FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A Merry Christmas
by: Sakura Lilly
Disclaimer: I certainly do not own Card Captor Sakura or its characters, they
belong to Clamp. The idea foe this story and the characters Zen, Ichiro,
Hiroshi, and Liling.
Author's note:
() means what a character does while talking.
** means a thought.



Sakura returned to her house the next morning to find that her dad was not
there. Only her brother greeted her.
Touya: Hi monster. You woke up late as always ne?
Sakura: Brother! I'm on vacations anyway.
Touya: Well it is, have you done your winter homework?
Sakura: (nervous) Well, I um, I um...
Touya: I knew it, you haven't done anything.
Sakura: But it's only my second day of vacations. Besides I have something to do
this afternoon. Tomoyo and Meiling will come for me in the afternoon.
Touya: Well, I have to study for my finals at university. A friend will come by
in the afternoon. She's been having some problems with some subjects since she
is a transfer student.
Sakura: *A transfer student* Since when is she here?
Touya: Since the middle of the semester I think.
Sakura: You're really nice to help her. You used to study alone. And well in
high school you only studied with Yukito.
Touya: So, why do you care who I study with? Let's go to eat something.
Sakura and Touya ate in silence. But Sakura kept thinking.
Sakura: *Why is my brother so suddenly interested in studying with a transfer
student. And I girl. I think there's more than just mere friendship in there, he
just doesn't invite 'friends' to the house since he and Yukito entered in
different universities. Maybe this has something to do with the Dark Cards.*
They finished eating, washed the dishes and Touya went upstairs to take a bath.
Sakura was finishing with her dishes when the doorbell rang. Thinking it was
Tomoyo or Meiling she went to open the door. When she opened she didn't find
Tomoyo or Meiling in there. Instead she found a tall, thin girl. She had long
blue-black hair, white skin. She was wearing Chinese type pants and blouse.
Girl: (confused) Hi, does Touya Kinomoto live here?
Sakura: Yes, he's my brother.
Girl: (smiling) Oh, well nihao, I'm Rye Liling. I'm from Hong Kong.
At that moment Touya came downstairs to the door, while Tomoyo and Meiling came
to Sakura's house.
Touya: Hi Liling, come in, I see you met my sister Sakura.
Liling: Yes, she's a very nice girl.
Sakura: Well, sayonara, I've got to do some things to do.
Sakura went outside and then closed the door. There she met with Tomoyo and
Meiling. They started to walk to the park.
Meiling: What was all that about?
Sakura: (worried) She was some transfer student from Hong Kong. I guess she's in
my brother class because they are going to study together.
Tomoyo: You don't look too happy about it.
Sakura: When I opened the door, I felt a weird presence about her. I'm not
saying that she is the Dark Mistress, but, well it was just weird.
Meiling: We should tell this to the guys, the sooner we find out if she is the
Dark Mistress the better. If she is your brother could be in danger.
Sakura: On my! I hadn't thought about that. Meiling you're right. Let's go to
your house.
Sakura ,Meiling, and Tomoyo went to Meiling's house. They found that the boys
were still reading Clow's scrolls and books. Also Yue and Ruby Moon had joined
Syaoran: Hi girls, we're almost finished. We've found out lots of important
things. How about you, have you found the Dark Master?
Sakura: I have an idea about who might it be.
Syaoran: Come here and sit down, and can discuss it all.
Sakura: Ok, Tomoyo came with me, do you mind?
Eriol: No, Tomoyo is very intelligent. Maybe she could help us find a solution.
Tomoyo: (Blushing) Thanks for letting me stay.
Yue: Ok, we've found out some important things. As you already know the Dark
Cards are powered up by darkness, anger, depression, hate, and other dark
feelings. Also that when the Cards have an evil Master or Mistress they become
the strongest.
Ruby Moon: We also know that the Dark Cards cause havoc and destruction wherever
their power is released. The Master or Mistress using that same power can
reconstruct the world to his or her own needs and rule over it.
Kero: We have learned that as with the Clow Cards there are 2 guardians. One
represents the Dark Sun and the other one the Dark Moon. The first one looks
like a black wolf with huge bat wings. The other one looks like a man with black
hair and black bat wings.
Spinel: By now we know all the effects of the Cards, but we still don't know how
we can stop them. We don't enough material to find a way. We will have to think
a way to stop them.
Tomoyo: You said the Dark Cards gained their power by darkness so maybe if you
used bright lights you could drain their power...
Eriol: Tomoyo, you're right, maybe that could work.
Sakura: It could I still have the Light Card. And maybe with the rest of you
helping me with your magic, we could destroy them.
Zen: Ok let's see how many magic users we have: Sakura, Li, Eriol, Yue, Ruby
Moon, Kerberus, Spinel Sun, and me.
Syaoran: Ok, when we find this cards we shine lights, big deal. What if it
doesn't work?
Yue: Then we'll have to fight against the power of the Cards, the Mistress, and
the Guardians.
Meiling: I can help you with that, I may not have magic but I know a lot about
martial arts.
Zen: This is going to be dangerous. Maybe you shouldn't go.
Meiling: You will need all the help you can get. I'm in.
Syaoran: (whispers to Zen) It's not good to argue with her, trust me. I'll help
you protect her.
Tomoyo: *I'm sure they won't let me go, but I want to tape everything, I'll just
go without telling them. And I have those cute dresses I made for Sakura I keep
for a case like this. I'll give one to her and wear the other myself.*
Ruby Moon: Ok, the first thing we do is find out if that woman is really the
Dark Mistress and see where she keeps the Cards.
Sakura: I'll just follow her when she finishes studying with my brother. The
rest of you stay close to my house and then follow me.
Zen: Ok. You follow her, we follow you and shine those Cards. Then fight the
Mistress. Is it going to be a long night.
Eriol: I'll take the scroll with the sealing spell in case we're not able to
destroy the Cards.
Sakura: Ok, we've got a plan. (She takes out her pink walkie talkies and gives
it to Syaoran). Here take this. I'll call you when the time comes.
Syaoran: (Takes the walkie talkie and takes her hand) Ok, be careful.



Sakura Lilly: Oh, my. The end is coming near.
Kero-chan: At last. You know I hate to cooperate with Spinel hollow-head here.
Suppy-chan: Hey, who are you calling hollow-head?
Sakura Lilly: Not again. Can't you be friends for once? At least until I finish
my story.
Kero and Suppy-chan: (glaring at each other) No we can't.
Sakura Lilly: But everyone has to live happily ever after like Sakura and
Kero-chan: I'll be happy ever after if you take hollow-head Suppy here out of
your story.
Sakura Lilly: (Kicks them to the back and turns back to the readers) Sorry for
that again. So how did you like this chapter? I would love feedback at
sakura_lilly@hotmail.com . Please e-mail me your comments, rants, suggestions,
Sakura Lilly: By the way chapter 8 will be coming really soon. And after that
the final chapter will be here. I think. Well 'bye-bye for now.

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