FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A Merry Christmas
A Merry Christmas
By: Sakura Lilly

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the character of Card Captor Sakura. They
belong to CLAMP. I only own Zen, Hiroshi, and Ichiro.

Sakura Lilly: Ok someone told me about the names of the characters I
invented that they existed in another anime so I decided to change them
() means an action someone does while talking.
** means something someone is thinking but not saying out loud.

Chapter 2: The Invitations

The next day Tomoyo took her invitations to school to give them out. She
got to school early as always and waited for Sakura who was late as usual.

Sakura: Tomoyo-chan hi!
Tomoyo: Hi Sakura-chan.
Sakura: I'm sorry I'm late and I told you I would come here early.
Tomoyo: Don't worry about that. Guess what I brought the invitations for
our party today.
Sakura: Great! And what about the gifts? *I hope I get Syaoran*
Tomoyo: Oh yeah, I'll tell everyone about it today.
The bell rings and the girls get into the classroom with the rest of their
classmates. The teacher arrives just a second after Tomoyo and Sakura
entered the room.
Teacher: Good morning students.
Students: Good morning.
Teacher: Please hand over the homework.
An so the morning at school began. Later they had an exam and then it was
lunch hour. Sakura, Tomoyo, and the rest of the gang got together after
buying their lunch. Tomoyo made small slips of paper with everyone's names
and put them in hat so they could draw them out.
Tomoyo: Ok here are the rules. You have to draw out a paper from the hat
and you have to get a Christmas present for he or she. But you can't tell
anyone about it. Also if you draw out your own name you must return it
because that would not be fair ok.
All: Right.
Tomoyo: Ok then everyone come here and take a paper.
Sakura, Meilin, Rika, Chiharu, Naoko, Takashi, Hiroshi, Zen, Syaoran, and
Eriol approached to take a paper. Then Tomoyo took one and saved one for
Sakura: *Great! I got Syaoran! Now, what should I give him?*
Meilin: * Cool! I'll get the best present for my dear Zen.*
Rika: *Oh, that's nice, but what can I give to 17 year old guy?*
Chiharu: *Hahahahahaha, I will get a lie detector for Takashi-chan.*
Naoko: *I think that Hiroshi would like a new ghost story book.*
Takashi: *What will I get for Chiharu-chan, and story can I tell her about
Hiroshi: *I know exactly what to give to Naoko.*
Zen: *I'd better get something really cool for Meilin.*
Syaoran: *Sakura-chan... what is special enough for her?*
Eriol: *Mmmmmmm, I think Tomoyo-chan has pretty much everything.*
Tomoyo: *Oh my! What present can I give Eriol?*

Evetyone except Ichiro knew for whom the presents each were going to give.
Tomoyo gave the remaining paper to Hiroshi.
Tomoyo: Here, this one is Hiroshi's, but remember not to look at it, ok.
Hiroshi:Awwww, not even a small peek.
Tomoyo: (Smiles) Nope.
Hiroshi: (Pouts) Ok.
A bell signals the end of the lunch hour and everyone begins to go back to
their classrooms.

Sakura Lilly: Well, I finished the second chapter. I guess the pairings
are kind of noticeable at this point don't you? Oh whatever, I just felt
like writing it that way. ^_^ I hope you like it. Please send any
comments you have on it to sakura_lilly@hotmail.com

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