FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 4A Merry Christmas
by: Sakura Lilly

Disclaimer: I do not own Card Captor Sakura or it's characters they belong to
Clamp. I'm just a student with too much time and I'm not making any profit out
of it. However I do own Ichiro, Hiroshi, and Zen.
Sakura Lilly: Hi, I'm back again with yet another chapter. Just remember ()=
what a character is doing at the same time that talking or an emotion.
**= what a character is thinking.
Please enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 4

Sakura woke up early the next morning (something rare for her) even though it
was Satuday. She did because she felt something strange around her.
Sakura: *Maybe it's that weird prescence Syaoran told me about yesterday. Oh
well I guess I'll ask Kero-chan and then we'll see what to do.
Sakura went over to the drawer where Kero-chan slept and woke him up. Kero was
not so happy about it.
Kero-chan: (angry) Why did you wake me up this early, it's Saturday, you don't
have to go to school, go back to sleep and let me...
Kero-chan didn't finish his speech cause at that moment he felt something too.
Sakura: Do you feel something Kero-chan?
Kero-chan: Yeah, I do, it feels like a Clow Card, but there is something evil in
that prescence.
Sakura: That's what I wanted to tell you. Syaoran came yesterday and felt it
too, but it has gotten stronger over the night because I could only sense it
until this morning.
Kero-chan: So that guy felt it too.
Sakura: Yup, what do you think it is?
Kero-chan: I once heard of something like this, though I didn't know it really
Sakura: What is it?
Kero-chan: They are called the Dark Cards. They are like the Clow Cards, only no
matter who uses them, they will cause destruction. They feed on any kind of
darkness, physical, mental, emotional, any, the one that gives them more power
is darkness of the soul and heart.
Sakura: OH, so that is why it got stronger over night.
Kero-chan: Yes, and if you feel its prescence then it must be really strong,
most of the time it can only be sensed by someone evil.
Sakura: Oh no, then we must tell and Syaoran and the others about it and figure
out what to do to...
Sakura's phone rang at that moment and interrupted her. She took it out and
answered. It was Tomoyo.
Tomoyo: Good morning Sakura-chan, glad to see you are up early.
Sakura: Good morning Tomoyo-chan, what's up?
Tomoyo: Well I have some things to do for the party, can you come and help me?
Sakura: I'm so sorry Tomoyo, you see there's something Kero-chan and I need to
discuss with Syaoran, Eriol, and the rest.
Tomoyo: Is something wrong with the Clow Cards?
Sakura: I don't know, that's what we want to find out.
Tomoyo: Ok, I hope everything turns out all right. Please call me later to tell
me what you found out?
Sakura: I will, have a good day Tomoyo-chan.
Tomoyo: Thanks, have a good day too Sakura-chan.

Sakura puts down the phone and turns over to Kero-chan.
Sakura: Well, I guess I'll call Syaoran and ask him is we can go to his house to
discuss this over.

She took the phone again and called to Syaoran's house. The phone rang several
times before someone picked it up. Meiling was the one who answered
Meiling: Hi Sakura, what's up?
Sakura: Hi Mei, could I talk to Li for a while, it's something really important,
about the Clow Cards.
Meiling: Ok, I'll call him.
Meiling covered the mouth-part of the phone and yelled
Syaoran: Coming!!!
Meling hands over the phone to Syaoran and he thanks her and takes it.
Syaoran: Hi Sakura.
Sakura: Hi Syaoran. I have something to tell you and I think I should tell it to
Eriol and Zen too, could we go over to your house to do it"
Syaoran: Yeah I guess you all come, it's it about that prescence I felt
yesterday? I think it's gotten stronger.
Sakura: Well yes, I asked Kero-chan about it and he told me something about it.
But I'll tell you until we all are together ok. Oh and can you call Eriol and
tell him please?
Syaoran: Ok Sakura, I will, how about if you come in say an hour?
Sakura: Yep, I think that would be ok. Well bye Li.
Syaoran: Bye Sakura.
Both hang up the phone and Li called Eriol.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sakura Lilly: Well what do ya think 'bout it? I hope you did like it. Next
chapter coming soonvI guess. Please any feedback send it to me here. Bye Bye for
now. ^_^

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