FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A Merry Christmas
by: Sakura Lilly

Disclaimer: I do not own Card Captor Sakura. It belongs to Clamp. I'm not
making any profit out of it. However I do own Ichiro, Hiroshi, and Zen. Ask me
before using them.
Sakura Lilly: Hi. Just remember ()= what a character is doing at the same time
that talking or an emotion.
**= what a character is thinking.
Chapter 6

Sakura and Meiling went to take a walk and find the source of the malignant
energy. Actually Sakura tried to find it and Meling looked out for trouble. The
walked for some time and found Tomoyo inside a store buying a present, though
they didn't get a chance to see what she bought.
Sakura: Hey, Tomoyo-chan.
Meiling: Hi Tomoyo.
Tomoyo: Hi Sakura-chan, Meiling, what are you doing here? I thought you had a
kind of meeting or something.
Sakura: Well, actually we did, but we... Well let's go outside and go drink some
hot chocolate, it became cold of all sudden. We'll tell you what's going on
Tomoyo: Ok, I just finished shopping what I needed and I think it's a good idea,
let's go.
Meiling: Me too, I feel very cold.
Sakura: Ok, let's go.
Sakura, Tomoyo, and Meiling crossed the street to their favorite cafe. There
they found an empty table in the back of the warm, cozy cafe, so no one would
hear them. A waiter, who by coincidence was Touya came to ask what they were
Touya: So monster, what are you and your friends having?
Sakura: (getting angry) Hhmmp, brother, why do you have to keep calling me
monster, specially in front of my friends!
Touya: Yeah, whatever. So are going to order something or not?
Meiling: I'd like a hot chocolate please.
Tomoyo: So do I please.
Sakura: (still angry) I would like one too.
Touya: I'll bring them right over. (Leaves)
Sakura: Ok, now my brother is gone I'll tell you what happened. Remember what I
told you in the morning. Well it turns out that the negative energy we're
feeling is caused the Dark Cards. Kero and I talked to Li and they guys about it
Sakura was interrupted by Tomoyo telling her that Touya was coming back. He
reached the table and placed the hot chocolates on the table. Then left to wait
on other clients.
Sakura: Where was I?
Meiling: You were telling Tomoyo that you talked to Syaoran and the rest.
Sakura: Oh yeah. Well we talked to them and we discovered some things. These
Cards were created by the cousin of Clow Reed, Clow Rick. They feed on darkness
and negative feelings. The more the Master is, the more powerful the Cards are.
There also seems to be some sort of Dark Guardians, you know like Kero and Yue.
And if we don't stop those Cards, the world will be in chaos.
Tomoyo: And have find out how to stop them?
Meiling: That's what the guys are trying to find out. Eriol said that Clow Reed
used some sort of spell to seal off the power of the Cards and it's guardians.
Tomoyo: Oh, I see. I wish I could help, but I don't know anything about magic.
I'm sorry.
Sakura: Don't worry, we'll find a way to stop it. For now, just be careful, and
if you do see something weird, just call me, or Li, or Eriol.
Meiling: Yeah, we don't want you o the rest of the girls to get hurt.
Sakura: Right.
Tomoyo: Ok.
Meiling: We should return. It's getting late.
Tomoyo: Oh, my! I told mom I would we home in ten minutes.
Sakura: Ok, let's just pay and we'll walk you to your house. By the way, try not
to go out alone at night. That's when the Cards get more power.
Tomoyo: (nods)
Sakura, Meiling, and Tomoyo paid for her chocolate and left for Tomoyo's house.
Meanwhile, in Syaoran's house; himself, Eriol, Zen, Kero, and Spinel were still
studying and analyzing Clow's books and scrolls, trying to find out that spell
he used long ago to seal his cousin's Cards.
Syaoran: (worried) It's getting late. And Sakura and Meiling haven't still come
Eriol: You're right. It's dangerous to be outside at night.
Zen: Should we go look for them.
At that moment the phone rang. Syaoran went to answer it.
Syaoran: Nihao.
Sakura: Hi. It's me Sakura. I'm calling from Tomoyo's house. Meiling and I are
going to stay in here for the night, so don't worry if we're not back until
Syaoran; Ok, I'll tell the guys.
Sakura: And please don't stay up all night trying to decipher those books. You
need a good rest to get energy to face trouble if it comes, kay.
Syaoran: Right, we won't back.
Sakura: Bye Li.
Syaoran: Bye Sakura.
Syaoran hang up the phone and went back with the guys who were still reading the
books and stuff.
Eriol: Who was it?
Syaoran: (sits down) It was Sakura. She said that Meiling and her were staying
in Tomoyo's house tonight.
Zen: That's was a good idea, considering what is happening.
Syaoran: Yes it is. By the way, aren't you guys hungry?
Kero and Spinel: Yes, yes, yes.
Eriol: Well, actually I am.
Zen: Me too.
Syaoran: Then I'll go and make some dinner for all.
Zen: I can help you.
Sayoran: Thanks.
Syaoran and Zen went to make some ramen and sum dim for everyone, while the rest
continued to look for that spell.
Back at Tomoyo's house, Sakura had just finished calling Syaoran, and was now
calling her dad.
Sakura: Hi dad.
Fujitaka: Hi dear.
Sakura: Dad, Tomoyo invited me to sleep over at her house, may I?
Fujitaka: Of course, you can.
Sakura: Thanks dad, I'll be back tomorrow.
Fujitaka: Have fun. Bye.
Sakura: Bye dad.
Sakura hung up the phone and went to Tomoyo and Meiling.
Sakura: Well, my dad let me stay. I also called the guys to tell them that
Meiling will be staying here too.
Meiling: Thanks. Or Zen would start looking me and then scold me for one week.
Sakura and Tomoyo: (Laugh)
Tomoyo: What would you like for dinner?
Sakura: What you all want will be fine.
Meiling: I don't know, I can eat about anything right now.
At that moment someone knocked on the door of Tomoyo's room. Tomoyo went to open
and found her mother on the door.
Sonomi: Hi girls. Tomoyo tells me you're going yo sleep over tonight.
Sakura: If we're not a bother to you...
Sonomi: Of course not. You girls are always welcome here. Tell you what. I'll
make dinner tonight. How about some egg rolls and noodles?
Meiling: Thank you Mrs. Daidouji.
Sonomi: Oh it's nothing Meiling. I love it when you girls stay here. I'll call
you when dinner is ready.
Sonomi leaves and goes to kitchen to make dinner. Tomoyo, Sakura, and Meiling
stay in Tomoyo's room.
Tomoyo: You think I could still make my Christmas party?
Sakura: I don't know, why don't move it until Christmas Eve?
Tomoyo: I guess so, you want to see your dress, you can try it on. It's almost
Sakura: Sure, if you don't mind Meiling.
Meiling: Not at all. I always like to see the dresses Tomoyo makes.
Tomoyo takes out Sakura's dress and Sakura went into Tomoyo's changing room to
try it on.
Tomoyo: Thank you. You know what. Since we're moving the party I can make a
dress for you too Mei-chan
Meiling: (Smiling) Really? Oh thank you Tomoyo-chan!
Tomoyo: Really. Wait I'll take out my camera to take you a picture and then
design a dress for you.
Tomoyo took out her computer and her camera. She turned on her computer. At
that moment Sakura came out of the dressing room wearing a beautiful dress. The
bodice of the dress was of red silk. It fitted Sakura perfectly. It has double,
red spaghetti straps. The skirt was of red lace with a green trim on the edge of
the skirt. On her feet were red velvet boots that reached almost to her knees.
The head piece and other small decorations of the dress were still not finished,
but anyway, the dress looked wonderful on Sakura.
Tomoyo: Oh my, Sakura, the dress looks great on you!
Meiling: Yeah! (nudges Sakura) Surely Syaoran will fall dead from the impression
when he sees you. (Laughs).
Sakura: (Blushes) *Oh, my. What will he think when he sees me.*
Tomoyo: It's your turn Meiling. Just stand there by the wall.
Meiling: Ok. (stands on the wall).
Tomoyo takes her camera and takes a picture of Meiling. Then connects the camera
to her computer and opens her designing program. She puts the picture of Meiling
and then makes a green velvet chinese-type dress. The neck of the dress was red
and ran up high in. The dress had no sleeves. The skirt reached to her ankles
and has openings on the sides reaching to her mid-tighs. On her feet were
Chinese-type red slippers. On her head she wore two red Christmas flowers.
Meiling: Wow, Tomoyo, you're a great designer! You always know what kind of
outfit will fit each person.
Tomoyo: (Blushes) Oh, you really think so?
Sakura: Yeah! We do! But what about your dress?
Tomoyo: Actually it's finished, you wanna see it?
Meiling and Sakura: Yes, please.
Tomoyo: Ok. (She goes to the dressing room and tries on her dress).
Meiling: It's got to be wonderful.
Sakura: Of course. All her dresses are.
Tomoyo came out of the dressing room. She was wearing a white and golden dress.
The bodice of the dress was made of golden silk. It fitted her body perfectly.
It had short sleeves and on her neck she wore a gold lace. The skirt reached a
little over her knees and was fluffy and white. On her feet she wore golden
shoes. And on her hair she wore a golden harpiece with fluffy, white wings on
each end.
Sakura: Wow Tomoyo! Your dress it great! And it fits you so well!
Meiling: Yeah! You look so good on it!
Tomoyo: Really? You like it?
Sakura and Meiling: Yeah! It's so pretty.
Sonomi:(only her voice) Girls, dinner's ready!
Tomoyo: Coming mom!
Tomoyo put on her normal clothes again and the three girls went to dinner.
Sakura Lilly: Oh my! I finished a another chapter.
Kero: Yeah, but it was really long.
Sakura Lilly: It wasn't that long.
Spinel: Yes it was. And I had to work with Kerberus again! The whole chapter!
Sakura Lilly: Oh are you gonna complain again?
Kero: It's just that I can do it better without him. (points at Spinel)
Spinel: Do not. I am the one who's better.
Sakura Lilly: Oh, don't start again. (Kicks them to a corner and turns back to
the readers). So did you like this chapter? Do you think it needs something? Did
you totally hate it? Well any comments, suggestions, or whatever send them to me
to sakura_lilly@hotmail.com .

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