FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

" ......" = talking
< .....> = character's thoughts
( .....) = my thoughts
~~~~~ = change of scene

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -It was a warm summer day, and Syaoran Li was sitting under his favourite tree, when he saw a pair of feet walk up to him. " Go away, who ever you are. " he mumbled lazily. Syaoran looked up, and when he was who it was, he quickly stood up and blushed.
"Sakura ! I-I'm sorry I didn't mean you ! " Sakura glanced at the blushing young man in front of her, and naturally, started to blush too. " It's okay Syaoran, I'll talk to you next time when you aren't as busy." She turned and started to walk away. Syaoran's immediate reaction was to reach out and grab her wrist, pulling her back. After taking in what he had just done, he let go of her as quickly as if he was burned. " I'm so sorry ! I, uh, no I mean, you can say what you wanted to say to me now !" he managed to stutter out, blushing a few shades redder. Sakura looked at him again, and continued cheerfully, as if nothing had happened. " Well, in that case, Tomoyo, Eriol and I were planning on going to the festival together tomorrow, and we were wondering if you would like to come with us. "
" Uh, sure. "
" Okay then !" Sakura skipped off towards home, feeling her wrist where Syaoran had grasped on. Deep in thought, she obviously didn't notice that she had ran right by her house.

" Syaoran ! We're over here ! " Sakura screeched , while waving her hand madly at the wandering boy. Syaoran ran over, and at his arrival, both of them started to blush. Tomoyo raised a eyebrow, sensing that something was going on between the two. She decided to make a chance for the 2 of them admit their feelings towards each other, which she had already knew about. She interrupted the blushing two, and said loudly, " Ah, Eriol, we must all be thirsty . Come with me to buy some drinks !"
" But I - " Eriol started, but receiving a painful kick from Tomoyo, continued, " Sure ! And you two can just walk around while we are gone !" And walked away with Tomoyo.
" So, lets walk around. " Sakura said, receiving a slight nod from Syaoran. They walked in silence. Soon though, Syaoran found his hand wandering dangerously close to the oe Sakura had dangling loosely by her side. He kicked himself mentally for even thinking of such a thing. The had walked for some time, when Sakura decided to speak up. " I'm getting tired. You want to sit by that bench over there for a while ? "
" I guess. " They sat down. Syaoran casted a sidelong glance at Sakura. < I wonder if she knows that I like her yet. Probably not. I should tell her some day. Now is probably a good time. > He took a deep breath , and slowly, set down his hand on top of Sakura's.
" Syaoran ..." Sakura whispered, her eyes wide with confusion. He took another deep breath < It's now or never !> and began to speak slowly. " Ever since fifth grade, I've wanted to tell you, that I really like you. " A moment of silence followed. Syaoran look down at his feet, fearful of her reply. Sakura looked at Syaoran's depressed face, and began to speak slowly. " I do not deny that I had thought I loved Yukito at first, nor the fact that I didn't like you very much. I have always considered you as a friend, after you had pretty much decided to be nice to me. But ever since you've comforted me when I cried after Yukito turned me down, I've been considering you more than just a friend. I wasn't sure, but now I know, that the one I truly love is you. " ( I know I know, sappy sappy sappy ) Syaoran looked up, his face a glow with delight. Sakura looked into his amber eyes and smiled. Before she could protest, he leaned in and kissed her. " Aishiteru. "

~ End ~

I told you it was sappy !

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