FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A Merry Christmas
by: Sakura Lilly

Disclaimer: I do not own Card Captor Sakura or it's characters they belong to
Clamp. I'm just a student who loves the series and I'm not making any profit out
of it. However I do own Ichiro, Hiroshi, and Zen.
Sakura Lilly: Hi. Just remember ()= what a character is doing at the same time
that talking or an emotion.
**= what a character is thinking.
Please enjoy the chapter.
Chapter 5

Later that day, Sakura, Syaoran, Kero-chan, Zen, and Meiling were in Syaoran's
house waiting for Eriol and Spinel.
Syaoran: Eriol, Spinel, come in, we're all here, we were waiting for you.
Eriol: Thanks, Li, so what's all this about?
Syaoran: Sit down with us and will tell you.
Everyone: Hi Eriol, Spinel.
Eriol and Spinel: Hi guys.
Sakura: Well, I guess Syaoran didn't have time to tell you all why I called you
here. Well, yesterday, he felt a weird prescence, and in morning I did too, has
anyone else felt like that?
Eriol: Well, I do feel a prescence, but it was so weak, I really didn't pay much
attention to it.
Zen: I also felt it but I didn't pay much attention either.
Spinel: I did, I was about to tell him when Li called.
Sakura: I noticed it because Syaoran told me yesterday about it. And in the
morning Kero told me what it was. Could you explain it to everyone Kero-chan?
Kero: Yeah. Well you've all felt a small but evil prescence haven't you? They
are Dark Cards, like Clow Cards but they are evil. The more evil the Master or
Mistress is, the more powerful the Cards are. They gain energy with darkeness
and evilness, that's why the prescence got stronger over night.
Eriol: I've heard about them, but I thought Clow had destroyed them, but maybe
he just hid them and now someone has found them and wants to use them.
Zen: But the real questions are whp is using, and for what purpose, though I can
guess it's not something good.
Spinel: Yeah, and if don't stop them soon, something really bad will happen. The
world will slowly fall in total caos.
Syaoran: Is there a way to stop those cards?
Kero: Well actually I don't know, that's why I wanted to talk to all of you,
specially Eriol and Spinel, since they, like me, are the most familiar with
Meiling: What will happen if don't or if it's too late to do anything?
Spinel: If the legend is true, then the world will turn in a chaotic place, with
the Master of the Cards as a ruler.
Meiling: What legend?
Eriol: The legend of the Dark Cards. I tell you about it:
--------- Legend -----------
A long time ago, back when Reed Clow was first making the Clow Cards, his cousin
Rick Clow had made his own cards too. Those cards had gained energy from
darkness, but specially from dark feelings like hatred, anger, loneliness,
sadness, and others. The more evil the Master is, the more powerful the cards
are. Rick Clow was a very evil man, that's why his cards turned out that way. He
hated his cousin Clow, so he decided to use them against him. Fortunately, with
his newly finished Clow Cards, Reed Clow was able to defeat his cousin and seal
the Cards in a book. He hid them very well and re-sealed them under a very
powerful spell, since he knew what would happen if the Cards were set loose
------ End ---------
Eriol: They remained intact for decades, until now,if this negative energy we're
feeling is the Cards.
Zen: You mean it could always be just a normal magician. Well Black magician or
Spinel: Well, it is a posibility but I don't think so.
Kero: We're almost sure it's those Dark Cards.
Syaoran: Then the only way to stop them must be using that same spell Clow used
at that time to seal the Dark Cards' power.
Eriol: I think so.
Sakura: Then we need to find that spell before it's too late.
Meiling: I think we had some of the scrolls and books that Clow wrote. When we
came here, Syaoran brought some of them becuase Zen wanted to study them, I can
bring them right now if you want to.
Kero and Spinel: Yes, do it. It would be most helpful.
Eriol: Well, those scrolls and books will be hard to decipher, who can help me
do it?
Zen: I will help you, after all I've read a couple of them. I even took some
notes, let me go get them.
Syaoran: I'll help you too.
Kero: Spinel and I can help too.
Sakura: If you think I'll be any help I'll...
Eriol: I think it would be better if looked for the source of the power, I mean,
since you are the Cardcaptor after all.
Sakura: Ok, I will. *I thought he would just say I was going to be in the way or
something, at least he was respecful.*
Meiling: Here's the stuff, I'm sorry guys, but I think I'm not much help at
looking at those things.
Sakura: That's ok. (smiling) You can come with me. I'm going to look for the
source of the dark power, since you are very strong, I think you can help me if
we encounter any problems.
Meiling: (smiling back) Ok, I'll go with you.
Sakura: Well, we'll be going, we'll come back later to check how everything is
going with that spell.
Meiling: (Hugs Zen) Bye, dear Zen. I'll come back later ok.
Zen: (Hugs her back) Don't worry Mei, I have a lotta work to do.
Sakura: Bye guys.
Everyone: Bye Sakura, bye Meiling.
Syaoran: (goes close to Sakura) Be careful.
Sakura: I will.
The two girls went out the door to look for the Cards and their Master.
Sakura Lilly: So what do you think of the story.
Spinel: It sucks, why do I have to work with Kerberus.
Kero: Hey, ya think I'm so happy to work with you?
Sakura Lilly: (Kicks Kero and Spinel) I didn't mean you. I meant of the girls
and guys who read my story.
Kero and Spinel: Sorry.
Sakura Lilly: That's ok, just don't fight anymore kay. Well, sorry for taking so
much to write this chapter. And to the people e-mailed me thank you a lot! You
gave what I needed to keep on writing. I really feel happy when someone writes
to tell me they liked my stories. It inspires me to write another on.
Spinel: Yeah right, as if anyone liked your stories.
Sakura Lilly: (Kicks him to corner) Oh, just shut up. There are persons who
actually like my stories. (Turns to the readers again) Well, that's all for now.
Please come back later for my next chapter. And meanwhile, any comments would be
really appreciated at sakura_lilly@hotmail.com . 'Bye bye.

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