FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Title: An Endless Affair (by YIH)

Part 3: A Wondering Sakura

Sakura sat on her bed next to her best friend, Tomoyo. Mike had left with Touya and Yukit, since he was staying with them. Sakura looked at Tomoyou and asked, "Syaoran acted a little different today, don't you think?"

Tomoyo laughed to herself at Sakura's naiveness, "He was acting very strangely, actually."

Sakura smiled with relief as Tomoyo agreed with her, "Do you have any idea why?"

"Well, it might be because he had to sit next to Touya, instead of you. Or it might be because he's jealous of Miko. Or it could even be both," Tomoyo said thoughtfully.

Sakura was lost, "Syaoran-chan is jealous of what?"

"You were sitting next to Miko. You did help him pack," reminded Tomoyo, who was a very keen observer with her digital video camera. Tomoyo sighed though as she thought, Sakura don't you know that everybody loves you?

Sakura still had a perplexed look on her face as the doorbell rang, "That must be your mom."

She looked out of her window, and she saw a sleek black limo, "Hai, it's your mom, Tomoyo-chan."

Tomoyo hugged Sakura, "See you tomorrow, Sakura-chan. I'll miss you!"

"Bye Tomoyo-chan! I'll miss you too!" Sakura called out happily, her thoughts leaving her mind temporarily.

After Sakura closed the door to the empty house, her dad called and told her he would just stay at a hotel, since it was so late. Sakura nodded before going up to her room. She caught Kero-chan playing his new video game, quite enthusiastically. She smiled, that was the typical Kero.

She sat on her bed and watched him play. Kero abruptly stopped and looked at Sakura, "You aren't brooding over the brat, are you?"

Sakura turned her face away to hide the answer that Kero already knew. Kero asked with concern, "What's wrong, Sakura?"

"Nothing, Kero-chan. Nothing at all," Sakura responded.

Kero didn't say anything. He didn't continue playing the game either. He went over to Sakura and snuggled up against Sakura. He knew instinctly that whatever was bothering Sakura was not going to be revealed to him just yet.

Sakura turns off the lights and settles into her bed, thinking about how Syaoran acted. She stared out her window. She personally thought that Miko was the best-looking guy she had ever seen. Afterall, he always dressed in just the right way. He had a breathtaking smile, his blue eyes filled up with knowledge and emotion. But Syaoran had overwhelmed her. She smiled sweetly, he always did. Even though Syaoran had a leaner more mysterious presence, that attracted her to him.

Miko, she liked a lot. But honestly? It was Syaoran she loved. She knew Miko cared for her deeply. If it wasn't for Syaoran, she would, she believe come to love Miko as more than a friend. Syaoran didn't need to be jealous, she thought firmly. She would just have to tell him tomorrow. He had no reason at all to be jealous.

Written June 29, 2000

Notes: 1. Isn't my Miko simply dreamy? I know the S&S fans are clammering to know what happens, never fear it will all be revealed. I'm currently undergoing a complete revamped of the fanfic. I wrote it, if you noticed in June, but the storyline has changed slightly and I'm thinking of adding more depth to the story.
2. Email me at holly_yih@hotmail.com for any suggestions! =)

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