FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Hey, Hey, It's me, with Chapter 3!!


I think i forgot to mention this before, but Sakura and Li are 15.
These following chapters are getting strange, just like their supposed to be.

I do not own CardCaptors, the oh-so wonderful people at CLAMP do.

"-"= talking
' thinking'
(my 2 cents)
~~~~~~~= changing scenes
**********= dreaming

Chapter 3: A Little Accident

Setsuna dabbed Sakura’s head with a cold cloth. The young girl had been unconscious for almost half an hour.
“Raye, what did you do that for?” Michiru asked, flipping her aqua hair with her hand.
“She has a strong magical power. It’s evil, yet not.... Now I’m confused!!” Raye responded. Sakura opened her eyes slowly, finding herself lying in somebody’s bedroom. Posters of pop bands littered the ceiling. Fie girls were sitting on the floor, another sat beside Sakura, gently dabbing her head with a cloth.
“Please excuse Raye. She can be quite strange sometimes,” the young woman said quietly.
“I resent that!” A voice said a little to loudly, causing Sakura to wince.
“Shhhhh!!” a little pink haired girl hissed. Sakura grinned and sat up, glancing at the girl beside her. Long green hair was being blown around by an air conditionair in the roof.
“You...look familiar....Have we met before?” The green haired girl asked. She looked like the girl from Sakura’s dream. But it couldn’t be! Could it?
“I...don’t know.... Possibly.” Sakura said innocently. Setsuna eyed her.
“Are you sure? I’d swear I’ve seen you somewhere before.” The girl continued to pry. She shook her head. “Never mind. I’m Setsuna. The girl who hit you over the head is the Shinto Preistest here. Her name is Raye,” Setsuna said, pointing to the raven haired girl, who stood up and bowed slightly.
“Do you always hit your customers over the head?” Sakura asked throwing her feet over the edge of the bed. Raye ignored her, plopping back down on the floor. Setsuna grinned.
“The little pink haired girl is Rini, and her purple haired friend is Hotaru. The blonde is Mini, and the aqua haired girl is Michiru.” Sakura regarded each of them with a nod. A thin blue haired girl opened the door, a lap-top balanced on her hand.
“Um, excuse me. There’s a young man here for you, miss.” She nodded toward Sakura.
“Amy! Put down that stupid computer!” The blonde, Mina said, jumping up to her feet, and lunging for the computer. Amy dodged and stumbled farther into the room. Big mistake. Mina now had her corned between the dresser and the bed, the blue haired girls back pressed against a BackStreet Boys poster.
“Please excuse me,” Sakura said as she trotted out of the room, hearing the blue haired girl say:
“The boy’s pretty cute, if I do say so myself. Mina! Give me back my lap top! Miinnnaaaaa!!” The blonde whipped past Sakura, as did Amy. The ran into a large, brightly lit room. Sakura followed.
“So how old are you cutie?” a young female voice asked.
“I...um...I....” a male voice stuttered. Sakura stood in the door frame, grinning from ear to ear.
“I’m being attacked by five girls!” Li shouted, pulling out of a brunettes grasp. A short haired blonde cleared her throat.
“Okay four girls! But it still isn’t funny!!” Sakura felt sorry for Li. No... I changed my mind, she didn’t feel sorry.
“‘Scuze me ladies, may I please have my boyfriend?” Sakura asked sweetly. A blondes head snapped up.
“Boyfriend?! Awww, man!” she whined.
“Serena, you already have a boyfriend!” the brunette said, giggling. The short haired blonde just laughed, and Amy and Mina continued to bicker about the computer.
“Give. It. To. Me!” Amy shouted. Mina smiled.
“Nope! Haruka, catch!” She replied, tossing the computer to the short haired blonde.
“Ohhh...com-pu-ter.” Haruka pronounced the words like a little girl as she caught the flying lap top mid air. She then pretended to drop it. “Ooops!” Li and Sakura took this time to bolt out of the room, and out the thick wooden doors of the Shinto temple.
“Li, what are you doing here?” Sakura asked.
“I sensed something a while after you left, so I followed you’re aura. I saw you get whapped over the head, so I waited here for you to gain consciousness, but was soon discovered by a group of giggling fifteen year olds.” he said
“Ooooh. That’s sooooooo cute!” a voice said from behind them. Sakura spun around. There stood Raye and Setsuna. Raye was making kissy faces, and Setsuna was rolling her red eyes. Li blushed and turned away.
“We heard the really noisy girls, and figured they’d found something of interest, which is unusual. Raye! Stop that! You just damaged the poor girl, stop embarrassing her!” Setsuna slapped the back of Rayes head, causing her to bite her lip.
“Oww!!” Raye begun to dance around, howling in pain.
“Like I said, she’s pretty strange. Are you okay?” Sakura nodded.
“That’s great. Please excuse me, but I must be getting home. I have an appointment I cannot miss. And do me favor, don’t sue Raye. She can’t afford it.” Setsuna said before she ran down the cement stairs.
“Hey!! What do you mean by that!” Raye shouted.
“Can we PLEASE go now. I’ve had enough of this nut house!” Li whispered loudly. Sakura giggled.
“I’m sorry about earlier. I’ve been getting strange vibrations lately. I think you came to get these.” Raye handed her three amulets. Sakura nodded and reached for her wallet.
“No charge. I may have caused you some brain damage.” Raye said, laughing. A loud crash erupted from the temple, followed by a few shrieks.
“Ohmigod. Please excuse me. I’ve got to go see what those nitwits broke.” Raye bowed, then ran through the temple doors, which slammed behind her.
“So, the only excuse you could think up of was that I was your boyfriend?” Li asked, smirking.
“Hey I can go back in there and say we just broke up. I’m sure they would love to comfort you, Li.” Sakura replied, placing her hands on her hips. Li gulped and ran down the cement steps, pulling Sakura with him.

Setsuna closed her apartment door, tossing her keys on a small table.
“I saw Sakura today.” she said to the living room.
“I know,” a voice said “and I’d like to thank you.” Setsuna walked in, throwing herself into an overstuffed chair.
“Thank me for what?” Setsuna glanced up at her guest.
“For protecting her from Mars. That girls gonna kill somebody one day, but I don’t want it to be Sakura.” Artemis stood up and began to pace, her long black skirt swishing.
“She’s a very sweet girl,” Setsuna said, leaning back. Artemis stopped pacing and gave her a strange look.
“Sakura, not Raye.” Setsuna said, shaking her head. Artemis smiled.
“I know.”

* * * * * * *

Sakura stood in front of the temple, Artemis and the Gardian of Time, facing her. The green haired girl, Sailor Pluto, was speaking.
“Artemis has filled me in on everything about the Clow cards. Or should I say Sakura cards? I looked into the future, the very close future. Your cards are going to be rescatteded by some strong magic, a magic which intends to do you no good. Where they will land, I am not permitted to tell, I’m afraid. Most of them will gain up on you, causing your death if you are not careful. I fear that you and Li are not strong enough to defeat them, so we,” she geustured to the figures in the shodows around her “will help you. Is that alright?” Sakura nodded.
“Can you atleast tell me when?” Sakura asked. Sailor Pluto nodded.
“On....” Artemis jumped suddenly, her wings twitching, and she glanced around slowly.
“Company,” she pointed to her left. Standing amung the Cherry Blossom trees was a girl, her black hair blowing in the wind. Meilin. Artemis spun to a girl standing directly behind her, a deadly looking glaive in her right hand.
“Saturn, would you please do something about the intruder?” Artemis winked at the short girl. She nodded excitedly, and stepped into the moonlight. Her uniform was the same as the others, but is was all dark purple. Her puple eyes began to glow, and her short purple hair thrashed around her face, being blown by some invisible force. She began to jog toward Meilin, but Sakura stopped her.
“Wait!” Saturn stopped and turned around, bowing. “Don’t kill her. She’s...kind of an old friend.” Saturn looked at Artemis, who sighed and nodded, picking up a black cat at her feet. Sailor Saturn swung her glaive in Meilins direction. Meilin shreiked and ran away. Saturn grinned and walked back to Artemis.
“Piece of cake.” Artemis smiled. She turned back to Sakura, and her smile dissapeared.
“Sakura! Behind you!” Sakura spun around, only to get punched in the face by DARK.

* * * * * * * * * *

Sakura bolted awake, sweat dripping off her face.
“It was just a dream. Just a dream.” Sakura tried to reassure herself, but it didn’t work. She threw her legs over the edge of the bed, and pulled open her desk drawer, pulling out the Clow book. She took the key off her neck and opened it, dropping the leather bookin surprise. The cards were gone!

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