FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 10!!!!
I don't own CCS. Never have. Never will. Later.
Lyrics by Shania Twain: From this moment on.
Sakura stared down at the dark box in Li's hands, a pale pink and green ring shinning in the dim sunlight.
I just swear... that I'll always be there.
I'll give anything....and everything.
And I will always care.
Through weakness and strength.
Happiness and sorrow.
For better, for worse....
I will love you.
With every beat of my heart.

Li's eyes were down cast, as if already assuming the answer was no. After all, he hadn't seen Sakura in almost seven years!! Why should she say yes when he abandoned her, promising to return within two years, and comes back in seven?

From this moment... life has begun.
From this moment... you are the one.
Right beside you... is where I belong.
From this moment on.

From this moment, I have been blessed.
I live only... for your happiness
And for your love...
I'd give my last breath.
From this moment on.

Tears streamed down Sakuras now pale face.
'Just say yes....You love him. You know it....Say yes!!' a voice exclaimed in Sakura's head.

I give my hand to you with all my heart.
Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start.
You and I will never be apart.
My dreams...came true...because....of you.....

From this moment as long as I live,
I will love you,
I promise you this:
There is nothing I wouldn't give.
From this moment on.

"My God. Li....I...I'll marry you! Goddess!! I love you so much! You know I will!!" Sakura cried happily, jumping into Li's arms.

You're the reason I believe in love.
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above.
All we need is just the two of us.
My dreams came true because of you.
From this moment, as long as I live,
I will love you,
I promise you this:
There is nothing I wouldn't give,
From this moment.

Li looked up in shock, a smile spreading across his face. Sakura hugged him even tighter. Li picked
her up, spinning her around. Sakura smiled, kissing her fianc?
I will love you.
As long as I live.
From this moment on.

A rumble erupted from the pale blue sky, scaring Sakura and Li. A black streak of light came from two clouds, traveling quickly down to the Earth.
"How dare you?!" a voice boomed out, causing Sakura to leap back. The black beam stopped at Li's feet, and a figure stepped out.
"How dare you? You are mine!! Not that...that...freaks!" the figure, a young woman, exclaimed angrily, stomping her foot. Li gasped in surprise.
"Meilin?" he asked slowly. The woman nodded.
"For this you shall pay, Xiao Lang. And you to, Card Mistress. But your punishment will be more severe. You will watch the only person you love in this world die in your hands. Slowly. And painfully." Meilin said, taking a small step towards Sakura.
"...No...." Sakura murmured, her frightened green eyes falling on Li. Her life. Her love.
"You can't. I won't let you!" Sakura yelled to her rival.
"Really now? Well, you see, I have backup. BACKUP!!" Meilin shouted over her shoulder. Nine figures appeared, completely hidden by a shadow cast by Meilin's selfishness. Her evil.
"Meet the remainder of the Clow Cards. Over the last six years I have been training them, so now all of them are stronger than that retched goddess. Pretty good, ne?" Meilin cackled evily, her eyes glowing a mysterious yellow.
"Good-bye, Li. We could've been together for the rest of eternity. But no. You had to fall for this...mortal. Well, if I can't have you, no one will. Good-bye. And Avalon, watch your beloved die. It will be the last thing you ever see." a ball of purple light formed in Meilin's pale hands. She hucked it at Li.
"You ungrateful bitc...." Li began, but the ball of light hit him squarely in the stomach. He flew backwards, crashing into Sakura.
"Li? Li! Li, you can't die. Please, don't!" Sakura yelled to her fianc? holding his deep wound with her hands, trying to stop the blood from flowing out. But she knew she wouldn't be able to stop it. Meilin had said he would die, and he will.
"Sakura...I love...you....Never forget that...." Li gasped for breath as Meilin pulled her hand back, gathering another ball of energy to throw at Sakura.
"Enough." a quite voice said. Meilin and Sakura spun to face the group standing behind Meilin.
"What?! You dare speak to me that way?! You obey me!!" Meilin yelled angrily
"Actually, they obey me." a strong voice said from behind Sakura.There stood Artemis, in all her glory, actually looking...normal. At least, as normal as Artemis could get. She wore a floor length black silk dress, its long silver sleeves brushing the ground ever so lightly. Deep red wings, the colour of blood, sprung from her back, and her long silver hair cascaded down them.
"Damn right!" one of the 'cards' exclaimed, thrusting her handing into the air. Sakura glanced up teary eyed, realizing the cards weren't actually cards.
"How dare you ruin a young woman's future? In the name of the Moon," a voice began.
"In the name Mercury, the Ice planet!"
"Mars, planet of fire."
"Jupiter, leader of lightning!"
"Saturn. Planet of silence!"
"Uranus. The never-ending skies!"
"Neptune, the deep blue seas!"
"And Pluto, the dark planet, and your worst nightmare come true."
"We will punish you!!" all nine figures coursed.
"What?!" Meilin shrieked, spinning back to Artemis.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Meet the Sailor Scouts. Ummm...were you looking for them?" Artemis pointed to a pile on the ground. The last Clow Cards.
"Hit it, girls." Artemis said, kneeing beside the bleeding Li.
"Mercury...aqua... "
"Pluto...deadly...." the girls began slowly, their energy building up.
"Scream!" balls of pink, blue, red, green, orange, purple, gold, aqua, and red light shot towards M Meilin, who was frozen in her tracks, unable to budge an inch.
"Nooooooooo!!!!" was the final word she uttered before vanishing into oblivion, her scream echoing through the air. Pluto rushed over to Artemis, who was still bent over Li.
"How is it?" she asked quietly, wrapping a firm arm around Sakura, who was shaking uncontrollably.
"Bad. Get Saturn. I can't heal him. My powers are too strong. It will kill him." Artemis concluded. Sailor Pluto nodded, rushing to Saturn, who was sitting on the ground panting. Sakura saw Setsuna make a few movements with her hands, then Saturn nod, sprinting toward Li.
"Let's hope this works," Artemis said quietly.
That was Chapter ten. No all that's left is the epilogue, then the Sequel!! What did you think? Is Li gonna live, or will he die? I mean, Saturn is pretty weak, and she is the only one with healing powers, besides Artemis. Well, today's December 23, so I hope to finish it before Christmas, which, by the way, I don not do, seeing as how I'm Wiccan.

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