FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Okay this is my very first fanfic. I would love to receive comments, good or bad.
This story needs some explaining. I'm not going to reveal who's in this story (except for Sakura and Li, of course!) But i need to explain one of the Characters. Artemis is 650 billon years old, but looks 18. She created the Universe. Kay? Any questions? No? Good!

Chapter one: Confusing Events

Sakura yawned as she stared blankly at the blackboard. Her math teacher, Miss Mackenzie, was writing up a problem. From behind her, Sakura heard Li sigh heavily.
"Li. Would you please come solve this problem?" Miss Mackenzie put the piece of chalk down on the desk and neatly crossed her arms, lightly tapping her small foot on the floor.
"I...um...'kay...." Li stuttered, standing up and slowly walking to the front of the room, picking up the yellow chalk. He made a few scribbles on the board, then trotted back to his seat behind Sakura, who was almost asleep.
"Very good, Mr. Showron. I'm impressed." Miss Mackenzie glanced at her watch. "Okay. There's only ten minutes left in class, so I'll give you some free time. Just make sure you're quite." Sakura closed her eyes and rested her head on her arms. She heard chairs begin to shuffle as she fell asleep.

* * * * * * * *

A soft wind blew lightly at Sakura's brown hair. She opened her bright emerald eyes, and gasped in surprise. The classroom was gone, and in its place was a long flight of stairs. At the top rested an ancient temple. Cherry Blossom trees lined the long pathway up to the thick wooden doors of the temple. The light pink petals littered the ground. Sakura walked to the foot of the cement steps and began the long walk up.

Sakura collapsed at the top step, breathing deeply. She stood back up and nearly crashed into Li.
"Li? What's going on? Where are we?" Li looked at her blankly and shrugged.
"I'm sensing something. I'm not sure if it's evil, though." Sakura faced the temple, gasping in surprise. Nine figures now stood on the wooden porch, their hair blowing in the warm wind. Their faces were hidden in the shadows, and their short skirts flew back and forth. They bright colors of their outfits seemed to blend together, creating a bright ball of light. The ball move forward, stopping in the center of the group of girls. The ball of light began to take shape, first that of a peasant woman, then a noble woman, then a young child of about twelve. It suddenly stopped, taking on a final form. The form of a young woman with long black and silver hair that fell down to the floor. She wore a black mini skirt with silver streaks in it. A long silver bow attacked to the back of the skirt whipped around her legs, which had a pair of knee high black high-heel boots on them. Above the skirt was a sleeveless white body suit, with a black collar. A silver bow with a black crescent moon sat in the center of her chest. The crescent moon began to glow, just like the silver sun in the center of her black choker. She had on a pair of black, elbow length gloves, with a silver top. Her facial features were clearly visible. Her lips were dark red, and were very...eerie, and her green eyes glowed mysteriously. But the most amazing thing were the huge black wings spurting from her back. Bright silver, dark red, green, blue, yellow, pink, and purple feathers dotted the wings. Sakura frowned, and took a step forward, then another.
"Artemis?" she asked her old friend. The goddess stepped forward, placing her hands on Sakura shoulders. A gold key shone on a silver chain around her neck. She began to lightly shake Sakura.

* * * * * * * *
Sakura bolted up, startled by the loud voice. Friendly purple eyes met Sakura's wild green ones. Madison stood over her, a hand gently shaking her.
"Time to go. You can sleep at home!" Her life-long friend said, smiling and the yawning girl.
"I was having a strange dream," Sakura said, picking up a pencil that had rolled onto the floor. Madison looked interested.
"What about?" she asked excitedly. Sakura couldn't help but giggle.
"I'll tell you on the way home," Sakura said, grabbing her book bag.
"But my house is in the opposite direction! Sakura!" Madison called, but her friend was already out the door and half way down the hall.
E-mail me, Setsuna at samiam@compusmart.ab.ca

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