FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Here's chapter 5!!!
I do not own CardCaptors, the peoples at CLAMP do....unfortunately.... Anyway... my story is getting strange, and if you need anything explained, e-mail me at either samiam@compusmart.ab.ca, or setsuna_cardcaptors@usa.net. I know my chapters are short, but this one's longer then the others. I can try to make them longer, I just really suck at that. Hoover style.
Ja Ne

It's ALIVE!! It's...it's...chapter five!!!

Chapter 5: Invader of Dreams

* * * * * * * * *
Sakura was standing at the top of the temple again. Another girl was standing next to The Guardian of Time.
"Who are you?" Sakura asked curiously.
"The Soldier of Silence and Death." The girl whispered, her purple outfit swaying. Her short dark purple hair blew in the warm wind. It was the girl who scared off Meilin. Sakura slowly nodded.
"So. You have caught WOODY. Very good. Like the card said, some of the others will join your side. The others won't. We'll try to help, but so far you've been helping us." Artemis said, flying over to Sakura.
"You need to watch out. They will try to kill you. I'll try to protect you, as will Pluto. But i'm afraid we cannot be there 24 hours a day. Well...I can. But I won't be. I have business in other deminsions to take care of. But like I said, Pluto," she motioned to the tall green haired girl, "and Saturn," she pointed to the Soldier of death, "will help you. But please Sakura, be careful." Artemis said quietly, flying back to the figures. Sakura nodded and turned around. She closed her eyes and braced herself to be punched in the face. But nothing happened. She slowly opened one eye, then the other, not finding anything. She turned back around, coming face to face with Meilin.
"Don't try to steal Li from me, Avalon. Or else!" Meilin shoved Sakura. As Meilin ran away Sakura wobbled back and forth on the top of the cement stairs, but she couldn't balance. She fell backwards.

* * * * * * * * *
"Ow!! Get. Off. Me. NOW!!!!" Kero shouted at the top of his tiny, cotton lungs. Sakura opened her eyes, then quickly sat up, hitting her head on her bed-side table. She was lying on the floor.
"SAKURA!! Get off me!!" Kero yelled again.
"Shhhhh. You'll wake everybody. Then what'll they think when they see a talking stuffed animal? Huh?" Sakura hissed.
"Well, get off me and I won't have to yell!" Kero said, trying to push the tall 15 year old off him. Sakura sighed and stood up, untangling herself from her quilt. 'Why does Meilin keep invading my dreams?' Sakura asked herself. She glanced at her bright green clock as she sat down on her bed. 6:27. Sakura sighed again.
"No way I'm going to get back to sleep," Sakura said, so she threw on a green skirt and a light pink shirt and trotted out the door, hearing Kero snoring loudly in his drawer. Sakura quietly sprinted down the long flight of stairs, jumping into her shoes. It was Monday, but luckily there was no school. Sakura quietly slipped out the front door, closing it securely behind her.
Sakura now sat under a willow in the park. 'Maybe I should just tell Li I like him. He is pretty cute....' Sakura thought, smiling. She stood back up, looking around. Nobody was out, so Sakura pulled the Key of Clow off her pale neck.
"Oh, Key of Clow,
Power of Magic,
Power of Light;
Surrender the Wand,
The force ignite!
The pink staff appeared in her hand, her silver nails flickering in the dim sunlight.
"FLY! Release and dispel!" White wings sprouted on the end of the staff. Sakura jumped on, heading towards the temple in Juban.
'I'm gonna need lots of good luck charms if I'm going to re-capture all the cards.'
"So do you get it? I need you two to watch her. I will help, but we're having trouble in Epsilon, and you know how the Eplongs get angry if I don't show up. I also have to go to Neptune and Uranus. The mermaids on Neptune are drowning Princess Lepia's suitors, and the Harpies on Uranus are eating the village people," Artemis shook her head, smiling. Setsuna grinned, and Hotaru shivered."So since you two are my strongest I would appreciate it if you guarded her." Setsuna nodded.
"I know we're your strongest, but our powers are weak. We both have two, our strongest, which if we use will kill us(did that make sense?), and our other is not very strong. I don't know how well we'll be able to hold up." Setsuna paused. Artemis nodded, placing her hands on the two girls' foreheads.
"Delphino, Ying Fa.
Protectros mi Una et Toru.
Protectro Ying Fa.
Fro Alpha deus Omega,"
(The angel Sakura. The protectors, my Setsuna and Hotaru. Protect Sakura. From Alpha, to Omega.)(That's copyright to Setsuna Industries! If you take, you must pay me a $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 fine! And just to tell you, I don't have a sense of humor. I'm totally serious!)
A bright flash leapt from Artemis' hands, leaving Set and Hotaru dazed. Sakura saw Artemis and Setsuna, then the bright flash, so she flew over, so she was quietly levitating over their heads.
"Boo!" She said loudly, causing Hotaru to scream and bury her head in Artemis' silver silk dress. Artemis herself nearly had a heart attack. Setsuna just smiled.
"You shouldn't do that. Hotaru scares easily. But I think I discovered something that could actually kill Artemis!" Sakura smiled apologetically.
"Sorry. I was bored." Setsuna nodded and winked.
"Aren't you up kinda early? You normally sleep `till noon." Artemis said, shooting an evil glance at Setsuna, who just began to whistle, and pushed the shaking Hotaru off her. Sakura fell off her wand.
"I had a nightmare. Meilin tried to kill me. She pushed me down these stairs." Sakura looked downward, shaking.
"Well. It's always good to know that the guy who you have a MAJOR crush one's fiancee is trying to kill you through you dreams. I've actually done that a couple of times." Artemis said, brushing off her skirt. Sakura glared at her, sticking out her tongue. Artemis grabbed it, causing Sakura to fall into Setsuna's lap. Sakura quickly front flipped off, sitting on the cool steps.
"I'll never win," she muttered to herself. Artemis shook her head.
"No, you never will." She turned to the other girls, avoiding a glare from Sakura the was strong enough to kill Artemis, an immortal goddess.
"You two have a new transformation phrase. It's your planet, then Eternal Bliss." As the two girls nodded their communicators beeped.
"Girls. Another attack in the park. We'll have difficulties getting in. There's a force field surrounding it, but we'll deal with it when we get there. Go!" A voice said. Setsuna stood up, brushing off her butt.
"Pluto. Eternal. Bliss!" Setsuna disappeared, and in her place stood Black Eternal Pluto, just like in Sakura's dreams. But now thick black and silver streaks ran through her hair. Her tiara was gone, and in its place was the symbol of Pluto, done in black. Sakura nodded.
"Cool. Wings They always come in handy." Hotaru gulped.
"Sun. Eternal. Bliss!" Artemis yelled, disappearing. She reappeared a moment later, dressed as she was in Sakura's dream. Hotaru gulped again.
"Uh oh."
Ten minutes later all the girls were standing in the park. That is, all of them except Artemis, Pluto, and Saturn.
"Get these thing off my back!" a voice yelled. All the girls spun, finding Sakura and Artemis dragging Saturn into the park. A woman with green and black hair followed close behind, shaking her head. Sakura and Artemis threw Black Eternal Saturn to the ground. Saturn sat up.
"I. Don't. Want. WINGS!!!!!" Black Eternal Saturn screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Saturn? What the-?" Sailor Jupiter began, taking a step forward.
"Firey!" Sakura cried, running toward the card. BONK!! Sakura tumbled to the ground.
"Oh, yeah. I forgot `bout that force field thingy." Sailor Mercury shook her head, typing on her little computer.
"I've almost got it, but you'll have to move fast. I won't be able to hold it up very long and I don't wan...." Mercury stopped, noticing Sakura inside the field.
"Wow! That was cool! See Merc, you don't need that funky, hi-tech computer!" Sakura said slowly, as if speaking to a little child. Mercury scowled as Sakura laughed, trotting to Firey. Firey frowned, then jumped on Sakura, hugging her tightly.
"Stop it Firey!! You're not supposed to listen to her! You're supposed to obey us!!!" A voice called out. Firey spun, finding Dark and Light. Firey stuck her tongue out at them, releasing a breathless Sakura.
"Ummmm...who are that girl?" Sailor Neptune asked, pointing to Pluto.
"Neptune! Jees! I never took you as an idiot!" Black Eternal Pluto responded.
"Puu?" Mini Moon asked, stepping towards her guardian. Pluto nodded. Sailor Moon leaned around Sailor Mars.
"What in Hades(hell) happened to you?" she asked slowly. Sailor Venus Whistled.
"Yeah, ya look like Artemis, and that is never a good thing!" Artemis lunged for the Soldier of Love, who jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding Artemis' death punch.
"It's her final transformation. I need her strength now, so-" Artemis was interrupted by Sakura, who was yelling loudly.
"Firey! Return to your power confined!!" Flames surrounded Sakura as FIREY disappeared back into the pink card. Sakura faced DARK and LIGHT, making one of her evil faces. LIGHT gulped, then ran. DARK sweat dropped, then followed the fleeing card. Sakura giggled and did a quick backflip.
"Two down, fifty to go!" She punched her fists into the air, like Ash on Pokemon, when he catches a Pokemon thingy.
"Fif...ty? Like, five zero? Five times ten? Half of a hundred?" Pluto asked, her eyes wide.
"Forty seven, actually." Li said, stepping out of the trees, handing Sakura the SWORD, SHIELD, and WATERY.
"Ohmigod! Thank you!" Sakura jumped on Li, hugging him tightly. Sakura pulled away, jumping up and down excitedly. Li blush a deep crimson, bowing to cover it.
"Ohhh...you two make such a cute couple!" Uranus said, smiling wickedly. Sakura glanced wide eyed at Li, who was turning an unnatural shade of red, one not known to the human race. Sakura looked back at the Sailor Scouts. All of them were grinning. At least, almost all of them. Saturn was having a mental breakdown. Artemis was struggling to calm her down, saying the wings would go away once she detransformed, but Saturn wasn't listening. Pluto was sitting cross legged on the small Sailor, reading a YM magazine. A small crowd had gathered to watch the purple haired Soldier struggle.
"Hey, Saturn. Your horoscope says if you don't calm down right now, a bigger, stronger, green-haired Sailor Scout is gonna beat you to a bloody pulp!" Black Eternal Pluto. Neptune rolled her eyes.
"`Kay, get off her so we can take her home. I think her head will explode unless we get those wings off her back." Neptune tried to shove Pluto off the screaming Black Eternal Saturn, but failed.
"Awwwwwwwww!!! Do we haveta?? Pluto asked in a childish voice. Neptune folded her arms, nodding. Pluto pouted, getting off Saturn.
"Thank you!! Goddess! You need to go on a diet! You weigh a ton!" Saturn exclaimed, still laying on the ground. Pluto (-.-') slammed her timestaff down into the ground, less then a centimeter from Sailor Saturn's face. Nobody noticed Li and Sakura as they silently disappeared. That is, nobody but Pluto and Artemis, who see everything( freaky, huh? I'd like that, then I could spy on my boyfriend. hehehe). Setsuna quietly followed, carefully watching Sakura.

"Li, I've gotta get home. Tori's probably wondering where I am," Sakura whispered.
"Yeah, me too. I'll see ya later. Keep your eyes open." Li said softly, disappearing among the Sakura trees.
"C'mon Sets. If you're gonna protect me you have to come with me." Sakura yelled over her shoulder. Pluto sighed, stepping out.
"I'm coming." Pluto said, de transforming.
In the next chapter... I'm not sure, 'cause I haven't written it yet... `:-(

Kero: Mn, you are idiotic!
Me(sweat dropping): Aww, sniff, be nice!! I'm new at this!!
Kero:(mimicking): Aww, be nice. I'm new at this... well you suck!!'
Me: Why do I suck? I don't think I'm that bad!!
Kero: You suck 'cause I'm not in this chapter!!
Me: Yes you are! Sakura crushed you, remember?
Kero: Oh, yeah. How could I forget that? The kid weighs a ton! I think she broke every bone in my body!
Sakura(in background): I heard that!
Li(looking in room): Plus, stuffed animals don't have bones!!
Li runs, a little, flying, yellow mouse chasing him.
Kero: I. Am. Not. A. Stuffed. ANIMAL!!
He yells, running down my hallway, breaking my Priceless statuette of Artemis standing on a cresent moon. I stand up.
Me: You stupid stuffed animal! That was an antique!
I grab the phone, calling an exterminator. Sakura walks into my room.
Sakura: Ummmmm....Setsuna's having some technical difficulties at the moment. Please come back later, when she writes the rest of the story.
Me: My TV!!!!

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