FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

'What have I done?' Li shouted when he got to the little lake in the
park after school. 'What did you do, Li?' Sakura's head came up from
behind a big oak tree clear across the lake. 'Oh! I uh...um..eh, well,
I-I-I, um...' Li's face turned as red as a tomato. 'Sakura has such a
musical voice' Li thought.
'Well?' Sakura used the Clow card Float to float across the calm water.
Her emerald eyes looked at Li closely. Then her face became totally
concerned. 'Is something wrong Li? Do you want to talk about it?' She
linked her elbow through his and led him up to her treehouse Tori had
built for her. Li blushed even more and looked at the floor. 'Li! What's
the matter?!'
'Sakura, I wish I could tell you the truth!' Li thought miserably. 'Oh,
um, Sakura, well, I really wanted to ask you, um, isn't the weather
beautiful?' Li blurted out. He smacked himself on the head by instinct.
'Li! Are you alright?' She felt her hand to Li's forehead. It was a bit
warm from his smack, but regular. 'Oh, I could just die for doing these
dumb mistakes!' Li thought angrily. Then he smiled one of his rare smiles
at Sakura and looked at her straight in the eye. 'Sakura. I was
wondering. Would you like to go the Fall Fantasy dance at Starlight High

'Oh! My dream has come true!' Sakura thought blissfully as she twirled
her way home. 'Li asked me to the dance! My dream has come true!' "I'm
home, Tori, Dad!" she called out happily as she jumped through the door.
'Hey, monster.' Tori said without looking up from the dinner he was
making. "Hi Tori!" Sakura said happily. She bounced up the stairs,
humming. "Huh??" Tori looked up the stairs as Sakura closed her door.
"Hey, cherry blossom!" Mr. Avalon said to Sakura. "hey dad." "Do you
have homework?" "Yeah." "Did you finish?" "Almost" "When you're done,
come down to dinner, okay Sakura?" "Sure thing, dad" He closed the door
and went downstairs. When he left, Sakura flopped on the bed. Kero-chan
popped up from the drawer. "Where've you been, Sakura? I was waiting for
you to bring me the candy!" He chewed on his bubble gum while eating the
cookies she gave him the day before. 'Here you go, Kero-chan! I got them
just for you!' She dumped out a whole bunch of candy from her bookbag.
'Ah, heaven!' Kero took the whole stack and stashed it in the drawer. He
was about to step in, when 'Sakura?' 'Yeah, Kero?' 'What happened? You
look like that brat asked you to marry you or something.' 'So close,
Kero! He asked me to the Fall Fantasy dance, the one I told you I wanted
to go to so much!' Kero's face turned all blue, but he said ,"The brat
asked you on a date?" "Yup!" 'Okay, seeya later!' He jumped under the bed
and fell asleep.
Sakura got up and took a picture out of her desk drawer. It was a
picture of her and Syaoran after they turned the Light and Dark cards
into Sakura cards. Sakura was holding her sealing wand and jumping for
joy, while Li was on the ground in his robe, holding the two cards and
smiling at Sakura. Madison was in the background, taping everything, with
Meilin next to her, throwing a tantrum. 'Li asked me out, Li asked me
out! I can't wait until the Fall Fantasy. It's the first formal dance of
the year. Gosh, I have to buy a dress!' She set down the picture and
finished her homework. 'Sakura, time to eat!' 'Coming, Dad!' She flew
down the stairs in happiness.

Li had his nose in the closet, looking for the right outfit for the fall
fantasy, when the phone rang. 'Hello, Li residence.' 'Hi, Li! It's me,
Meilin!' 'Oh' Li said, disappointed. He had been hoping for a phone call
from Sakura. 'Hi, Meilin. What do you want?' Meilin, on the other hand,
was bubbling with excitement. She finally had the courage to ask Li the
question she had wanted to ask him from the beginning of the year. At
first she tried to talk to him alone, but she gave up on that and finally
just phoned him. With the Fall Fantasy just a week away, she couldn't
take any chances. 'Well, I was wondering, Li, if you want to go to that
Fall Fantasy with me. You know, I don't have anyone else to go with.'
Meilin's voice bubbled with excitement and joy.
'Sorry, Meilin.' 'WHAT?! Why not?!' 'Meilin, I already asked Sakura to
the dance! 'Then cancel with her and come with me!' Meilin screamed, red
in the face with embarassment, even though. 'I'm not canceling on her,
Meilin. All I want to do is go with Sakura to...' "I-DONT-CARE!
I-HATE-YOU-LI-SYAORAN!!!" and she hung up the phone. 'It's always SAKURA.
I have NEVER heard him say to that stupid Sakura "I'm going to this and
that with MEILIN on a date. Always SAKURA, SAKURA, SAKURA! One day, I'm
going to make her sorry she EVER went out with Li Syaoran!'

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