FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 6: A Battle Never Forgotten


Kero started to transform into Kero Beros as he ran to rescue Sakura. Li
jumped on top of him, riding Kero Beros through the dark fortress. "Kero!
Right there! In that room!" The room that Li was pointing to glowed every
now and then with black magic, and yelps and screams of pain were echoing
through it. Matt was about to move the sphere again towards the
splintered wall when Kero and Li burst into the room. "Element! Fire!" Li
shouted, tossing the flames in Matt's direction. "Ahh! It's burning! Dark
Evil, water!" The water sprayed from the sphere, but fire was stronger.
While Matt was busy with the fire, Kero and Li ran to Sakura, who was
slumped in the corner of the room, holding her right hand. Sakura had her
eyes closed. "Is she dead?" Li asked worriedly. Suddenly Sakura stirred,
and opened her eyes, slowly, until her dull emerald eyes saw Li and Kero.

"You came to rescue me. Thank you," Sakura said weakly, her eyes
brightening. "You must fight Matt and the Dark Card Master. They are more
powerful than anything we have ever seen. I heard him say that the Dark
Card Master was Clow Reed's evil twin or enemy or something like that, I
don't know. It's all so confusing... OW! That's my arm, Li." Li removed
his hand and saw red. 'Oh nooo, Sakura....' He looked at Sakura's shirt.
She quickly covered it with her left hand, but Li saw anyway. It was
blood, all over Sakura's right hand sleeve. 'I can't believe someone
could be so mean to such a wonderful person...' He looked up at Matt, who
had finally destroyed the flames. "You will pay, Matt, for hurting
Sakura!!" He swung his sword in arcs until a blue aura flame appeared,
and then pointed the tip upward, his palm flat on it horizontally, and
shouted, "POWER ELEMENT! ICE!" A whole barrage of ice flew swiftly from
the sword, striking Matt everywhere. "You think you have beaten me, Li
Syaoran, but you thought wrong! Dark Evil, release into the element fire!
Burn this pitiful ice cubes to water!" Quickly, a black flame started
from this black sphere, and leaped from ice cube to ice cube, spreading
into thousands of little flames attacking the ice. Li's ice was helpless.
"POWER ELEMENT! WATERFALL! Destroy the flames and attack Matt with all
your power!" The water came in sheets from the sword, acting like a
waterfall, along with rocks and dirt that hit Matt ferociously. "AHH!
Dark Evil, return! Strike with you disabling thunder!" The thunder
struck, black as night, into the water, and it ran up to the sword,
striking Li also! "AAHHH!" He flew into the wall as the impact of the
electricity hit him.
Using his sword, he got up, and swung his sword in arcs until a golden
sorts of water, wind, ice, fire, and electricity flew out of the sword,
Li ran to Sakura, panting. "Li, you're hurt. Please stop fighting." Li's
eyes filled with tears of pain and hurt. "I can't, Sakura. Not after
knowing and hearing what he did to you." Kero Beros rushed from the door
to Li and Sakura. "Sakura! Li! The Dark Card Master is coming. You must
regain your energy, quickly! He is extremely powerful, much more powerful
than Matt. With their powers combined, they'll be nearly unstoppable!
Come hurry, get up! Sakura, I brought the Clow Cards for you. Here." He
tossed the Clow Book to her. The Shield's power flew back into the book.
"Thank you." Kero looked over at the door. "The Dark Card Master is
The Dark Card Master was dressed in all black, in a hooded cape. "You
cannot defeat me, Card Mistress. Clow Reed could not defeat me! I am his
evil twin, Dark Card Master, and once I destroy you, the world will be
mine for the taking! Hahahahahha!" Sakura released her sealing wand.
Using it, she got up. "Stop laughing, Dark Card Master. You have no
power, not when I'm around. I, the Clow Card Mistress, will defeat you
and your soldiers, once and for all, a task even Clow Reed couldn't do!"
Raising her sealing wand, she called upon a card. "Freeze Card! Release
and dispel! Freeze Card! Freeze Matt and the Dark Card Master!" The
Freeze Card came rushing out of the card, and headed straight for the
Dark Card Master. He simply held out his sleeve, turned it once, and
pulled his arm back. The Freeze Card came rushing back. "Oh no! Watery
Card! Release and dispel! Watery Card! Melt the Freeze Card!" Water
rushed from the card, and melted the ice. "This is hard, Li! Freeze Card
is one of my most useful cards. Freeze Card, return!" Li frowned,
thinking hard. Suddenly his head snapped up. "Sakura! What if the Dark
Card Master is hiding something under his sleeve? Like, on the palm of
his hand? Let's you and me both do the Wind."
shouted at the same time. Wind blew hard from Li's sword and from
Sakura's card, twisting and twirling in unpredictable patterns toward the
Dark Card Master's sleeve, and flipping it back, revealing a dark glowing
word, EVIL. The Dark Card Master hadn't noticed yet. He was battling the
swirling wind, and wherever he chopped with his magic staff, the wind
just came back. Li stepped forward, and was about to call upon a power
element, when Sakura put her good hand in front of him. She held her
sealing wand with both hands, and raised it... but lowered her arms
again, and dropped the wand, clutching her broken arm. "Li, I know I am
the only one who can destroy this Dark Card Master once and for all...
but I can't gain full power unless I raise my staff to the heavens. What
should I do?" Li looked at her closely, and held her on the shoulders. He
peeked at Matt and the Dark Card Master, who still had no idea how to
fight the wind. Then he turned back to her. "Sakura, I can help you. Kero
told me on the way, that the prophecy said that two Card Heroes... would
rescue Earth from total destruction. HEROES. Here. Pick up your wand."
Sakura picked it up, but was too weak to hold it with both arms. Suddenly
the staff raised. Li held it with his right arm, the one Sakura had
broken. He held her hand with his left hand. This gesture gave Sakura the
strength she needed.
"I call upon the powers of the Clow Cards... give me your power, give me
your strength, give me the will to destroy this evil Dark Card Master and
his evil villains. Power of Clow! Release your powers to me!" Kero ran
behind Li and Sakura, and carried them on his back. "Card Mistress
Sakura, I shall give you my power as well." "Thank you, Kero. Now! Power
of Clow... give me the strength and will I need to destroy this villain.
RELEASE, POWER OF CLOW!!!" From her sealing wand, came the power of
Clow... a flash of brightness from the top of the wand, which turned it
into a golden circle with a star inside, containing all of the Clow
Cards's powers. A glitter, then a sparkle, and a powerful, glittering
beam shot towards the evil symbol on the Dark Card Master's hand. It was
as fast as the dash card... as bright and dull as the light and dark
cards... as insistent as the shot card... wetness, heat, electrical,
breezy... all of the beam was made of the Clow Cards's power, all the
cards who loved Sakura... they were all there, present in the beam. As it
struck the Dark Card Master's hand, he gasped, saying, "This is not the
end, Card Mistress! I will defeat the good someday!" And he vanished into
thin air, never to return. The fortress disappeared into the clouds,
along with Matt, as well as all the villains inside the black fortress.
And Sakura, Li and Kero fell down through the air, falling closer and
closer with every second towards the ground.

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