FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 9....

I...do not.... own.... Cardcaptors. Never have....never will.... The Tylenol wore off... and I've got a dance tomorrow. I don't do dances. Or any social event for that matter. I'm not a very friendly person, though I can be....ignore me, if that's possible.

(Authors note)
~~~~Change of Scene~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~on wit da story!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sakura blocked the sunlight from her eyes as she sat down in a light blue chair of a cafe, a very popular one on Langly street. Li grinned, plopping down across from her. A handsome young waiter came out, taking their orders.
"Man, I haven't been out here for, like, ever!" Sakura exclaimed happily. Li smiled, nodding slightly.
"So, when was the last time you saw Artemis and Set?" Li asked, leaning on his hands.
"Ummmm...I saw Art about...two months ago, there haven't been any Cards lately, and Set...I haven't seen her in about...oh...a year and a half." Sakura sighed, thanking the waiter as he set down a cup of tea.
"Seriously? Well, I haven't seen either of them in six years! Beat that!" Li said, burning his tongue on his coffee.
"Hey! That's not something to be proud of!" a voice exclaimed from beside Sakura. Li looked up, finding two unknown young woman standing there. They grabbed two chairs from another table, seating themselves beside Sakura and Li.
"Artemis? Setsuna?" Sakura asked, unsure. Artemis winked. Sakura gasped, jumping up from her chair.
"What on Earth have you done to your hair?!" she asked, feeling the top of Art's head. Artemis' hair was no longer floor length, but only an inch long, sharp spikes pointing in every direction possible. It was now metallic blue, with shiny purple bangs that hung down to her chin. Thick black eyeliner and bright aqua eyeshadow framed her deep green eyes, and black lipstick covered her lips(wanna know where I got this from? It's me! And no, I'm not a major Goth, even if my fave colour is black...and silver....). Sakura was even more shocked at Setsuna. Unlike Artemis, who just pointed to her head, and her hair was floor length, Set had actually grown her hair out for her entire life. That's 2032 years! All her hair was chopped off, so that it was chin length. Her make up wasn't as extreme as Art's. She wore light green eyeshadow, and a light pink lipstick. They wore identical outfits. Silver shirts and black jeans. Very, very unnatural for Set.
"Beautiful." Li said to Artemis, sarcastically. She lightly slapped him on the back of his head.
"Meanie!" she whined, like a little six year old.
"So, what's with...." Sakura gestured to Artemis' hair and heavy makeup.
"It's a phase. Hopefully, it will soon pass." Setsuna said, ordering herself a cup of tea while Art glared at her. Artemis turned to the waiter, a cute blonde, ordering black coffee. Li raised an eyebrow to her.
"What? I'm an addict!" Artemis said, raising her hands in defense. Sakura giggled slightly.
"She's laughing! Did you hear that? She laughed! Well...giggled. But it's the same thing!" Set exclaimed happily, shocked. Li was puzzled. As if reading his thoughts, Artemis answered his question.
"She hasn't spoken to anyone besides me, Set, and Madison since you left. No one else even heard her breathe! Then after what happened to Madison...nobody every heard a sound come out of her, unless it was an emergency. And if it was the election in the US. You know, the one between Gore and Bush?" Artemis asked. Li nodded raising an eyebrow. Sakura sighed.
"We had an assembly in school, where the principal announced the winner. I...." Sakura paused, thinking.
"She stood up and gasped so loud! Everybody stared at her as if she was some kinda freak. She never did go back to school." Setsuna said quietly. Li tried to hide a laugh, but failed. He fell off his chair, laughing hysterically. Sakura glared at him angrily, shoving back her chair.
"That's it! I'm going home!" she bellowed before stomping off. Li jumped up, running after her.
"Oh, don't worry about us! And we'll pay for drinks!" Artemis yelled sarcastically after them. She turned to Set, who began giggling. The waiter sauntered over.
"That will be...$45.50." he said. Artemis gagged.
"$45.50? We bought some coffee!! I don't think so!!" A black flame surrounded Artemis, and her silver dress and wings appeared. Her hair returned to normal. The waiter gasped, running away.
"Coward. Hey, wanna go shopping?" Set asked, neatly brushing her butt off.
:Yep. We've now officially scared everybody here, and in Canada. Wanna try the States?" Artemis asked, striding across the street. Setsuna nodded eagerly, following. Artemis suddenly stopped, a car passing right through her.
"Wait. Do you think we should tell Kura and Li that Meilin is behind this?" she asked. She looked sideways at Set, and the two woman shook their heads.
Sakura sat in the park, her head resting on Li's broad shoulder. She sighed continently.
"Kura. I have to ask you something." Li began, pushing himself away from Sakura, who stumbled, nearly falling off the bench.
"Ummm...okay...." Sakura struggled to sit back up. Li reached into his pocket, removing a deep blue velvet box.
"Sakura Avalon, will you marry me?"

I'm cheap. I'm ending it here!!!(not the story, the chapter.) Cool cliffhanger. Is Sakura gonna say yes? Nope!! oops.... Umm...I mean...I don't know!! -_-'........ Well lets just say its not what you expect. What do you think she'll say?? Give it a guess. If you get it, you win a prize!!
Ja ne.

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