FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 6: A Confession??

I do not own Card captors, the people @ CLAMP do....do you think I can buy it from them??

(Authors note)
~~~~Change of Scene~~~~~~~

In the previous chapters: A magical force has somehow released the Clow Cards, which are trying to kill their Mistress. A group of unknown girls have entered the story(If you think you know who they are, e-mail me. I'll send you an award!!) Li has a crush on Sakura, and Sakura has a crush on Li, but they can't tell each other 'cause they're cowards....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~On with the story!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
No...wait! I have one more thing to say!!! This chapter is really short, I know, but I tried!! I just can't make long chapters!! But 'sigh' I'll try!
~~~~~~~~There!! Now we can start!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Please, please, please??!" Sakura begged, getting on her knees.
"No!" Setsuna responded, burning her tongue on her tea.
"Come on!! Will it kill you to tell me who the Sailor Scouts are? PLEASE?!?!?!" Sakura pulled at her hair. Set shook her head, then suddenly grinned.
"When you tell Li you have the big time hots for him!" She announced, pointing an accusing finger at Sakura. Sakura winced, and walked to her phone.
"Alright," she picked up the bright pink receiver, quickly dialing.
"Moshi moshi...." a voice began.
"Moshi moshi...Li? This is Sakura. I...I need t-to tell y-you something...." Sakura stuttered. "I...kinda...have a...crush..on...ummmm...you...." Sakura closed her eyes, slamming the receiver down. She turned to Setsuna, who had a perfectly-plucked eyebrow raised.
"Happy now? So, who are they?" Sakura asked eagerly. Setsuna picked up the phone, dialing *69.
"Moshi moshi, and welcome to Tomeoda Theater Movie Line. Our prices are as follows: $4.95 for evening sho...." Set hung the phone up.
"In less Li has suddenly gotten a job at the Movie theater, and is now female, I'd have to say...NO!!" Setsuna plopped back onto the floor. Sakura sighed.
"Oh well. It was worth a try. But believe you me, it will come out, sooner or later. Preferably sooner." Sakura promised.
"Saaakuurrraaa! Plug my N64 back in!" a little voice shouted.
"Oh no!" Sakura covered her eyes as Setsuna shrieked.
"What is that...that...thing?!" Setsuna pointed to the flying mouse. Sakura uncovered her eyes, finding Kero floating millimeters from Setsuna's pale face.
"Set, this is Kero. Kero sigh this is Setsuna." Sakura introduced the two.
"Kero? The Guardian Beast? Artemis told me about him. She didn't tell me he was a stuffed animal though." Setsuna poked Kero's stomach, eyeing the creature.
"First off, what the heck do you think I am lady? The Pilsbury Doughboy? Secondly. I. Am. Not. A. Stuffed. ANIMAL!!" Kero shouted, biting Sets finger, breaking off one of her nails. Setsuna shook him off.
"Perfect. Now I need a rabies shot." She muttered, shaking her finger.
"Probably. Li did." Sakura plugged Kero's game in. Setsuna stood up.
"I've gotta go. I must get back to the Time Gates. If I don't, the world may end." Setsuna bowed.
"Ya know, you get really cryptic when you talk about the Gates. That scares me. And there's not much that'll scare me." Sakura said, thinking so hard, she got a headache. Kero grinned as she said that. He tossed a white t-shirt over his head.
"That's right! Only one other thing scares you," he said, floating behind her. "And that's ghosts!" Sakura turned around, screaming. She stopped when she heard the 'ghost' giggle.
"KERO! That is not funny!" Sakura yelled. Set laughed disappearing. Sakura sighed, pulling open her door, nearly colliding with Aiden.
"Dad! Hi! Nothing!" Sakura rushed. Aiden raised an eyebrow.
"I just came to tell you dinners ready." he said, looking around her room. Sakura glanced at her watch. It was already 6:27!
"Coming," Sakura said. Aiden stared at the stuffed animal sitting in front of the N64.
"Honey, is there someone else in here?" Aiden asked, not taking his eyes off of Kero, who was beginning to sweat.
"No! Why would you think that?" Sakura asked. Aiden looked at her, then shrugged.
"Turn your game off, then come downstairs." Aiden walked down the stairs, casting one last glance over his shoulder. Sakura waited until her father was back in the kitchen before she slid down the banister.

Setsuna sat in the Time Gates, a bubble floating in front of her, Sakura's image inside.
"I fear the worst is yet to come." Set spoke to an invisible figure behind her. Artemis stepped into the light, surprising Setsuna that she was in her true form, rarely ever seen. Silver hair tumbled to the ground, a black ribbon securing it into a ponytail on the top of her head. Dark green eyes sliced through the dark mist in the large room. She wore a black toga with the Omega sign(d) done in
silver. Silver sandals covered her feet. An attractive scar cut across her left eyebrow,a scar she earned in the Trojan war. A staff, much like Setsuna's, only black with a garnet orb, sat in her right hand, a shield in her left.
"I know. We must guard her. The sake of the world rests on the shoulders of that fifteen year old girl," Artemis stared deep into the bubble, a tear sliding down her cheek.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Five months later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sakura sagged on the Penguin slide, Li beside her.
"How many left?" Sakura asked, rubbing her elbow.
"27." Li moaned.
"Great." Sakura mumbled, trying to stand up, but she fell over, crashing into Li. Sakura stared at the crimson boy below her, his amber eyes wide.
"Sorry," Sakura said, not moving. Nor did she notice the glare of the sun as it reflected off a camera lens not too far away.
"It's okay. But could you get off me? I can't feel my legs anymore." Li asked, grinning. Sakura blushed, just noticing she was on top of her crush.
"Oops." she rolled off so she was lying on her back in the cool sand.
"I really hate that card. Shadow is so violent. He needs to chill. Get out more. Take a vacation. Like you." Sakura said as she experimented with trying to stand up again. Li glared at her, pushing himself up. Sakura smiled, and Li's glare melted away.
"I've gotta get home. Dad's away for the next two weeks, and Tori will spaz if I don't get in soon." Sakura released the slide, taking a small step, like a child just learning how to walk. Li nodded.
"Yeah, I'd better get home too," he said, catching Sakura as she stumbled. "But I think I'd better walk you home."

Li dialed Sakura's number. It was now 10:43, six hours after they had captures SHADOW.
"Moshi moshi. Sakura speaking." Sakura spoke politely into the phone.
"'Kura? It's Li. I have bad news. My mother called." Li began.
"Alright...." Sakura frowned, puzzled.
"I'm going back to Hong Kong. Tomorrow."

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