FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A Moment In Time
By: Shinigami JL

Disclaimer: I do not own anything that has to do with Card Captor Sakura, but I can always wish, ne? Anyway, don’t even bother to sue me for anything, you’ll just be wasting your time.

This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic of any kind, so be kind!!! Also, flames are welcomed at the moment until I can become a better writer. So anybody is welcomed to criticize this fanfic. However, as time progresses, any other flames will be used to keep my room warm. So on with the story!!! Oh yeah! This story takes place right after Sakura captures the Fight Card.


“NO FAIR! She captured the Card and I didn’t!?screamed a very mad Meirin Li.

“Well…we both captured the Card actually…if you didn’t wear it out with your attacks I-?lt;P> “Save your breath, Kinomoto! Well you can have that card but you can’t take Syaoran away from me!?She emphasized her point by hugging Syaoran around the neck very tightly. Sweatdrops appeared on Sakura, Tomoyo, Kero, and Syaoran’s heads.

Syaoran really felt uncomfortable and was about to protest but Meirin cut him off.

“You know why you can’t take him away?! Because we’re getting married! So there!?Meirin pulled an eyelid down and stuck her tongue out. “Be-da!?

This took Sakura by surprise. She knew that Meirin liked Syaoran but not in that fashion. She felt that Syaoran didn’t belong to Meirin for some reason, but didn’t know why. But those words were from Meirin’s mouth, not his. In the meantime, Syaoran was trying to pry Meirin’s arms off of him. He was stopped once again.

“Is…is this true, Syaoran??Sakura asked, hoping with all her heart that it was not. She was looking directly at him, and he could see the hope and sadness in her eyes.

???Syaoran didn’t reply. He looked away from Sakura’s emerald eyes. He couldn’t bear to see them hurt so badly. He wanted to say no, but it was tradition…it was expected from him to follow family orders…to sacrifice his feelings and give them to his family to throw away.

Sakura took his silence as a ‘yes?so she said, “Well then I hope you two will be happy to…together. I…I wish you the very best,?but there was a catch in her voice. It was a clear sound so everybody heard it and was worried, all except for Meirin of course. (AN: I like Meirin but you got to admit, she is self-centered and a bully sometimes.) Sakura turned her back to Syaoran and started to leave. Tomoyo and Kero were about to follow her, but Sakura held her hand out to state that she wanted to be alone right now. So Tomoyo and Kero respected her wish and left her.

“Ah! There, I finally free! Sakura! Wait!?Syaoran exclaimed, but she didn’t turn around. Instead she released her Fly Card and was about to leave. But Syaoran was quicker. He called out his Time Card and froze time. He ran over to where Sakura stood and was about to read her mind to know where she was heading. And then he saw a tear. It was only one tear, but that tear made him fall to pieces. He couldn’t believe how much power she had over him. He vowed to himself that he wouldn’t make her sad anymore. He found out that she was heading towards the beach and her beloved ocean. He went back to his spot and unfroze time. He could see her leave?lt;P> “Ha! There I got rid of her! She won’t be in our way ever again! Isn’t that great, Syaoran-chan?!?Meirin was practically bouncing around with joy. Fortunately Syaoran didn’t feel the same way.

“Shut up, Meirin! Did you see what you just did?! You hurt her feelings with your big mouth! How could I ever marry someone as cold and harsh as you?!?Syaoran had released all his and Sakura’s hurt on Meirin. He turned around and started to go to the beach. It took a minute for Meirin to let it all sink in, and finally she said, “You don’t mean that Syaoran-chan.?

And he said, “Don’t call me Syaoran-chan ever again.?

Author’s Note: I made Syaoran have mind reading powers because I thought it could have been one of the things his Elders in Hong Kong could have taught him. Anyway, this is my first fanfic and I want to know how everyone feels about this. As I’ve said before, flames will be welcomed but it will be only a limited time, so catch the offer while you still can!

Sayonara for now!!!

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