pay for yourself to stay
alive and defeat the Evil Card Magician." Sakura sighed and her face
fell. "There's a price to pay? What is it?" Yue looked down and then
straight in her eye. "There is two: One, you must make someone's feelings
for someone else disappear as if it never happened, and two, i must send
you back in time back to when you were 11." Sakura blinked. She
instinctively reached up to her necklace, where her charm was. 'make
someone forget about their feelings for someone else...' "Would the
victim I made lose her feelings for someone get it back?" Sakura inquired
worriedly. "Well, maybe, eventually." Yue said. He sat down next to
Sakura. "But you only get to change the feelings of those closest to
you." Clow Reed came over and held out a small globe. He waved a hand
over it. Her dad's face appeared. "Mr. Avalon.", then that vanished and
Tori's face appeared. "Tori Avalon.", then that vanished and another
face. "Madison.", and yet another face appeared. "Meilin." Then last of
all, a handsome young guy's face. "Li Syaoran." "These are your five
choices for the vanished feelings." "What else will change? I sense that
there are three changes, not two. You're not telling me something."
Clow Reed and Yue both smiled. "Your magic is powerful, little one." Yue
said. "Another thing that will change, is that Li's name shall be changed
to Syaoran Li, not the other way around." Sakura nodded. "Will everyone
else closest to me remember when they were teenagers?" "No, Sakura. Only
Li Syaoran will remember." Yue smiled and patted her hand. So did Clow
Reed. "I should be going down now..." she said quietly. Yue nodded. Clow
Reed took back his globe and left. "The people down in the real world
cannot see your soul, Sakura." Then Sakura flew down from the clouds to
the hospital, to her room, and into her body. She saw Madison besides
her, sleeping on her hand which was on Sakura's bed. Li was also inside,
holding her hand, a face of misery. She flew down to the room, and
landed, retracting her wings. Li looked up from his gaze at Sakura's face
on the bed. "I sense something," Li said slowly aloud. Sakura quickly
went into her body.


"I sense something," Li said. 'There's something in this room, a
power...' Li thought to himself. He turned his gaze back to Sakura. He
was holding her hand. He was about to fall asleep when he felt something
in his hand move. 'Did something move?!' Li looked anxiously at Sakura's
face. "Madison! Wake up! I think Sakura's coming to from her coma!"
Madison lifted her head. "Eh? You say something -yawn- Li?" Li nodded.
"Sakura's waking up. I felt her hand move." Madison opened her eyes wide
and stared at Sakura, then Li. "What? She is?" "Yeah!"
Then they heard Sakura mutter something. "Hey, let's listen!" Madison
whispered. "mmph, Clow Reed, Yue..." Sakura muttered, and her forehead
creased. "Don't feel... great... change... what... oh, feel so hot..."
Sakura started breathing quickly and then she screamed. "No! Don't hurt
me! Leave me alone! Go away, Matt! Go away!" And then Sakura woke up,
beads of sweat on her forehead. Her eyes flew open, and she put her left
hand to her mouth and sobbed quietly when she realized where she was.


'Poor Sakura.' Madison thought when Sakura started to sob. "Don't worry,
Sakura, I'm here. It's me, Madison." Sakura continued crying but hugged
Madison as well as she could. Madison looked at Li, mentally saying to
him, 'Go get the doctor.' Li nodded, got up quietly, and left.
"Madison... oah, that hurts!" Sakura said as she tried to sit up but felt
incredible pain and fell back down again. "Gotta get up..." she said, out
of breath. "No, you don't, Sakura!" She pushed Sakura's shoulders lightly
down, and brushed her cheek. "Whoa, you're burning up!" Madison put in a
small thermometer. "108 degrees farenheit! Tori! Mr. Avalon! Call the
doctor!" Madison shouted in fright. "Sakura has a 108 fever! Hurry!"
Madison watched as Mr. Avalon rushed away and Tori came in. "Sakura! Are
you okay?" "I don't feel good." Sakura cringed in pain. 'She's in so much
pain... and I can't do anything to help...' Madison thought miserably.
Sakura blinked back tears of pain and moved her arms and pushed against
her heart. "It hurts, so much!" Sakura held back tears of pain. Sakura
started to breath quickly in short, quick gasps. "It-- hurts so much...
Madison... oah..." Sakura closed her eyes, but she still felt the pain.
"Tori, Madison, help me..." she moaned.


Two weeks later, Sakura was in her own bed. Kero kept asking her
questions about the pain and all that stuff. Finally, Sakura blew her
top. "Look, Kero, just to shut you up - " Sakura reached into her purse
and pulled out ten dollars, " - Get Madison and tell her to buy you
whatever cheap candy there is in the candy store." "Woohoo!"
Sakura called Madison, who picked up Kero a ten minutes later. Sakura
was alone in the house. She was about to call Li over when she remembered
what had happened. 'I still can't believe he did that.....' she thought

That night, Sakura crawled into bed. The heart pains had stopped, and
now Sakura had a new view of life. She fell asleep, only to awake... in
the clouds!
"Hello?" Sakura looked around. Everything was white, like the last time
she had visited. "Clow Reed? Yue?" "Right here, Sakura Avalon." Clow Reed
was smiling a bit sadly, and Yue was coming in from a door in the clouds.
"Hello, welcome back. I have brought you here because I have forgotten to
tell you something." Sakura looked at him quizzically. "You haven't told
me everything?" "No, I'm afraid not. The last thing... you have to leave
in two days. The time warp. It will take you back in time." Sakura looked
at Yue and Clow Reed desperately. "Isn't there any way... that I don't
have to go?" Clow Reed had tears in his eyes. "No, I'm sorry. Matt, the
Card Magician, will use the Evil Death card and kill you in your sleep
after the time warp closes. But you will remember us. We'll help you in
every way possible after the time transition." Yue looked at her. "Here
is a gift." He touched her charm, and wings appeared at the sides of it.
"Any time you feel stressed or trapped, go to a secluded area, then touch
your charm. Your wings will appear, and you can fly anywhere you want in
this world. I suggest flying through the clouds. It is the most marvelous
sensation. The angel card gave me the wings as a gift, and I am now
giving it to you." "Angel card?" Sakura asked, confused. "There's one
more card left?" Sakura closed her eyes. Then she woke up again. She was
at Li's front door, wearing a light flowing summer dress that
complimented her great figure and was just right for the hot day. 'I know
I have to tell him... but I can't. I just can't.'

li's apartment...

'DING DONG.' Melanie watched as Li looked up at the sound of the bell.
Melanie had perked up too. Melanie was hanging on just out of sight on
Li's bedroom windowsill. As he left the room to answer the door, Melanie
silently slipped in through Li's window. 'Okay, part one is accomplished.
That's probably Sakura at the door. Part two: make Sakura run away,
totally hating Li or something like that!' She grabbed her towel, took
off her clothes, then wrapped the towel around herself. She was exiting
Li's room when he answered. "Oh hey Sakura." Melanie sauntered up next to
Li. "Li, what's going on?" Melanie looked innocently at Sakura, then
smiled triumphantly at her. Melanie held onto the corner of her towel
loosely. Li looked at Melanie right after she spoke and did a double
take. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Melanie smiled innocently. "Oh, just
waiting for you to come back inside."
Sakura watched. "I knew I couldn't trust you Li," she murmured sadly.
She turned away slowly, as if deciding something, then ran as fast as she
could down the stairs. "No! Sakura!" Li was about to run when Melanie
grabbed him. "Leave me alone!" Li yelled, then he pulled free of
Melanie's grasp and ran down the stairs after Sakura. "Sakura! Wait,
Sakura!" he cried anxiously. 'Mission accomplished,' Melanie thought


Li ran into the bright sunlight. He looked quickly left and right.
'Where is she?' Then he heard someone scream. Sakura stood paralyzed in
the street, and a truck was coming at her full-speed! "SAKURA!" Li ran
quickly into the street, oblivious of the cars around him. He grabbed
Sakura and used his momentum to get himself and Sakura out of the busy
street. They both fell onto the sidewalk, and felt the whoosh of air
after the truck careened away down the street. Li was still holding onto
Sakura, and their faces were inches away. He blushed slightly. 'Please
don't turn away from me, Sakura...' he thought.
Sakura looked at him and muttered, "Thanks." Then she turned her head
away and looked at the grass. Li got up, then pulled Sakura up and sat
her next to a tree. "Sakura, I know you think I'm cheating on you."
Sakura didn't respond, but Li could see how her eyes moved into a sad
face after his statement. "But I didn't. I found out from Madison that
some of Melanie's friends dared her to kiss me. Madison tried to talk
them out of it, but they didn't take back the dare. You can even ask
Madison if you don't believe me." Sakura was looking out at the street,
but she turned to face him. "I don't know if I should believe you.
Melanie is so into trying to take you away from me, maybe I should just
let her so our relationship won't have any more bumps." 'Nooooo...' Li
thought. "I'm not going to let you, Sakura. I still and always will love
you and only you. No one else. No matter what happens, I'll stay by your
side and protect you." Sakura kept looking at him, a faraway and sad look
in her eyes. Then she got up. "Here. Come with me." 'Where is she taking
me?' Li wondered curiously.

at the secret beach...

Li looked at the sparkling water and the bright sun incredulously. "This
place is awesome," he told Sakura. Sakura was holding a card. Then she
put it back in the book, which she put in the safe and then placed in the
sand. She covered it with sand. Then she stood up and walked over to
where Li stood. She looked down at the sand, tears in her eyes. Li
grabbed her hand and held it to his chest. Sakura looked up. Li looked
into her eyes. "You're trying to tell me something. What?"


'I can't tell him! It will break his heart...' Sakura thought sadly. She
couldn't seem to get the words out of her mouth. "I... I..." Sakura
stuttered out. 'But I have to tell him. The fate of this world, all that
is good, is in my hands.' Sakura looked at Li's hand, which held her own
gently. 'I have to tell him. Everything that happens in the future
depends on it.' As Sakura started talking, tears streamed down her
cheeks. "I have to go in two days." Sakura said. Li's eyes opened wide.
"Whaat? Where?" Sakura blinked, which send cascades of tears down. "It's
not the regular kind of going though. Me and you are going back in time.
Everyone is going back in time, but only us," Sakura touched his cheek
sadly, "-will remember our life as teenagers. We wouldn't have known Matt
or Melanie or any new kids. Just our regular 11-year-old life." "Then
what's the difference? We'll still continue our relationship. It'll be
the shock to the others, I know, but we'll still be together." Sakura
shook her head.
"Yue rescued me before I died. He has to change some things in our life
first though. One, go back in time. Two, your name is Syaoran Li, and
Three..." Sakura's voice stopped, but she kept crying. Li searched her
eyes. "What is the third?" Sakura took a deep breath. "I have to make
someone's feelings for someone disappear. I have chosen those feelings to
be mine... for yours."Li's mouth dropped. "But why jeopardize our
relationship?" Sakura's eyes blazed like fire through her sadness. "No
one - " she said fiercely, " - will do anything, get hurt in anyway, or
have their life changed at my expense. No one!" Then Sakura broke down
crying, and forgetting her past problems with Li, pulled him close and
hugged him. She stepped even closer to give him a kiss on the cheek.

'I'm not going to let our problems get in the way of the only remaining
time we have together!" Li thought determinedly. As Sakura stepped up to
give him a kiss on the cheek, Li took his free hand to turn Sakura's face
so that their lips met. He hugged her close, wrapping his left arm around
her waist, and his right hand on the back of her head, gently guiding her
toward him. He could feel Sakura hesitating about the way her kiss turned
out, but she pulled her arms around his neck, staying in the kiss. They
stayed like that for awhile. 'It feels so good to kiss the person I
love...' they both thought.

That night, Sakura stared out the window from her bed. She couldn't
sleep. Kero was sleeping next to her, holding onto a candy bar. She
remembered the angel wings. 'I haven't used them yet...' Sakura thought.
She got up quietly, tucking the blanket around Kero. She quietly opened
the window and stepped on the windowsill. Then Sakura jumped off and
touched her charm. Angel wings as white as snow spread from her back, and
Sakura flew high into the sky. It was like the fly card... but Sakura
felt very peaceful. She closed her eyes sadly. A bright white symbol
glowed on her forehead, then faded. A glowing white dove symbol...

next morning...

Sakura woke up. Kero was playing video games and he was beating everyone
and was on the last boss. As soon as he saw that Sakura was awake,
though, he turned off the game. Sakura stared at Kero. "Whaat?" he asked,
confused at the strange way Sakura was looking at him. She pointed at the
game system. "You didn't save it again, Kero." Kero looked at the system,
slowly registering what she had said. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" he howled.
Sakura started laughing, the first time in days. Kero smiled too, and he
laughed along with her.
For the rest of the day, she swam with Madison at the beach, bought
triple-scoop ice cream cones for herself and Kero, shopped at the mall
with Meilin, went to the theater with Rita and Chelsea, then climbed onto
the roof in her pale sunlight-colored white dress to think after eating
dinner. Both Tori and Mr. Avalon were out, working. Sakura had seen Tori
at the diner when she was with Madison, and she had seen her dad at a
museum when she had brought Kero along for treats and tell him what was
going to happen.


"Hey monster. What are you doing here with Madison?" Tori had asked her.
"We're just having fun, Tori. Hey, why do always change your jobs. It's
like you have a new one everyday." Sakura said curiously. "Yeah." Madison
giggled. Then started laughing quietly.
Tori glared at Sakura. "Why are you interested in that brat of yours
anyway? He is the most disgusting thing in Japan right now. Probably in
the world, too." Sakura kicked him in the shin. "Well..." she started
sweetly. "If you really hate him that much, I'll bring him to our house
more often and kiss him in your face so you can't say or do anything
about it. Besides, Dad really approves of MY date. If he ever saw
yours..." she started laughing and left with Madison, eating their
chocolate sundaes. Tori glared at her back. 'Grrrrrrrrr....'


"Hey Dad! What are you doing at the museum?" Sakura yelled to him
happily through the quiet museum. Her voice echoed through the hall. She
blushed crimson, and ran quickly to him with Kero in her bag.
"Oh, I'm just looking at these models of old pyramids. Remember that
demonstration I gave your class years and years ago?" He laughed at the
memory, then smiled. "Tonight, you cook dinner, alright Sakura?"
"Sure! I'll cook a feast! AND dessert too." she grinned.
"Just make sure it's edible Sakura." Then Mr. Avalon opened the door and
walked into the storage room.


Sakura stood atop the roof, the wind sweeping her dress into soft
billows. The stars twinkled gently but brightly. She found the North
Star, then the little dipper, the Big Dipper, and some stars that
outlined a picture somewhat like Kero. She looked around, making sure no
one was watching, and then touched her charms. Beautiful white wings
appeared from her back. She jumped, and flew quickly in the direction of
the secret beach. It was nearing midnight... the time when she would go
back in time... the time when she would forget Li...


Five minutes before midnight, Sakura stood at the edge of the beach, her
earrings and Clow Book in one hand, and her sealing wand in the other.
'One more card...' she thought. {a girl who looks just like me, standing
the way I was on my roof, tears falling from my eyes...} "Forever Card."
The card appeared in her hand. She tucked it in with her other cards. She
touched her charm, returning her sealing wand into it. The wings
appeared. She started to jump, when...
"Sakura!" Li ran up to her, breathless. "Kero said you were going to be
here." Sakura looked at him sadly. She took out the forever card. "It
might not seem useful... but when it is needed, great power will come
from it." Sakura held the card, and put her index and middle finger on
the center of the picture side of the card. Li did the same on the other
side. Sakura closed her eyes, wishing something for the card, and the
symbol of Clow appeared underneath them. Sakura was disappearing, fading
in and out, in and out, like a vanishing star. "Clow Reed... Yue... I'm
ready to leave now..." Sakura's voice choked, and tears began streaming
down her cheeks. The Clow Book and earrings went into her charm. She
opened her sad, glistening eyes. "Look at the shooting star, Li. I'll
never forget you." Sakura kissed him on the lips, her fingers gently
brushing his cheek, and she disappeared, just as a shooting star shot
across the sky. The Forever Card fluttered to the ground. Li watched the
star vanish. "Forever, Sakura. I'll love you forever."


omigosh. I actually finished it! Yes yes yes yes yes! There's going to be
another story though (of course duh). I don't know what I'll call it...
but if you have any title suggestions, please Please PLEASE send it to
the email address below! Really, I'm not joking. I'll pick the best one,
if I really like it! Also, I might start a fanfic site soon. For
everything. Cardcaptors, digimon, pokemon, whatever. If you have any
suggestions or stories, send it to the same email address!

smileypal4eva aka smileymon810

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