FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Author's Note: I was thinking of what had never been done with S & S. I hope this is original enough to be different from other S & S romances. I'm sure you'll all be amused with Syaoran's numerous blushes, which is his trademark when involving anything with Sakura-chan. I don't know or speak Japanese, so if I get the titles wrong, please forgive me. I will avoid everything except the name endings! Other than that, this should be relatively similar to other "series" format. But I really do not know what it will turn out to be. I can only think one step at a time. And even then, it is extremely difficult. I tend to pop up ideas as I write so who knows how long this could be? *giggles* I've written a 50 page short story! And I never finished it. So get at me with C & C and encouragement if you want me to continue to write it. Actually I believe I've only finished 3 stories in my life! Short as it is (15 years). Email me at holly_yih@hotmail.com

DISCLAIMER: The characters are a property of CLAMP. However, the situation is mine. Please do not sue a 15 year old girl!

An Endless Affair (written by YIH)

Part 1: Missing Sakura

It had been unbearable the first year of the university away from Sakura. He had almost, yes the keyword was *ALMOST*, he thought with sad bemusement, switched universities to be closer to her. But he had managed to survive. Mostly because of the constant talks they had on the phone during the little free time with their hectic college lives. And he had talked about switching, she bluntly told him, "That is stupid, Syaoran! I can't believe you would give up on a full scholarship to one of the most prestigious universities because *you* aren't sure you want to study *that* particular subject!"

He had almost grinned. He did blush though, hotly, too. That had hardly been the real reason. But he couldn't give her the real reason. That would have sounded even more ridiculous. Even though he wanted to. God knows, he wanted to tell her it was because of her that he wanted to forget the honor he had received. He just wanted to be with her. He wanted to be with her all the time.

He sighed as he bent his dark head over a textbook on Japanese culture, one of the "filling" classes he took. This was his last final. And after that he could return back to his little apartment and spend the summer with Sakura, Tomoyo, Yamazaki, Yukito, and Sakura's numerous other friends. A shiver ran down his spine. He couldn't wait. He had never been particularly impatient. He just wanted to see Sakura again so badly. _Badly_, the word shook his mind.

* * * * *

His finals were done. The university would be closed until next September. He sighed with relief. But even that couldn't keep down the alarming excitement building up inside of him. He opened the door of his apartment. It had been abandoned since last fall. He looked around, amazed. His apartment wasn't musty or dusty. It was sparkling clean. It had to be Sakura.

He yelled, eagerness ringing in his voice, "Sakura? Sakura, I know you're here!"

"Actually, she isn't," the voice was Touya's, Syaoran ears registered quite disappointedly.

He whirled around and met face-to-face with Touya, Sakura's older brother, a very protective older brother.

Touya continued, "Sakura came here last weekend to clean up with the help of Tomoyo-chan." He grinned with humor, "Kero-chan refused to help. Not like those two needed the help..."

"Where is she now?" He interrupted Touya as he tried to keep his voice from showing his keen disappointment that he was feeling.

"Helping Miko pack," Touya responded.

He nodded, as if he knew who Miko was. Of course he didn't, but he didn't need to let Touya know of that. He saw Touya's glare and glared back. Although they had settled their differences after Sakura had been so upset a few years ago, they only behaved in a half-way friendly manner in front of her. That was as far as they would take it. They tolerated each other. And it was just that simple. And it was all for Sakura.

"Sakura just wanted me to tell you, you're invited to have dinner over at the house at 7, brat," said Touya after the glaring contest ending, he felt he needed to explain his presence.

Touya was about to make his exit out of the brat's apartment when Syaoran asked, "Why didn't she just leave a note?"

"She said something about not wanting you to feel lonely..." Touya's voice trailed off as he abruptly slapped the shorter Syaoran hard on the back.

He looked at Touya's disappearing back as he rounded the corner. He wasn't short, he thought firmly. Touya was just tall.

He sighed. He pulled out a picture of Sakura that Tomoyo had taken of him and her. It wasn't that Sakura was the most beautiful creature in the world, although he definitely thought she was, it was because she was so naive and fragile and sweet and beautiful inside was why he loved her. He knew he loved her. It hurt him inside not to have said those 3 simple words to her. But he wasn't sure he did love her. He was sure now. He wouldn't miss her so much if he didn't love her. The ones you only like in that way would fade with time, not the ones you love.

His face was filled with yearning as he stared at Sakura's happiness in the picture. He stifled a third sigh of the day. He had been sighing too much lately. However, he did sigh again later. He was becoming excruciatingly more sad and resigned. How could he tell her how he felt? It was hard. What if he was rejected? Could he survive it? But Tomoyo had kept telling him how much Sakura felt for him. Almost regretfully. He knew Tomoyo loved Sakura as much as he did. But did Sakura feel the same way about him? Well if he never tried, he thought seriously, he would never know how she felt. And he wanted to know how she felt. Who cares if she rejects me? At least I knew I tried for the one I loved! He put the picture away and decided to go do something shopping to get his mind off the impending excitement of seeing Sakura at dinner.

He shopped for food and other essentials he no longer had stocked up in his apartment. He had came upon a small jewelry shop in his hurried shopping, so he could get home in time for a small nap. He browsed for the longest time in the shop before finding exactly what he wanted. After that he was so tired, he decided to take a nap because the night before, he had been so tense at seeing Sakura again he hadn't slept well. His eyes closed as he smiled. He had gotten Sakura the perfect gift. The perfect gift.

written June 27, 2000

Notes: 1. I always thought Syaoran could be a little "anxious" so I decided to make him a little that way. After all he hasn't seen his cherry blossom for a long.... time!

2. I hope you all enjoyed this. The Part 2 should be out very soon. Maybe before Ann can get this up! Summer school fuels my imagination! I know this is short, but well.... hey! It isn't easy to write! LOL

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