FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 8: Reunion

I do not own Card captors, the people @ CLAMP do. I wish I did, but I don t. I will never own Cardcaptors. Ya can t sue me  cause I wouldn t give you anything, nor do I have anything to give. I hope you like this installment of RIVALS...OR ALLIES? More coming soon. If somebody wants to start doing my homework for me, I ll get these up faster. Anybody out there good at math, cause that s the subject I need major help in. My average is 33.36%. gulp. Anybody?....
I think I forgot to mention...the CLOW Cards can talk...did I?...yeah? Oops.
(Authors note)
~~~~Change of Scene~~~~~~~
Lyrics from:
Brittany Spears, From the Bottom of my Broken Heart,
Metallica, Nothing else Matters, Sad but True,
Guns  n  Roses: November Rain, and
Pink Floyd: Comfortably Numb, and Hey you.
Sakura collapsed on her bed, three days later, dropping all forty seven of her shopping backs on the floor. They had been in New Zealand for ever! Sakura thought Setsuna and Artemis would never let her stop shopping. They both loved New Zealand, because they had the latest fashions, so they had decided to pay for everything Sakura bought, happy that Sakura hadn t summoned her powers to open a portal to escape. Sakura had to call Madison, and get her to call Tori and tell him that Sakura was staying at Madison s for the remainder of the week. She had come home, telling Tori that she had to get some more clothes. Tori had eyed the bags, then glanced at Sakura as if she were insane. The bags were packed with enough cloths to last Sakura years. Heck, she could cloth the entire Imperial Army with them, had all the soldiers been female, of course. Kero flew out of his drawer.
 What did ya get me? What did ya get me? Whatdidyougetme?!?!?!  Kero asked, practically drooling all over Sakura s new silver silk skirt. Sakura stared up at the ceiling.
 Nothing. I don t know what to buy stuffed animals.  Sakura mumbled. She screamed in pain as she felt Kero s teeth sink into the flesh on her index finger.
 Damn! Kero! That hurts!  Sakura yelled. She threw the creature across the room. Luckily he landed in a pile of pillows.
 Little Kaiju? Are you talking to yourself again?  Tori yelled down the hall. Sakura glared at the door.
 No! And I am not a little monster!  Sakura screamed. Tori pushed open Sakura s bedroom door.
 Oh, that s right. You re Godzilla!  he ran down the hall as a herd of pillows and stuffed animals came flying towards him.
 Nah, nah. Missed me!  he yelled. But he spoke too soon. Sakura hurled a leopard print pillow at him, and it hit him squarely in the back of the head. Tori slipped, and fell all the way down the stairs on his butt.
 Ha!  Sakura exclaimed before slamming her bedroom door. She could hear Tori moan loudly, then the front door bang shut. She grinned to herself. Score: Tori-3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, Sakura- 1. Hey, it was close!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Six years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Light! Return to your power confined!  A transparent Sakura yelled, slamming her staff into the air. White ribbons surrounded her, and Light disappeared, back into her card. Sakura sighed, turning to Artemis, who stood behind her.
 Artemis, I m almost 21! How much longer am I going to have to do this?  Sakura asked, her staff turning back into a key. Artemis just shrugged.
 That doesn t help! I want to get on with my life, not do this for the rest of eternity!  Sakura threw her arms into the air. Artemis sat on a swing that was behind her.
 You mean you want to get this over with. End your duty so you can forget about all the people you met since you opened the CLOW book. Forget about me, Setsuna, Kero. Everyone.  Artemis said, her eyes downcast.
 Don t put words in my mouth. You know that s not....  Sakura was cut off by Artemis.
 I know what you ment.  Artemis whispered before she vanished. Sakura sighed, a tear streaming down her cheek.
 Why am I losing all my friends?  Sakura asked herself as she slowly vanished, heading to an empty apartment. She began to cry heavily.
Two years ago:
Sakura slowly inched her way to the front of the church, where a coffin lay.
Never look back, they say.
How was I to know I d miss you so?
Her best friend in the whole world, Madison, lay in it, looking like a porcelain doll, her purple hair flowing around her pale face, her lavender eyes permanently closed, never to open again.
So close, no matter how far.
Couldn t be much more from the heart.
Forever trusting who we are.
And nothing else matters.
Sakura laid a branch of cherry blossoms in her friends hands.
 Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.  Sakura began to weep uncontrollably. Artemis appeared, silently leading her out of the church.
When your fears subside,
And the shadows still remain,
I know that you can love me,
When there s no one left to blame.
So never mind this darkness,
We can still find a way,
`Cause nothing lasts forever,
Even in this cold november rain.
Later in the year Tori got in an accident. He was in a coma, and had only a 10% chance of waking up. Aiden couldn t bare to see his son like that, so he told the doctors to take his son off life support. Nobody had seen Julian since that, and Sakura feared that he, too, was dead.
I m your dream, make you real,
I m your eyes when you must steal,
I m your pain when you can t feel
Sad but True.
Sakura didn t cry tears for Tori, because she was still in shock from her best friends death, and wasn t able to shed anymore tears.
There is no pain, you are receding.
A distant ship smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through on the waves.
Your lips move, but I can t hear what
You re saying
Sakura never spoke to anyone except Artemis and Setsuna after both those deaths, and she was never seen in public. She had all her groceries delivered to her apartment weekly.
Hey you! Out there in the cold.
Getting lonely, getting old, can you feel me?
Hey you! Standing in the aisle
With itchy feet and fading smiles, can you feel me?
Don t help them bury the light.
Don t give in without a fight.
Aiden died last year, from what, nobody knew. But Sakura knew. It was from a broken heart.
Hey you! Tell me there s no hope at all.
Together we stand. Divided we fall.

---------------------------------------------END FLASHBACK----------------------------------------------------------------
Artemis appeared next to Setsuna.
 Have ye figured out who s doing this, yet?  Artemis asked her best friend impatiently.
 No.  was Setsuna s only reply as she continued to stare into the crystal ball in front of her. Artemis was silent, then she suddenly began to giggle.
 Ya know, I finally understand Sakura. You are really creepy when you concentrate on a serious matter. And ye look like one of those fake fortune tellers, staring into that crystal ball. Couldn t you have used a bubble like usual?  Artemis gasped out.
 No.  was again Setsuna s only response. Artemis stopped laughing at looked at her friend, waving her hand in front of Sets crimson eyes.
 Hello? Are you there?  she asked.
 No.  Setsuna said. Artemis grabbed the ball out of the air. Setsuna snapped back to reality. Artemis raised an eyebrow.
 Sorry. But I found out who s doing it. And I bet that if you guessed, you would never get it correct.  Setsuna said.
 Meilin.  Artemis said without knowing it. Set raised an eyebrow.
 Actually, yeah. 
Dark bowed before her Mistress.
 Ma am, the worst has come. There are only 11 of us left, and the Immortal Goddess and her friend, the Guardian of the Time Gates, have discovered us. What shall we do?  Dark asked. The mistress-lady-person(I m taking these Tylonal pills for colds, and they re high on octane{not really, actually caffeine} and they make me act strange, so ignore the...odd...writing) began stroking her chin.
 I m not sure. That damn Immortal wench has always gotten in my way. Why must she guard that pathetic mortal?  Meilin asked herself.
 Ummm...mame? You re mortal, too. You do realize that, don t you? Clow said his powers wouldn t make you Immortal.  Arrow said as she stepped out of the shadows cast by the tall shelves in the room, which were covered with glass dolls and blacklight lamps. Meilin slammed her fist down onto a nearby table, causing a lamp to fall off, shattering upon impact to the cold, tile floor.
 Do you think that I don t know that? Do you think I m stupid? Do you think at all?  the Mistress shouted. Arrow recoiled, not answering, but Dark began to giggle. Meilin pulled a knife out of the air.
 A man, or card, without a tongue cannot laugh.  she threatened. Dark immediately stopped, fleeing the room, holding her mouth shut tightly, for fear that Meilin will slit out her tongue. Meilin watched the card run away, then she began to laugh hysterically. She glided over to a shelf, pulling down a picture of Li.
 Soon, my love. Very, very soon. 
Rita handed the change to one of her customers. Rita worked part time in a hotel to pay off her bills. She was training to become a model, and that was very expensive. Another person strode up to Sakura s desk.
 Hello, and welcome to the Tokyo Majestic Hotel. How may I help you?  She asked, pasting on a fake smile. The image of the young man registered in her mind, yet she did not recognize him. Short brown hair fell into his honey colored eyes.
 Umm...yes. I d like to know if you could possibly look up an address for me?  the young man asked. Sakura turned to her computer, logging into the Network Addressing Program, or NAP.
 Of course, sir. Who are looking for?  Rita asked politely, her fingers placed just millimeters above the keyboard.
 A miss Sakura Avalon?  the young man replies, leaning on the desk. Rita gasped, catching the keyboard as it nearly tumbled to the floor. Sakura hadn t been seen in years! Nobody even knew if she was still alive.
 Oops. I beg pardon. Umm...Sakura Avalon. That s A-V-A-L-O-N, right?  Rita asked innocently. The brown haired man nodded slightly.
 Alright. She lives at... 743th street, Delta Lane, in...Juban. Is that all....  Rita looked back up, but the young man was gone.
Sakura sighed, letting her horror novel fall out of her hand and onto the black carpeted floor. Some of Artemis  tastes had rubbed off on Sakura. Most of the walls in her apartment was black, with lots of silver on them. All the rugs were black, except for the one in Sakura s bedroom. It was metallic silver, a rare colour to find. Sakura wiped tears from her cheeks, but more kept coming. Memories of her friends and family were flashing into her head as the doorbell rang. Sakura lazily got up, sagging to the door. She wasn t expecting anybody. She yanked the silver door open, revealing a very handsome young man, amber eyes shinning somehow in the dark light.
 Yes?  Sakura mumbled, half asleep, tears still streaming down her pale face.
 Sakura? What s wrong? What happened?  the young man asked, gently wiping Sakura s face. Sakura stepped back, a look of fear on her face, her dim green eyes wide.
 Who are you? How do you know me?  she asked frantically.
 It s me. Li.  the man said, stepping into the room, eyeing the place.
 Li? How do I know it s really you?  Sakura backed up against the wall, grabbing the Clow key for backup.
 What?! I don t know...ask me a question only Li would know.  the mysterious intruder said. Sakura thought a moment.
 What book did I find in my fathers library when I was ten?  the girl asked, raising an eyebrow.
 The Clow.   Li  replied.
 What was the name of one of the girls who helped me, my dearest friend?  Sakura asked, still not believing the man.
 Artemis, the Immortal Goddess.   Li  took another step towards Sakura. A lightbulb flashed in Sakura s head.
 Who was my best friend, and how did she die?  Sakura asked, neatly folding her arms, more tears appearing in her eyes.  Li  went wide eyed.
 Madison s dead? How?  he asked. Sakura grasped, then ran into Li s arms.
 By the Great Goddess, you re back! 
Sakura said beside Li on her couch, explaining the last two years.
 Madison became sick, with some unknown disease. None of the doctors she went to knew what it was. This was in October, when the illness became known. She died in December.  Sakura tried to restrain crying.  Tori died next, in May. He was in a car accident. Somebody at his work cut the brakes in his car, and he crashed into a semi. He was on life support for about three months, but Artemis told Daddy that he was in extreme pain, and Daddy couldn t see him like that, so he told the doctors to...let him go. Then Daddy left me. Some doctors say it was lung cancer, but Daddy didn t smoke, and the other doctors said they didn t know what caused it. But I know he died from a broken heart. Then Julian disappeared. He was my only friend left, because Kero had returned to the Clow book, Rita went on to learn to model, Chelsea lives in Canada, and Nikki...well, to tell you the truth, I don t know what happened to her. I haven t been outside in...about one and a half years.  Sakura finished as Li listened patiently. He was wide eyed at the last part.
 You haven t been outside? You re coming outside with me right now.  Li stood up to pull her with her.
 Well...I ve kinda been outside. But It s been telepathically, to catch the Clow cards. Artemis taught me how to do that, separate mind from body, so while I stay here, my telepathic form captures the cards.  Sakura said, cringing.
 Wait. You mean you don t have all the Clow cards yet? That s pathetic. In a nice way.  Li said, turning back to his friend, his love.
 Yeah...I know. And trust me, you re not the only on who tells me that.  Sakura reluctantly stood up, allowing Li to pull her to the door.
 Well, you coming outside now. Like it or not. And from now on, I m here to help you.  Li said grinning. And for once in two years, Sakura grinned back.
Yaaaaa!!!! That chapter was longer than the others, I think -.- . I l'd you I d somehow make `em longer!! Yesss!! Now, the offer still stands for someone to do my homework. Anybody? silence. Fine!!! Hey. I went and counted these pages, and there s 4 1/2 here! That is the longest! Pathetic, ne??
Oh well.
Ja ne, and chapter...nine?...will be up soon. And does anybody have any answers for my award quiz? Ya know, the  Mysterious Girls  one
, though I m sure you ve already gotten it. If you haven t, you need help. Immeadiately. Here s the name of my friend, a mental doctor (I can t remember what they re called, psy-something.) Anyway. Her name s Sasha. Here s her number: (780) 973-6295. She lives in Edmonton, Alberta. She can help you....

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