FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Part 2: Feelings Revealed
By: Shinigami JL

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Card Captor Sakura. They belong to Clamp and whoever else they belong to. Also, don't sue me! I'm just a 15 year-old enjoying life!

If you are here, then you probably already know what happened in Part 1: A Moment In Time. So on with Part 2!!! I'm so happy!!! I hope you guys like it. I'm the sentimental type so be warned of any "soft" stuff!


"Why didn't I say anything?"

An image of Sakura, heartbroken, flashed through his mind as he raced toward the ocean.

"Why did I do that to her?"

The same tear he saw earlier was once again in Syaoran's mind.



The ocean is a beautiful place, of course all we see is the surface. Underneath the surface is a very deep and cold place. And sometimes it's hard to reach the surface again. And that's how I feel.

Sakura was staring out into the ocean, the only thing that she could relate to at the moment.

"Why do I feel this way? Why should I care if Syaoran is going to marry Meirin?" She said Meirin's name as if something slimy was going down her throat, "I should be happy for them, right? Well…how come I'm not? It's not as if I lo-"

Then it just clicked, as if someone turned on the light bulb inside her head.

"I love him?!" Sakura couldn't believe it at first, "but I love Yukito…don't I?"

Just then another thought struck her, "Well Yukito hasn't been on my mind lately…maybe…maybe I do love Syaoran."

(Syaoran is hiding behind a sand dune close to Sakura now, and Sakura was sitting on a rock above the ocean.)

She loves me?! (Sakura's voice drowns out into the background while Syaoran is also talking to himself.) Does she really love me? I'll just listen some more just to be sure.
"Well, the first time I saw him was when he transferred into my class. When he walked through the door, he looked right at me. His ember eyes are so deep and beautiful too. (Syaoran blushes when she mentioned his eyes.) Maybe he's for me then, ne? (Syaoran thinks, "YES!") But then again he glared at me so maybe not." (Then he face-faults.)

It's silent for a moment, or at least that's what Syaoran thinks. The silence carries on for about five minutes and Syaoran is starting to get a cramp in his leg from squatting on his feet in trying to get a better look at Sakura. He tries to shift into a more comfortable position, but only succeeds into tangling his legs and falls on his face. Luckily, Sakura started talking again at the same time.

"So…I…I love Syaoran. It does feel right anyway. He's always protecting me when I get in trouble. But maybe that's just Clow Card business. I hope it's not. I wish Syaoran wasn't marrying Meirin. And that he was here so he could tell me." <Sigh>

I better make my entrance. (Syaoran appears from behind the sand dune.)

"I guess wishes come true, Sakura."

"Syaoran?! How long have you been there?!"

"Long enough to hear what's important."

"So you've been listening to my thoughts, ne?" (Sakura blushes at the thought, as does Syaoran.) "Well you shouldn't have."

"I know, and I'm sorry. But I was worried about you when you left and I wanted to see if you were okay."

"It doesn't mean that…huh? You were worried about me? But I thought you cared about Meirin!"

"I do."


"But that in the same way I care about you."

"HOE?!?! Why?!"

"Well, when I first came to Japan…"


"I hope Sakura will be alright."

"Tomoyo, you know Sakura better than that! Of course she'll be alright! Just watch she'll be back to her old self in no time!"

"If you say so Kero-chan."


"Syaoran doesn't love me?! He doesn't want to marry me?! I can't call him Syaoran-chan?!?!"


"The first time I saw you, Sakura, I knew you were different than most girls because your eyes told me something similar to mine. Your eyes are brave eyes."

"My eyes? Tell me…what did they tell you?"

"They told me your story of the troubles and hardships in your life. And they reflected mine so much." (Sakura looked confused.) "You see, back in Hong Kong I was trained to be the Li Clan's leader. So I had to train hard, and hard it was. I never had any real friends and everyone at my school put me higher than themselves…it was lonely. But when I came to your school, it was different."


"I have friends here in Tomoeda. And you were my first one, believe it or not."

"I…was?" (She blushes some more.)

"You mean…a lot…to me…Sakura." (Syaoran blushes as he stumbles with his words.)

(An awkward silence follows for a while)


(They said it at the same time and then they blush some more, turning into tomatoes.)

"Ano…come watch the stars with me, Syaoran?"


They find a place to sit and watch the sky. Suddenly a shooting star flies through the sky.

"Look, Sakura! Make a wish!"

"I don't need to. It already came true."
Sakura puts her hand on top of Syaoran's and he returns the affection.

"Why don't you make a wish?"

"I don't need to either. I'm not lonely anymore."

Syaoran moves closer to Sakura and puts his arm around her. It seems weird at first but then he gets more comfortable with it. Sakura just snuggles in closer. The sky is getting a little brighter out, which makes it easier to see their blush. ^_^


Brave Eyes
Onaji kibou onaji kanashimi wo
Tsuyoku kami shimete asu he mukau wo
Mou hitori ja nai kara

Brave Eyes
The same sorrows, same hopes
Holding on intensely, facing that tomorrow---
Now I'm not alone…


Shinigami JL: So how'd you like it so far? Feedback is welcome. And please e-mail me so I know what to work on and stuff like that. My e-mail is shinigamijl@hotmail.com. Come do it!
I think I'm gonna do a Part 3, but I gotta think about it first! Oh yeah, those lyrics are from a song entitled "Brave Eyes" sung by one of my favorite seiyuu, Ai Orikasa! She's a good singer! I suggest you listen to some of her songs!!! Well that's all for now!!!

Ja ne!!!

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