FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A Merry ChristmasA Merry Christmas
by: Sakura Lilly

Disclaimer: I do not own Card Captor Sakura or it's characters. However I do own
Ichiro, Hiroshi, and Zen.

Sakura Lilly: Hi again, don't have anything to say this time, just remember that
() means what a character does and ** means what a character is thinking but not
saying. Now enjoy the story.


Chapter 3

After a few more peiods the classes ended and everyone returned to their
respective houses. Sakura hurried to get home since it was her turn to make
dinner, but Syaoran met her in the way home.
Syaoran: Hey Sakura, heading home already?
Sakura: Yes Syaoran, it is my turn to make dinner. (smiles).
Syaoran: (Looks disappointed) Ummmm ok, well then can I walk you home?
Sakura: (Smiles) That would be cool, thanks.
Syaoran: (Smiles)

As they walked together Sakura asked Syaoran:
Sakura: So, are you going to Tomoyo's Christmas party?
Syaoran: Yeah, you?
Sakura: Of course . (Smiles)
Syaoran: *Great! She's going, maybe I can get her to dance with me*.

A few moments later they reached Sakura's house.
Syaoran: Well Sakura, here we are, umm se you tomorrow.
Sakura: Hey, why don't stay for dinner with us?
Syaoran: But your brother... he still doesn't like me that much and...
Sakura: I'll take care of that, I really want you to stay for dinner.
Syaoran: Ok, anyway Meilin and Zen are going out tonight and I was going to eat
Sakura: Very well, then come with me.

Sakura and Syaoran entered her house and went to the kitchen. There they found
two notes: one from Touya and one from Sakura's dad.
Touya's note said:
Hi monster: I'm not coming home to dinner I have to study for a final test at
the university, tell Dad not to wait for me ok.

The other note said:
Dear Sakura: I have to work until late in an investigation at the university and
maybe I won't return until tomorrow. Please don't go out tonight since Touya
won't be home. Take care of yourself.
Love, Dad

Sakura read both notes, and then blushed at what that meant. She was going to be
alone with Syaoran at dinner. Syaoran didn't notice. Rather he noticed something
Syaoran: Sakura, don't you sense a weird presence?
Sakura:(Concentrating) Not really.
Syaoran: Maybe it's my imagination but I don't think so, we must be alert.
Sakura: Ok, but let's eat something right now, I'm starving.
Syaoran: Yeah me too.
Sakura took made some eggs with rice (her favorite food) and served some for
Syaoran. Then she took some to Kero-chan too. The two of them ate in silence
looking at the other one from time to time. When they finished, they cleaned
their dishes and went to the living room to watch television.
Sakura: Syaoran, what was it that you felt?
Syaoran: It felt like the presence of a Clow Card, but it was like an evil
Sakura: Probably Kero-chan is asleep by now so I'll tell him about it tomorrow.
Syaoran: I should tell Zen about it too. He can also feel such presences.
Sakura: But why can't I feel it too?
Syaoran: It was a very weak presence, but though weak it was definetely evil.
Maybe if you got closer you'll feel it too.
Sakura: Whatever it is I hope it doesn't become strong or we would have
Syaoran: Well Sakura, it's getting late, I gotta return home.
Sakura: Oh, well,ok. I think maybe we should get together tomorrow with
Kero-chan, Eriol, and Zen so we can figure out what was it that you felt, and
maybe someone else felt it too.
Syaoran: Yeah, I think that would be the best thing to do. Well, bye Sakura, se
ya tomorrow.
Sakura: Bye Syaoran, take care.
Syaoran: You too.


Sakura Lilly: Mmmmmm, I guess I went a little out of the main story, but I
really felt like writing some Sakura-Syaoran stuff. Also I don't really think
Sakura has a guest room but hey, it's my fanfic so now it has one ^-^. Also I
think it is a good introduction for the enemy. Any comments would be appreciated
at sakura_lilly@hotmail.com

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