FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

I dont own any of the characters and blah blah blah blah so on and on and on

By Lumus1553@aol.com

The second Chance

There was a flash of light, in the light she saw Li running away from something. Something black was chasing him, Sukura yelled to tell Li to run, but no words came out of her mouth. "Run, run Li!" She had thought in her head! Li had tripped in a crack and lied helplessly on the ground, just waiting for the black beast to be there. Li yelled out in pain as the black demon came closer to his aching body. Sukura woke up, her heart beating, her stomach tied into knots. " Li" she screamed, it was a dream. Kero had just woken up by the loud noise, " What's wrong?" He said sleepily. Tears were now running down her cheek, reflected by the light from the moon, they looked like stars falling from the midnight sky. "Tell me Sukura what's bothering you?" "Nothing" she said emptily. "Are you sure, if you feel bad just tell me. I'm not just your Clow Card guardian I'm a friend you know." "Thanks Kero but I'm okay" "Ahh" Kero yawned and said, "Good night Sukura." Sukura looked out at the night sky, thinking about the dream. For she only remembered only little parts of it now, Li running from a black figure, screaming in pain. A soft wind caressed her silky skin, Sukura went back to bed, and fell asleep. "Ring! Ring! Ring!" The alarm rang shaking Sukura and Kero woke up. "Mourning Kero" Said Sukura happily, trying to forget last night. "Good Mourning Sukura, about last night are you sure your okay?" "Yes, Kero I don't want to talk about it okay." She said. "Sure." He replied. Sukura rushed to dress up, because she said that she would meet Li before school started. Sukura grabbed an apple and skated faster then ever. "So far Li and I have been capturing Clow Cards for about a year and a half. We have encountered danger in the face more than anybody else. I want to confess that I like Li more than a friend, I don't care what Meilin says. She's a stuck up girl that thinks that she can get any boy that she wants." She thought. ( In the school hall) As she walked down the hall she met Li, "Hi, Li I needed to tell you that um?." "Well?" "Um??I?. Um??quot; "Yeah!" "RING! RING! RING!" the bell had saved Sukura from telling him her secret but she still had to tell him. "Tell me latter okay." "Sure." Mr. Terato was teaching the class about the discovery of America. "There will be a test on this next Tuesday, so study!" After a couple of hours Sukura and Madison walked back home, "What's wrong Sukura tell me, you look so sad." "Me I'm not sad hahaha" she was making a fake laugh. "Whatever" Madison said. Chapter 2 The Figure in Black As the night grew dark a dark figure appeared walking closer to Li Showrun's house. Li was doing his homework and studying for the test, when he heard a cat hiss and scream. Then he saw the dead cat's body outside the window. Its fur was ripped off, the face was all scratched up, and it had gashes all over its body. "What happened to that cat he thought?" He went out side and poked the cat around to see if it was alive still. "Poor cat he said" BOOM! BOOM! something was coming towards Li, the figure leapt into the air ready to strike' Meanwhile Sukura was at home sulking about how she didn't tell Li about her love for him. So, she decided to go over to his house and tell him. Sukura heard fighting so she ran faster, she saw Li and the figure fight. "The key of Clow, power of magic, release." Her key had turned into the staff, "Jump" Sukura leapt in front of the monster, and pulled out the fighting card. She said Fighting card give your energy to me, Release and de spell! Sukura started to attack the figure punching and kicking as fierce as possible. Sukura did all different moves, she blocked the attacks and then kicked it in the stomach. "What my foot, it went through!" "Sukura use elemental attacks!" Li shouted "Windy go" then Windy had hit the card so hard that the leaves were stripped off the trees. "The card its fading" Sukura had run closer to capture it, when the card attacked Sukura, slashing her leg. Blood streamed from her legs to the ground. "Ahhh my leg!" tears formed, now falling leaving drops on the cold cement floor. Before the card finished her off Li had sent out thunder. The card was distracted and now went towards Li. "Come here you ugly monster, yeah you come on," Li yelled. The card ran to him slashing him nearly missing his face. "No, Li Run!" Sukura yelled weakly, "No, I'm going to finish this card off!" Li said. Visions of the dream were coming back to focus. Li lying motionless, blood coming from his side, his skin bruised and torn. "No, Li you can't!" Sukura watched in horror as she watched as the card slashed at Li, Li being thrown across the floor. Chapter 3 The Good bye "NO!" Sukura ran not even caring about the wound, she had felt a surge of energy flow through her. She stood in front of the card and screamed Return to your power confined! The card tried to escape but now was transforming to the card. "Li I caught the card" she said, holding his head. Li was barely alive and said " You still have no idea about this." Smiling, Li gasped for air and said" what did you want to tell me?" " Li I love you, I love you!" she said crying. Li smiled and said, "were still together, we'll always be together." "No, Li don't talk like that, don't pretend that your going to die!" "It doesn't matter I'll always be there." Then Li breathed his last breath and died in Sukura's arms. "NO! This is not happening, NO!" She lay sobbing on his lifeless body. Little dots of light were appearing out from his body "What the?" she said shockingly. The little lights now were forming into one whole figure. There stood Li, shining like an angel. "Sukura you have to go on, don't look back, I will be with you always." He said. Chapter 4 The last chance Ring! Ring! Ring! "Li!" Sukura shouted. "What the?" Kero said tiredly "Oh it was a dream!" "What was a dream Kero" said weirdly. No time to explain I need to go to school real fast. She got ready for school and ran. ( On the way to school ) "Li, the thing I wanted to tell you was that, I um ? I um?. I like you more then a friend. As a boy friend even more than that." Oh! Um?I like you too, it's just that Meilin is always a pain." "Then he kissed her on the cheek and walked to school." THE END

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