FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A Merry Christmas
By: Sakura Lilly

Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura, characters, etc. belong to the geniouses of
Clamp. I claim no credit for them or the original storyline of the anime and/or
manga. Only the idea for this story and the characters of Liling, Zen, Hiroshi,
and Ichiro are mine so please ask me before using them.
Author´s Note: Gosh, the end is getting nearer and nearer, but this won't be the
final chapter anyways <Hahahahahahaha>. Please be patient, sometimes a get a
major case of writers blocking and God, I can't think of anything to write. Well
I bet you think it's enough of this (I do). Now on with the fanfic already.



Chapter 8

After the meeting at Syaoran's house, Sakura returned to her house to see if
Liling was still there studying with Touya so they could put their plan into
action at that moment. She was disappointed but somewhat relieved to find Touya
alone when she got home.
Sakura: Hi brother, I'm back. Where's your friend?
Touya: We finished studying a while ago and she went to her house.
Sakura: Oh. I sort of thought she would have dinner with us.
Touya: Actually I was going to invite her, but she said she had to get home.
Sakura: *Well, at least you're safe brother. For now.* Well let's just have
Touya: Good thing you reminded me. It's your turn to make it.
Sakura: Oh darn, I thought it was your turn. Ok I'll do it.
A few blocks away there was Liling walking in the darkness of the first shadows
of the evening.
Liling: *Hahahahaha. I've got Touya at my feet, he was so easy. And the power he
has is amazing! Hahahahahahaha. And he doesn't even know it. So much the better
for me. Hahahahaha. And that girl, his sister, she is ever so much powerful. But
I think she suspects something. The way she looked at me was weird. If she
interferes I will have to eliminate her. And anyone who dares to stop me.
Back at Sakura's house, Touya and Sakura ate in silence. When they finished they
each rinsed their plates and glasses and went into their rooms. When Sakura got
to her room, she found Kero-chan already there. She told him that Liling had
already leaved when she got there. She took out her pink phone to call Li and
the others.
Syaoran: Nihao, is it you Sakura?
Sakura: Yeah it's me.
Syaoran: What happened, is she still there?
Sakura: No that's why I called she already left.
Syaoran: Darn!
Sakura: She'll probably come tomorrow, my brother seems to intersted in her that
he'll invite her again.
Syaoran: Then we'll be ready for it. If she comes please call us. If she doesn't
then tomorrow at night we will look for her and carry out our plan.
Sakura: But what if she is not the Dark Mistress?
Syaoran: I think Eriol or one of the guardians will probably notice it.
Sakura: Ok. Then see you tomorrow. Please rest well, you need it.
Syaoran: Thanks. You too.
Sakura: Sweet dreams. Bye.
Syaoran: Bye.
Sakura and Syaoran both hang up the phone.Then Sakura called Tomoyo and told her
what happened. Sakura and Kero then went to sleep. Syaoran told the rest about
what happened. Then they all also went to sleep.
Meanwhile Tomoyo at her house had taken out one of the wierd but cool outfits
she had made for Sakura some weeks ago. Even if Sakura hadn't been a Card Captor
in years, she still designed outfits for her if something showed up. Sometimes
she gave them to her, but she always kept a few of them.
Tomoyo: *Hmmm so this Dark Mistress got away. Well, it's better for me. Let me
see. When I made this one I also gave Sakura another one. She probably still has
it. So I could wear it while I tape, just for a change. Yeah it will be fun!
Besides everyone has really cool outfits for this things. Eriol has his black
robe, Li, Zen, and Meiling have their chinese costumes, Yue and Ruby Moon also
have cool outfits, Kero-chan and Suppy-chan grow big and look impressive, and
Sakura has the outfits I make so I could use this one. And I can tape thier
heroic actions. Even if they don't let me go.*
The next day it was Monday and their first real day of vacation. (Weekend
doesn't count) It was the day Tomoyo's party was going to be originally had, but
she had called Chiharu, Yamazaki, and the others and told them she moved the
party until Thursday, Christmas Eve.
It was morning and Sakura and her brother were at home, having breakfast. Sakura
wanted to subtely find out where Liling lived so they could investigate at her
Sakura: So, why did Liling didn't have dinner with us last night.
Touya: She said it was late and had to do something at her house.
Sakura: It wasn't that late when I came home. Does she live far away or
Touya: No, she lives in a rented house near the University. And it WAS late
when you got home. What were you doing anyway?
Sakura: Me, um, well I was hanging out with some friends.
Touya: Oh, well. I need to go. Unlike others I have to go to school.
Sakura: Good luck on your exams!
Touya: Thanks. Don't destroy the house while I'm gone monster.
Sakura: (stucks her tongue at him) I'm not a monster!!!!

As soon as Touya was gone, Sakura went to her room and told Kero what her
brother had said Liling lived. Kero decided to go and investigate in there.
Sakura called Li to tell him everything she had found out.
Syaoran: Then she lives in a rented house.
Sakura: Yup, Kero is already investigating there.
Syaoran: Please come to my house when he returns, we need to hear what he has to
say. Maybe you should bring Tomoyo, she can help us figure out a backup plan or
Sakura: I will, see you later Syaoran-kun.
Syaoran: Bye.
Sakura, Tomoyo, and Kero reached Syaoran's house an hour later. Kero told the
others what he found out.
Kero: I took me a while to find the house, but since I went before she left for
school, I saw out which house she came out. The news I have are not good. 2 guys
also live in there, I think one of them is a friend of yours, Hiroshi or
Tomoyo: Oh my! Then the other guy must be his brother Ichiro. But why do they
live with her.
Sakura: Maybe they are the ones renting her a room.
Syaoran: Or maybe they are helping her.
Eriol: We can't be sure. Neither of them uses magic.
Meiling: That doens't mean they can't help her.
Kero: The point here is we have to go there as soon as possible. Those Cards are
getting more and more powerful.
Suppy: Did you see where she keeps them?
Kero: No, I couldn't risk being seen by those guys. At least not at the moment.
Eriol: Anyway if we are going to do anything we need to do it tonight. When the
Dark Cards gain their full power, the guardian will come out and their power
will be almost unstoppable.
Sakura: I think we should carry out our original plan. Tonight.
Zen: If so then we should meet here at midnight.
Meiling: I'll go with you.
Tomoyo: Me too.
Zen: But Mei-chan.
Meiling: I will not take a no for an answer.
Zen: Ok, do what you want.
Eriol: You shouldn't go Tomoyo. It's dangerous and you can't use magic or
martial arts.
Tomoyo: But I can help if someone get hurt.
Kero: Ok we'll meet here at midnight.
Sakura: Ok. See you later.
That night Sakura, Tomoyo, and Kero-chan met with Syaoran, Meiling, Zen, Eriol,
Ruby Moon, Yue, and Spinel Sun. Not to be noticed as easily they split up into
several teams. Sakura and Syaoran along with Kero went first. Then by another
road went Eriol and Tomoyo with Spinel Sun. Meiling and Zen took another road
and Ruby Moon and Yue went flying. They met again in front of Liling's house, a
dark energy could be sensed all around the house.
Kero: Here we are. Are you all ready?
All: Yes.
Sakura took out her magic staff, and Li and Zen their swords. Eriol takes out
his staff too. Tomoyo readies her camera. (She was allowed to go reluctantly.)
Sakura: Ok, let's go for it.
Sakura and the rest of the group entered inside the house. No one noticed when
the large group entered the house. Then they noticed an evil presence coming
from the basement, even Tomoyo and Meiling saw a dark, weird glow coming from
it. Sakura and Syaoran went down the stairs and opened the basement door, the
rest stayed behind because there was little space in the corridor leading to the
basement. There was Liling, Ichiro, and Hiroshi with the Dark Cards on top of a
Liling: Aarrrrrrghhhhhh, you had to get here now. Damn it!
Sakura: We are here to stop you! Shine on top of the Dark Cards and help me
defeat them: Light!
The Light glowed over the Dark Cards that were on the table.
Liling: Ichiro, Hiroshi, help me stop them!
Liling began removing the Cards from the table while Ichiro and Hiroshi attacked
Sakura. Syaoran stepped in and helped Sakura. While Sakura and Syaoran fought
the other two, Liling escaped. Then Sakura noticed and yelled:
Sakura: She is escaping.
Sakura and Syaoran stopped fighting and followed Liling. Hiroshi and Ichiro
followed. By that time the rest had already heard the fighting and Sakura's
scream and ran after them.



Sakura Lilly: Hiya! Sorry for taking sooooooo loooooooong to write this chapter
but no idea came to me.
Suppy-chan: Yeah right, and I am the queen of England.
Kero-chan: Really? I didn't know that.
Sakura Lilly: Hey! I'm telling the truth. Well actually I did get a few ideas,
but they were so bad I had to throw them away.
Suppy-chan: That's true! You suck at writing!
Kero-chan: (whispers to Sakura Lilly) You're not that bad.
Sakura Lilly: (whispers back) Thank you Kero-chan. (Turns back to the readers)
And what do YOU think of the story. I would really appreciate a lot knowing if
all of you like my stories. If you have any comment, suggestion, critic, rant,
offense or whatever you have to say about my story please e-mail me to

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