FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

~Sakura's POV~



Slipping through an open window at Li's house, I commanded the Float card in the
direction of his room. Once there, I got him into bed and called back the card. I pulled
the covers up, lost in thought. He was still out cold.

I stared down at him wonderingly. He was so peaceful. I quickly checked to see if he was
still breathing, and sighed in relief when I felt his pulse in his neck. Then I brushed some
hair away from his face. I couldn't resist. I didn't know why.

I blinked slowly, once again thinking back to the battle with the Doom Card. That had
been the ultimate fear. There was no way to describe what I'd been feeling when Li
died like that. Scared? Not really. Sad? Didn't even cover the half of it. All I know was
that I meant everything I told the Angel card. It had hurt. Worse than anything at all.
Even worse than the way I'd already been feeling lately. I knew why.

I knelt next to Li's bed. "Why?" I whispered to his sleeping form. "Why didn't you just do
it?" What I meant was, why hadn't he just done what the Doom Card had commanded
him to do? Would it really have been so hard? Don't get me wrong, it wasn't like I wanted
to die, but I realized that if it would prevent Li from getting hurt, I would.

I knew I really cared about him, way more than I should. And I knew it was dangerous
to feel this way, especially with what was going on. I shut my eyes briefly as I recalled
the terrible argument. I could still hear Li's words: "God Sakura, sometimes I just hate
I remembered my own cruel words: "I hope you don't think the feeling isn't mutual! I
hate you too!"

What was I on? I wondered for the 90th time. I couldn't even remember a single thing
that had happened before those words had been said. I stifled a muffled sob.

And now I was feeling worse than ever. Because of the argument. Because of the battle.
For one thing, I remembered how Li had always stuck up for me, no matter what. Whether
we were fighting a Clow Card or just something that happened at school. And then one
little argument had destroyed all that. And if the Angel card hadn't shown up when it
did...I knew I would never have gotten the chance to tell him how sorry I was.

I pulled out the Doom card and the Angel card, looking at them both. I remembered what
I'd told the Angel, that my love would remain true. But could I really tell Li that? I
wondered. How could I? Especially when I was sure that he meant every single word he'd
said to me over the past week. I still couldn't understand why he'd refused to hurt me.

I turned to the Doom card, thinking about the fight again. The thing was, I didn't hate it.
I wasn't even mad at it. I thought about how horrible it must be to live without feeling.
No wonder there'd been such weariness and darkness surrounding it. Hopefully, it would
be okay now.

I looked at my watch and got up, deciding to meet Madison and Meiling and the others
at the drama club. I quickly wrote a note explaining things to Li and telling him what to
do when he woke up, sticking it on the table next to his bed. Then I studied both the
cards for a moment. Finally, I placed the Angel card next to him. It suited him better, no
matter what he did. Hesitating for a moment, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, feeling
the familiar pain well up inside me. "I'm sorry, Li," I whispered.

I jumped away from him as he stirred slightly. Maybe he'd heard me, or felt me.
I hope he wakes up soon, I thought, dashing out of the room and out the front door. But I
still didn't want to be there when he did. Maybe I was stubborn, or guarding my feelings. I
didn't want to apologize to him until I knew exactly where he stood.



~Li's POV~



I opened my eyes to white blurriness. I stared up in confusion for a moment, then blinked
slowly, my vision finally clearing. I was looking at my bedroom ceiling.

What was going on? How had I gotten here? The last thing I remembered was being at
the park, facing off with a Clow Card....the rest was all a blank, or fragments of things
that didn't really make sense. Something about an angel...or had there been 2?

I groaned and sat up with much effort. I reclosed my eyes for a moment, trying to get
the room to stop spinning. I looked around. I was in my bed in my room, for sure. There
was little light coming from outside, causing everything to have a long shadow. Something
next to me caught my eye. I picked it up. It was a Clow Card, but when I turned it over
I was confused. The Angel Card? Where'd that come from?

I rubbed my eyes as a few more events came back to me. The meeting at the park. The
encounter with the Doom Card. I'd refused to hurt Sakura in any way.....and then what?
More blurred images. I remembered hearing and seeing a few things even when I'd been
out of it...but what? Angels...there had been 2, I thought. One with incredibly startling
eyes, and all white. And another one with amazing green eyes, who'd looked so familiar..

I glanced at the Angel card in my hand. I guess that would explain the first angel, so at
least I knew it hadn't all been some really crazy dream.
Then I noticed something on my bedside table. I picked it up, it was a note.


Just so you don't get all confused and everything when you wake up, this is what
happened. Remember, Kero told us that the Doom Card was loose, and it was in the
park? We fought it, and you almost--or you did--end up dead. The Angel Card came along
and brought you back to life. That should clear everything up.
Also, don't forget that there's a drama club meeting tonight, so when you're feeling
better, drop by, okay?



It wasn't signed, but I knew who'd written it. I'd know the handwriting anywhere. And I
also realized who the second "angel" must have been.

I sighed and tore up the note as I remembered everything that had happened the past
week. So she had been here after all. That explained the Angel Card that was here.
Why? I wondered. Why would she even care? I laid back on my bed, staring up at the
ceiling. I also remembered the battle with the Doom Card, well, up to when it had
apparently killed me.

I'd refused to kill Sakura, I thought, thinking back to that moment when the Doom card
had given me the choice. Some choice. I remembered the way I felt when it told me to kill
her. And I remembered realizing that there was no way that I would ever be able to do
something like that to her. Not with the way I'd been feeling about her.
I'd meant everything that I'd told the card of doom. I wouldn't be able to live without her,
and knowing I'd murdered her myself...I'd picked the right choice, I'd known for sure. She
meant everything to me. Which was why it hurt so much.

I got up, and leaving my room, I went to the balcony. Not bothering to close the sliding
doors, I walked over to the railing and leaned against it, staring over the skyline. The
sun was nothing more than a pink streak across the horizon, stars beginning to show
through the empty purple sky.

My body felt numb. Too bad I couldn't say the same for my heart and my mind. They
were churning like crazy with so many emotions. Love. Fear. Anger. And another one
that I couldn't define, but which scared me. All centered around one pretty green-eyed
girl. And I remembered the words we'd exchanged with the Doom Card watching.

"Why you should care? Yes, that is what you were about to say, wasn't it? I don't know
why you should, either."
"Well, maybe I don't."

I squeezed my eyes shut. I wanted the tears to fall. They wouldn't. I felt so cold. Things
were shattering, breaking, tearing up inside my heart. Because of her. Why?
The pain hadn't gone anywhere. Now it hurt physically. I could actually feel my heart
beating wildly as I clutched the balcony railing. I found myself asking why I hadn't just
stayed dead before. I didn't want to go through this because of her. No one deserved to
go through this. Love and hate someone so strongly, at exactly the same time? It was
too much, it hurt too much.

I heard a knock at the door. I didn't even bother to attempt moving to answer it. The
door was open, they could let themselves in. I didn't care if it was a criminal. It might
make things so much easier. I didn't care who it was.

Sure enough, the door opened. I expected to hear Meiling's voice or something. She
usually forgets her key.
But it was the one person who I hadn't counted on to be there. The one person who I
did care if she walked through the door.
"Li? Where are you?" called Sakura.
I felt like there was both fire and ice running through me. Just the sound of her voice
ripped into me like a knife. I still didn't move. She could come to me if she wanted to find
me so badly.
I suddenly felt like I was sinking, drowning. I could feel myself slowly slipping away.



~Sakura's POV~



I looked into Li's room, but he wasn't there. So where was he?
"Li? Where are you?" I called, heading toward the kitchen. He wasn't in there, either. Nor
in the living room, or the bathrooms. I even checked the other bedrooms. Where did he
go? I wondered, feeling a flash of irritance. Didn't he read my note? Why wouldn't he
answer me?

As I continued to look around but not find him, irritance slowly turned to fear. What if
something bad had happened? Even he wasn't so ignorant as to just leave, especially if
he'd read the note.
"Li?" I called again. I approached the balcony, noticing that the doors were open. Then
I saw him. He was leaning against the rail looking out toward the city.

I approached him. "Excuse me, is there a good reason that you didn't answer me?" I
demanded in annoyance.
He shrugged, not even turning to look at me. "Sorry," he muttered.
I felt a pang of hurt when he hardly acknowledged my presence. His face was completely
blank, devoid of any feeling whatsoever. But what did you expect? I chided myself. How
much clearer could he make it? He didn't care about me. He hated me. It was as simple
as that. But it hurt way too much to be so simple.

"Did you read my note?" I asked him. He just nodded. "So then, you know what happened
to you, right?" I continued.
"Yes," he replied flatly.
"Well, how do you feel?" I asked. "I was sent to check up on you by the drama teacher.
I told her you weren't feeling too good. Luckily, a lot of the others could back me up on
that, since Meiling told them earlier today that you were sick." I paused. "So, how are
you feeling? Do you feel any side effects or anything?"

He didn't reply immediately. I began to feel uncomfortable as he just stood silently for a
moment, the breeze brushing past us. The sun still hadn't set completely.
Finally, he slowly turned to me. "How do I feel?" he echoed hollowly. I looked at him in
confusion. His eyes were clouded, and so empty.
"Yeah," I said slowly. "Do you feel any different?"
"No," he said. He turned back to the skyline. Then he asked. "Why didn't you let me die?"
"Why didn't you just let me die?"

I'd heard him the first time, but I couldn't believe it. Let him die? My heart twisted
uneasily as I thought about what he'd said.
"Li...I couldn't," I murmured. It was all I could say.
He didn't reply for a minute. "Why?" he asked finally.
He was definetly making me nervous now. He'd wanted to die? I felt a sharp stab in my
chest just thinking about it.

"Why are you talking this way?" I demanded. "Let you die? I'd never-" I cut myself off
before I let myself say what I'd really wanted to say: "I'd never let you die, I care too
"Why did you want to die?" I asked.
He looked at me. "Because no one should live through what I'm going through." His eyes
were so cold, they were icy. I felt a slight shudder as I stared into them.

"What are you talking about?" I asked quietly. "Li, are you okay? Did the Doom card do
something to you?"
He walked toward me, and I took a step back, his eyes locked with mine. Now we were
back in the house.
"It wasn't the Doom Card that did anything to me," he answered quietly. "It was you."
Then he took my wrist. I felt a small tremor as he touched me, but then he twisted my
arm slowly and shoved me against the wall. I stared up into his eyes, starting to tremble,
not completely from fear. My knees were getting weak. But there, I said it. He was
beginning to scare me a little. Why was he doing this? What exactly had happened?

"Me?" I responded in a tiny voice to his earlier statement, feeling my cheeks flare up. His
eyes weren't so empty anymore. But I think I preferred his earlier look to the one he was
giving me now. He was slowly showing through what he was feeling.

"Yes. You," he replied coldly. "I never even knew about pain like this a week ago."
A week ago...exactly when the big argument had started. I stared at his eyes, finally
seeing how much all this had hurt him. And it was too painful to watch. Oceans of pain
and turmoil beyond anything I could imagine. The others had been right. All along, he'd
been hiding it inside, refusing to show that he was suffering..just like me. Well, maybe
not just like me. The look in his eyes revealed that this was probably even worse than
my case. Tears pricked at my eyes as I thought of his earlier remarks about death. I
couldn't look anymore. I turned away. "Li....I..."

He continued to pin my gaze down, though he had pulled me a little ways from the wall.
"I'm so tired of this," he told me. The coldness had left his voice, and in place was...I
didn't know what it was. "The silence. The anger. The words. Do you know how much it
hurts? I doubt it." I glanced down at my arm, which he was still gripping. It was starting
to feel sore. I knew he was losing control. And whose fault was that?

"Li...you're hurting me," I murmured, flinching. My fear was beginning to show through.
He saw it too, and let go of my arm. I fell back against the wall, emotionally exhausted.
"I'm sorry," he muttered. I stared up at him, and was completely shocked to see tears in
his eyes. "Li, don't..." I began, my own tears dangerously close to falling.

He collapsed to his knees in front of me, his head bowed as his shoulders shook. "It hurts,
Sakura. More than anything has ever hurt before in my life. I don't want to feel this way.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of the stuff I've said since Saturday. I don't know why I
said it. I could never hate you. Don't you know how I feel? I care so much about you,
you don't realize. I love you Sakura. Just please, don't do this anymore, let's just stop it.
I can't take it anymore..." his voice broke off in sobs.

I just stared at him, my tears sliding down my face rapidly as I tried to grasp what was
going on. I had never seen Li cry before. Ever. And Meiling told me that he had never
cried before, and she'd known him practically her whole life. She told me he hadn't even
cried when he'd broken his leg in training years ago. Chelsea was right. Li had been
slowly breaking down inside. Because of me.....



~Li's POV~



The pain was intense. It burned through me, consuming my whole self. I could hardly
breathe. I knew I was crying. And I knew I'd lost it. I mean, I had hurt Sakura. Hurt her
and scared her. She was afraid.
But it hurt so much...I was willing to do anything to stop it. I was losing my grip on reality.

"It's hurting you too," Sakura murmured weakly. I couldn't do anything but nod.
Then she touched me gently on the shoulder. I flinched and jumped back as if she'd
stung me. I couldn't stand her touch. It was making the pain worse, if possible.

"Get back Sakura," I told her guardedly, tears still flowing. "I don't need you to make it
worse." It was already unbearable.
Then she knelt in front of me. I looked into her eyes in surprised amazement. They were
filled with pain as tears streamed down her face, and more hurt had built up in them when
I'd recoiled from her.

We stared at each other for a moment. I saw whatever was left of the ice in her eyes
just melt away instantly. Then she came forward, and put her arms around me.
I cried into her shoulder, not even feeling embarrased. I just let it out, trying to ease
the pain as I put my arms around her, feeling the twist in my heart. It was still hurting,
there was a rush of emotions as I clung to her. Longing, hurt, despair--the usual drill, as
of late. The sobs tore through me as I kept wishing that Sakura had just let the Doom
card finish what it started. I couldn't live like this.

But through the whole time I was crying and thinking, she continued to hold me, not
letting go of me once. She knew exactly what to do. She let me cry, and I could feel
her rub my back in comfort. Then it slowly dawned on me: she wasn't mad anymore. My
tears began to subside as I quieted down. She still held on to me. "Sakura..." I murmured.
"It's okay Li. It's going to be alright. I..." her voice broke off, and I could hear the shudder
in her tone.

And the pain began to subside. Just like that. Just by the feel of her comforting touch.
I felt a warm rush as she continued to hold me, and attempt to make me feel better. God,
I loved her so much. But with all that had happened...the pain wouldn't cease to exist
until she knew how I felt.

She still kept me in her warm hug, and I still held on to her too. My tears ran dry as I
felt my heart stop tearing itself up. The tightening in my chest loosened, and I felt like
about a thousand tons were being lifted off my shoulders. And it was all because of
knowing she was there, that she still cared, no matter how little. I didn't know if she
really meant what she'd implied over the course of the last week, or how she really felt
about me. I didn't want to know. I just wanted to hang onto this moment right now, when
everything felt almost like..life was worth living again. Just because she was there.

Then there was silence. It was so much different from the harsh, unbearable silence
between the 2 of us lately, this one was tranquil, comforting. But it wasn't complete.
My own sobs had drifted away, so I knew that it wasn't my trembling that I was feeling.
I opened my eyes slowly in wonder, holding the girl in my arms more tightly. I didn't know
why I hadn't noticed it before, but she had been shaking the whole time. I'd felt it in
her touch, and in her voice. Now, however, it was becoming more violent.

I pulled back from her slightly so I could see her, keeping my hands on her arms. Her
eyes were clenched tightly, as if she was trying feverently to hold back a huge flood of
tears. It was working well, since only a few seemed to have escaped. Or maybe it wasn't
working so well. The suppresion was causing her body to shake, and she was positively
shuddering now. She could really get hurt this way.

"Sakura," I said quietly. She swallowed and slowly opened her eyes, staring straight at
me. I gazed back in her eyes in shock. They looked so tortured, pain swimming around
in the deep jade. Which was why I was even more surprised at the words that came out
of her mouth, her voice amazingly even and calm. "Do you feel better Li?" she asked me.
"Are you okay now?"

Okay, this was wierd. "Somehow, I don't think you're the one who should be asking that
question," I replied, a little dryly, staring at her. "Sakura, are you..." I drifted off, holding
her tighter, concern flowing through me.
She shut her eyes again, turning away from me. "I'm sorry Li," she whispered, the torture
flowing through her voice. "I know you must really hate me now..."
I stared at her in shock. "What? Sakura, I could never-"
She cut me off as she gazed back at me. "Do you still hurt?" she wanted to know. "Do
you still want to..to.."
I knew she was talking about my earlier remarks. And I shook my head. Not just because
I wanted to reassure her, but because it was true, at least now. I looked at her, and
through the pain I saw her concern...for me. And I really did feel better, knowing that
she hadn't meant what she'd said either.
"No," I told her softly, shaking my head. "Thanks to you."

She gave a sad smile and turned away. "Don't thank me for anything," she said. A tear
slipped down her face, and then another, and then finally, the dam burst. Her body
began wracking with sobs as she tried to place some control over the tears, but to no
avail. I held on tighter, looking at her in surprise. "Sakura," I began. Could it really mean...
Suddenly, I knew instantly that she was sorry for what had happened this week, too. I
felt so much lighter right then, lighter and happier. But it was weighted down: she
was still in complete pain. I knew firsthand how much that could hurt. And all I could do
was hold on to her.

"I am so sorry Li," she whispered. "I...I'm such an idiot. I didn't even realize that I was
hurting you so much, while it was so obvious. All the others kept telling me that it wasn't
just hurting me, it was really getting to you. Meiling couldn't have made it any clearer.
But I still didn't think..." She broke off in shuddering sobs.

The last ounce of pain left in me flared up as I saw what I really must have put her
through. She seemed broken, all torn up inside, the way I'd felt before she'd helped me.
But what I still didn't get was why she kept going on and on like this. She was feeling so
tortured, yet she only cared about how I was feeling. Why?

I held her closer to me, putting my hand underneath her chin and forcing her to look up
at me. I brushed away her tears. "Sakura," I told her. "It's alright. I'm okay, but what
about you? How do you feel?"
She stared up at me, and I saw another flash of pain in her eyes. "You want to know?"
she murmured quietly. Somewhat confused, I nodded. Then she leaned toward me, and
before I knew it, she...kissed me.

My eyes went wide at first in complete surprise, but then..I kissed her back. As I relaxed,
I felt that warm rush course through me again, but this time, it was even warmer, almost
hot. My senses felt like they were burning up.

Then she pulled away and looked down, blushing slightly. I just stared back at her, dazed.
"That's how I feel about you, Li," she murmured quietly. "I love you too. So much, it
hurts. And it's been hurting more than ever since we said those things to each other. I
was so blind, I couldn't see that I wasn't the only one who was being hurt by it. I thought
that you didn't care about me in the least."
She sighed. "After you...you know. After the Angel card showed up, it asked me if I was
really hurting inside, and I realized that it hurt so much, more than anything I've ever
felt before. And it made me promise that my love would remain true in order for you to
come back again. So I promised, because it was such an easy promise to make. I knew
I wouldn't have any problem with it." She bit down on her lip and kept her gaze away from
me, tears spilling over again. "See? That's why I couldn't let you die. Because I care too
much, and the Angel card knew it. It knew that it was already a done deal. Even if it's
not the same the other way around..."

I was stunned, as I heard her say those 3 words: "I love you."
"What?" I whispered in shock. She stared up at me, and through the pain in her emerald
eyes, I saw the deep tenderness. She glanced away, and I could feel her tremble
underneath my hold. I pulled her toward me and wrapped her in a hug as she broke down,
crying into my shoulder. Once again, I was surprised at the words that came out.

"Why, Li?" she sobbed. "Why didn't you just listen to what the Doom card told you to do?"
"Huh?" I gasped. "Sakura, in case you don't remember, it told me to kill you."
"I know," she said after a moment's silence. "But I wouldn't care, if it meant that you'd
be okay. I was so scared that whole time, I thought that I'd never have a chance to
tell you how I felt, how sorry I was. And afterward, I felt so guilty...and you got seriously
hurt..." She broke off in tears.

As she spoke, I felt the warm rush spread throughout me. And the pain slipped completely
away as an incredible joy flowed through. She loved me too. There's no way I could
say how great that made me feel. I held Sakura tighter and smiled down at her.
"Did it ever occur to you that I meant what I told the Doom card?" I asked her. She
raised her eyes to mine and I saw confusion in them. Then they widened as she
remembered my words. I nodded slowly. "Yeah. I'd risk anything to save you. I don't care
if it makes you my weakness. I love you so much, and I meant what I said. I wouldn't be
able to live without you, I couldn't even think about it." Her eyes glimmered with tears
again, but this time they were of a different nature as she began to smile a little. I leaned
forward and kissed her again. This one lasted longer. I could feel her heart pressed close
to mine, it was beating wildly. Well, that made 2 of us. We pulled back after a while, and
she looked up at me and smiled, then lowered her eyes, blushing. She was so cute.

I smiled back at her and pulled her close again. "Just please don't leave me like you did
this week. I don't want to ever go through all that again, it drove me crazy," I said softly.
I could feel her arms tightly around my neck again. "Does this mean...can you forgive me?"
she pleaded in a small voice.
"Only if you forgive me," I told her.
"I forgave you a long time ago, Li," she murmured quietly. "It just took me a while to
realize it."

I really don't know how long we sat there on the floor in front of the balcony, which was
still open. The sun had set, and moonlight streamed in white beams through the balcony
doors, along with a cool night breeze. I could feel Sakura drifting off to sleep in my arms
as her breathing evened and her body began to go limp.
"I love you Sakura," I whispered in her ear, wondering if she could still hear me. "I'd do
anything for you. Don't be mad at me for that whole thing with the Doom Card, okay?"
She'd heard me. "I'm not mad, Li," she replied softly. "I know the feeling. I'd do anything
for you too."

She fell asleep. And the joy washed through me as I finally knew the truth. She cared
about me just as much as I cared about her. And that was a love that was bigger than
the universe, and ran just as deep. And that was all I'd ever longed for.



~Madison's POV~



"Why haven't they shown up yet?" Meiling demanded. "I don't believe that girl. She was
supposed to go and bring Li to drama practice almost an hour ago! I know Li would
never be so irresponsible, but-"

"Meiling, would you please keep it down?" I told her in irritance as we walked down the
streets. We were headed to Li's house, the drama teacher had sent us to check on him
and Sakura. Meiling's complaining had a point to it. The drama teacher had sent Sakura
after Li a long time ago, and neither had shown up. I was really worried. I knew Sakura
would never be so irresponsible as to go off somewhere else.

"This isn't like Sakura at all," I said to Meiling, hearing the worry in my voice. "What if
something happened? Maybe another Clow Card attacked or something."
"Don't you think the stuffed animal would've mentioned something if there was another
Clow Card on the run?" Meiling told me. Then she looked away, worry blooming on her
face. "I think it might be something a little more possible...like a major fight between
Sakura and Li..." she murmured.

I looked at her in shock. Then my mind flashed back to the horrible fight on Saturday.
And again, to the fight just earlier this evening. That had been awful.
"I don't think..I mean..I'm sure they'd be able to control themselves," I said, not at all
certain about what I was saying. Neither was Meiling.
"After what we witnessed earlier, I don't think so," she responded dryly.

We looked at each other, both of us definetly a little nervous. I didn't think Sakura and
Li controlled what they said around each other lately either. And who knew what would
lead to what. One thing I knew, neither of them would be able to stand any more scarring
words. Something would blow, really soon.

If it hasn't already, I thought as Meiling and I quickened our pace. The 2 of them were
already going through a lot, and all of it was so unnecessary. I loved both of them and
all, but this was really getting ridiculous. It could all be solved by 2 simple words: I'm
sorry. Of course, I knew it would be resolved even better by those other famous 3 words.
Problem was, they were just too stubborn to say either set of phrases.

Meiling looked up. "Well, it sure is a nice night," she said, totally off topic. But I looked up
and had to agree. The moon was out, and the sky was dotted with stars. And it was nice
out, not too warm or cold. Just tranquility. But what was the peace of the night

We saw Li's place in the distance and started to run. Meiling jammed her key through
the lock and the door opened. Inside, Meiling was about to call out in a panic, until I
grabbed her and quickly clamped a hand over her mouth. She looked at me in indignant

"Shhh," I told her. "Listen."
We heard nothing. That was the whole point. Nothing, as in, no angry words being
shouted, nobody getting hurt physically. It was silent. I would say that it was eerily
silent, but it wasn't. It was just a calm serenity. It was calm for a reason. And when I
looked around the corner, I knew why. Happiness sprang up inside me.

I grabbed Meiling and pulled her so that we knelt on the ground. That way, we wouldn't
be seen. She stared at me in surprise, though she was being cautious too. "Madison,
have you totally lost it or something?"
"Or something," I replied, gesturing for her to take a peek around the corner. She eyed
me strangely, but she did so. I saw her eyes widen in shock, and wondered how she
would take it. But after a minute, a smile spread across her face and she turned to me
happily. I smiled back, and then we both looked around the corner again at the 2
so-called "enemies".

I think Sakura was asleep, I couldn't tell. Her eyes were closed. Her arms were around
Li, who was holding her back just as tight.
Okay, a lot of people would say, "So what?" But considering what was going on the
past week, I knew that what had happened here was a lot more than it seemed.

"Oh, I wish I had my camcorder," I whispered. Meiling glanced at me. "Too bad," she
replied. "But I'm sure there'll be another time."
I nodded, and watched the other 2 for a moment. "Well, I guess we should go back to
the meeting," I whispered, getting up quietly. "We have to tell the teacher that Li and
Sakura will be really late, if they decide to show up at all." We both snickered quietly.

I gave the 2 one last glance before heading out the door after Meiling. So finally, they
saw what everyone else knew all along, I thought.
Actually, all things considered, I have to say that the fight had been a blessing in a
really good disguise. If that's what it took to get Sakura and Li together, who could argue,
I knew that something big had happened that night. After all, that was the only way
that this could have happened in the first place. Now they were so much happier,
knowing where the other stood. That was all they'd wanted, in the end.

I believe in Karma,
What you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love
Till you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener
On the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got
Until you say goodbye


~Savage Garden- Affirmation



Author's Note: CCS is not mine, it belongs to clamp. The only characters I own are the
Doom Card and the Angel Card.


Okay, so how was it? Was it good for a first try or should I just forget about writing ?^^*
Well, please email me at starviewcom@hotmail.com on comments and stuff, and tell me if
you thought it was good, okay? I really like getting emails ^_^ So, thanks for reading
this, thank you so much. Later!

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