FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A Merry Christmas
By: Sakura Lilly

Disclaimer: I don't own CCS or its character or the original storyline. The only
things I made up were the character Liling, Hiroshi, Ichiro, and Zen. And
obviously I also wrote this story so I you want to use any of these please ask
me first.
Author's Note: So you thought the last chapter would be about the final battle,
well guess what? This one is the final battle, but it still won't be the end of
the story. I think. Well anyways on with the story!



Chapter 9

Liling had escaped. Sakura and Syaoran went after her. Close behind were Ichiro
and Hiroshi, and after them everyone else. They reached a park and caught up
with Liling.
Sakura: Liling! Hand over the Dark Cards, don't you know what will happen if the
guardian appears?
Liling: Ha! You think I don't know it. Yes I know everything about it. I'll rule
the world when Black Moon comes out. And about the other guardian, he's right
From her bag emerged a small dog with black bat wings. In an instant it's wings
grew and he hid behind them. When he emerged he was a wolf with bat wings. On
his he had a kind of armor (like Kero-chan's or Spinel Sun's). He stood on one
side of side of Liling while she lauged.
Wolf: I am Black Sun. The guardian of the Dark Cards and mistress Liling.
Liling: So, what do you think of me now eh? Think you can win against the power
of my guardians, the Dark Cards and mine? Hahahahahahahaha. How foolish of you
to come and challenge me!
Syaoran: She's not alone I am with her.
Yue: And we are with her too.
Hiroshi: And we help Liling.
Liling: By the way, Black Moon was about to come out when you interrupted me,
but it doesn't matter. He'll come out right know.
Everyone: What?!
Liling: Cards that contain the power of the darkness, show me where the Black
Moon, the guardian is and make show his true form, Now!
A dark glow began forming around Hiroshi. Black bat wings formed behind him and
hid him. An instant later came out a tall man with long bluish-black hair and
dark blue eyes, dressed in a strange outfit like Yue's.
Black Moon: At last I have been awakened. (Looks towards Liling) You are the
Dark Mistress, I am at your service.
Liling: Hahahahahahahahaha I am invincible now!
Sakura: I won't give up without a fight!
Liling: What a coincidence! I won´t either. Black Sun, Black Moon attack!
The two guardians attacked Sakura, but Kero-chan and Yue stepped in and held
them down. At the same time Ichiro went after Syaoran and Zen who fought back.
Liling: I will have the pleasure to kill you Sakura!
Sakura: You think so? Come and get me! (Takes some a Sakura Card) Help me form
the chains that will bind this evil sorceress: Windy, Firey, Watery!
Liling: (Takes out some Dark Cards) Give me the powers of the darkness necesary
to defeat this insolent girl: Coldfire, Darkwind, Blackwater!
The Sakura Cards were powerful, but the Dark Cards were stronger soon Sakura
was defeated even though she tried her best, even using a few more Cards, but
Liling did that also, and her Cards were more powerful than Sakura's. Eriol
tried to go and help her as well as Syaoran and Zen, but they all too busy
fighting even though it was only the two guardians and Ichiro against Syaoran,
Zen, Eriol and the other guardians. Meiling fought at first too, but got hurt
and stayed uncouncious in the floor. Zen had seen it and tried to help her, but
it was late. Tomoyo stayed half-hidden behind a tree and as always filmed it
Liling: (takes out another Card) Darkeness power sealed within this Card, help
me trap my enemy: Dark Void!
A dark mist began to form around Sakura trapping her inside it. She tried to
fight back, but she couldn't move.
Sakura: What's happening?! Help me!
Syaoran, Yue and Kero-chan tried to rush in to help her, but the darkness had
covered her completely. The Dark Guardians were beggining to tire, so their
efforts to stop Sakura's friends were weakening. Syaoran Eriol, Kero, and Yue
went after Liling. Zen, Ruby Moon, and Spinel Sun stayed fighting the others.
Meiling regained conciousness and began fighting again. Only Tomoyo stayed
behind the tree, but she was very worried.
Syaoran: What did you do to my Sakura-chan?!
Liling: What did I do to her? Only what I'm going to do to you all!
Hahahahahahahahahaha. Dark Void!
Syaoran: I won't let you do it! God of thunder help me!
Syaoran and Liling attacked each other, but eventually, Liling's power was
stronger, so the darkness absored Syaoran. From her prision of Darkness, she saw
Syaoran being taken.
Sakura: Syaoran!!!!!!!!
Syaoran: Sakura!!!!!!!!!
The rest watched it all. Yue and Kero attacked Liling, only to end up being
covered by the dark mist of Liling's power. Tomoyo still watched, scared from
behind the tree. On the camera, her hand were tembling and she was crying. This
time it was Eriol who attacked Liling. He resisted for a time but was also
consumed by the darkness. This was too much for Tomoyo, who at this moment
realized how much she loved Eriol. Her tears came stronger. She left her camera
and ran to where Eriol had just been attacked.
Tomoyo: No!!!!!! Sakura-chan, Syaoran, Eriol-kun!!!!!!
As she ran a pink glow appeared around her. Suddenly a Card appeared in front of
her. It was The Love card. Ruby Moon, Spinel Sun, Zen, and Meiling were
surprised to see what happened as well as the other Guardians and Ichiro. From
the darkness Sakura and the others could see what had happened. Liling was
surprised but not scared. Even Tomoyo herself was shocked.
Liling: You think a weak girl like you will be able to defeat me? And with just
one card? You must be dreaming, but your dreams are about to turn into a
nightmare! Hahahahahahahaha.
Tomoyo: But I won't surrender before fighting. Sometimes dreams do come true, if
only you wish enough for it!
Liling: You don't even know how to use the card ahahahahahahahaha! Dark power
help me extermine this insolent, weakling Dark Void!
Tomoyo: Power of my heart and dreams help me finish with this dakness so it can
be sealed forever: Love!
A warm pinkish glow began to form around the cocoons of darkness that trapped
Sakura and the others finally liberating them from the void they were in. It
made them regain their strenght. Also it surrounded the Dark Guardians and
Liling, weakeaning them.
Tomoyo: Sakura-chan, Syaoran, Eriol-kun!
Eriol and Sakura: Tomoyo-chan!
Eriol: Sakura, she's weak now as well as her guardian and the Dark Cards, go to
seal them!
Sakura: But what about Tomoyo...?
Eriol: I'll go to help her, go now!
Sakura: Ok. I will.
Sakura and Syaoran go to where Liling barely could stand up. Leaving their
previous fight, the Dark Guardians and Ichiro tried to go and help Liling, but
they too had been weakened by Tomoyo's power. At the same time Eriol reached
Tomoyo, who had been drained out by using all her power. Eriol got to her just
as she began to fall and he caught her in his arms.
Eriol: Tomoyo-chan how...?
Tomoyo: I don't know Eriol-kun, it's just that when I saw you being taken like
that one by one, when she defeated you it was too much to bear and then it just
happened. Eriol I-I...
Eriol: (places a finger in her lips) Shhh... you don't need to say right now. I
know it. And I love you Tomoyo-chan. Thank you for saving us.
Tomoyo: I-I I love you too Eriol-kun.
Sakura and Syaoran were fighting Liling, Ichiro, and the Dark Guardians. Zen
joined them. Kero, Spinel, Ruby, and Yue stood watching, ready if they were
needed. But the others did a good job and finally defeated them.
Yue: Now Sakura seal the power of the Dark Cards.
Sakura: But how???????
Yue: Just say: I seal you Dark Cards so that your power may never harm anyone
Sakura: I seal you Dark Cards so that your power may never harm anyone again.
All the Dark Card went flying toward a book Liling had with her. They were
sealed inside it.
Kero-chan: Great! Now all you have to do is erase them from existence. Use the
Erase Card.
Sakura: But what about the Guardians?
Ruby Moon: Black Sun will be erased too and Black Moon will return to his
disguised self, which will become his real self now.
Sakura: Ok I'll do it! Please come and help me erase all this evilness from this
world and from their memories: Erase!
The Erase came out and the Dark Book with all the Cards vanished from exitence
as well as Black Sun. Black Moon transformed into Hiroshi again.
Liling: What happened, what am I doing here?
Sakura: You just came to take a walk, remember?
Liling: Oh, yeah. Well I better go home now. Hiroshi, Ichiro, let's go home no?
Hiroshi and Ichiro: Ok.
Syaoran: You did great Sakura.
Sakura: Thanks, but Tomoyo did the most part. Tomoyo-chan!!!! Are you all
Everyone gathered around Tomoyo and Eriol. They were all okay if only a little
tired. They wanted to know if she was all right too.
Tomoyo: Yes I am fine. How about you?
Sakura: We are ok thanks to you. You did great back there. I didn't know you had
those abilities.
Tomoyo: I didn't either. Here. It would be better if you kept this card.
Sakura: Thanks Tomoyo-chan, but that Card is yours. You made it with your heart
so it belongs to you.
Tomoyo: I'll keep it.
Syaoran: Now how about if you all come to my house and get some sleep. It was a
looong night.
Zen: Yeah, let's go.



Sakura Lilly: Hi! Did you like this chapter.
Kero-chan: It was pretty scary.
Suppy-chan: I didn't know Tomoyo could do that.
Sakura Lilly: Well in my story she CAN.
Kero-chan: I think it's illogical.
Sakura Lilly: I don't care. (Turns to the readers) Well did you like it?? I
would really appreciate knowing if you like it or totally hate it so please
e-mail me to sakura_lilly@hotmail.com

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