FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Angel of Life and Death


It was the last day of school. In bed, Sakura looked up to her ceiling and sighed. "The last day of school," she thought. Suddenly she jumped up and ran to her closet. "What should I wear? What should I wear?" she chanted. Since it was the last day, she didn't have to wear her uniform, not that she minded them. "What should I wear Kero?"
A yellow stuffed doll drifted towards her, yawning. "You're up early Sakura."
"I know. It's the last day of school, so I want to go early."
Kero yawned again. "Well you could wear that outfit Tomoyo made for you."
"Hoiee, my CardCaptor's dress?" Sakura asked, confused.
"No, no. If you wear that, we're dead. I mean the normal one she made." He drifted into her closet and flew through the clothing. A while later he pulled out a sleeve, which Sakura held and followed to the main piece.
"Oh, I remember." Sakura thought back to when Tomoyo gave her the shirt and pants. "I remember that Tomoyo was proud that she finished it so quickly. She embroidered it herself. I didn't want to wear it because I didn't want to get it dirty, but I guess this is the right time to wear it." She looked at the embroidered pant legs. With a finger, she traced the outline of the ethereal wings. She smiled. Her CardCaptor days were over years ago. She remembered catching the cards with Kero, and Syaron, with Tomoyo filming them. Tomoyo still had the tapes, and when she was bored, Sakura watched them with Tomoyo. She looked at the pink top. It was in the Chinese style, like the shirt she wore when she went to Hong Kong with Tomoyo. The whole outfit had so many memories etched inside of it. All of her memories with Tomoyo was embroidered into the fabric. She looked up at Kero and saw that he was about to fall asleep again. She smiled and turned around to her mirror. She set the clothing on her, and examined herself.
"Hmm, what do you think Kero?"
Kero opened a lazy eye, and looked at Sakura's reflection. "It's fine Sakura. Don't worry. You look fine."
"Thanks" She smiled into the mirror. "I hope Syaron likes this." She paused her thinking. "Now, where had that come from?"


Tomoyo woke up to her stereo; it was playing Ravel's Bolero. "Ahh, bright sunshine." She stretched and yawned. Today was the last day of school. She got up and looked outside her large curtained windows. She laid flat on her bed; she loved to bask in the sun to warm up before a new day. The soft covers embraced and enfolded her. They felt like Eriol's arms before he left for England. She got up and sighed. Slowly she walked to her walk-in closet and opened the door. With her eyes closed she chose a random outfit. In her hand was a soft pastel blue velvety blouse, with flared sleeves. Connected to her blouse was a pair of black silky pants with blue irises up the side. She sat down on the chair in the closet. This was what Eriol had given her before he left. Tears started to form in her eyes; but she shook them out. She clung on to the outfit and hugged it tightly.
"Why did you have to leave?" she whispered. "Why did you have to leave me?" She looked at the clothes. "I'll wear this today for you, Eriol." She remembered the times when they had so much fun together. She remembered their trips to the park and the beach, trips to amusement parks, and other places. She tried not to think about the airport, where Eriol had said that he loved her, and that he would always remember her. She had tried to forget when he handed her a huge package, hugged her and left. It was all coming back to her. The tears started to form again. With willpower, she stopped herself from crying. She shook her head. "I won't cry. I won't." She stood up and walked to her mirror. "I won't." She closed her eyes.
"Eriol, I miss you."


Syaron opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was 7:00. "ARG!" He jumped up and glared at his clock. It was supposed to wake him up at six. It was seven and now he didn't have the time to practice his sword technique. He didn't feel right if he didn't practice his technique in the morning. He stomped around his room, muttering. "Arg, arg, arg." He sighed. There was nothing he could do about it, he supposed. He went to his refrigerator and opened the freezer. Since he woke up late anyway, he decided that he would just eat a frozen dinner. He didn't like them, since they tasted really nasty, but he didn't have the time. He really wanted to squeeze in at least 10 minutes of practice. He put the tray into the microwave. Sleepily, he drudged to his armoire. He rifled through his neat hung clothing. "Green, green, green." He thought. "More green, more green, more green. Green eyes." He stopped. "Green eyes? Where did that come from?"
Still pondering over his question, he chose an outfit and heard the microwave beep. After dressing, he walked over to the microwave, opened the door and took out the platter. Seeing the slop on the platter, he wrinkled his nose. "Eww, I have to eat this?" He sighed and brought it back to his table. "If I eat it without looking at it, maybe it won't be so bad." He thought hopelessly. "Green eyes. Hmm."
By the time he finished eating and was ready to practice for his 10 minutes, he figured out what green eyes were.


Eriol twisted and turned. His bed sheets tangled around his legs and knotted around his body. "No, no." he muttered. "No, Tomoyo, I'm here for you." Sweating, he woke up and looked at his clock. It was ten o'clock. He had fallen asleep at eight because he was so tired, and after two hours he woke up. He looked out side to see dreary England weather; it was raining again. He looked wistfully at his bed; he couldn't go back to sleep again, he never could after waking up. He walked to his desk and sat down. On his desk was a huge photo album, filled with pictures from Tokyo.
He had dreamed about her again, but this time she was upset. She was holding the shirt that he had gotten her years ago, and was crying. It had been four years since he had last seen her, and he still hadn't forgotten her. He shouldn't have been looking through his album.
As he flipped through the pages, he saw Tomoyo's face smiling at him. He closed the book and sighed. He was about to leave his room to watch some television, when the phone rang. Who would be calling at ten? He thought. He rushed to pick up the phone.
"Hey Eriol!"
"Uh, hey!"
"You remember me, right?"
Eriol rushed through his memories to find a name and face to match the voice. "Oh, yeh, of course I do, Mike."
Mike laughed. Then he seriously continued. "Eriol, there's some trouble here." The mirth in his voice vanished. "I think I need your help. Can you come?"
"Uh, yeh. What kind of trouble?"
"I'm not sure. So you're coming?"
"Yeh, first flight there. I'll call you to tell you when I'll be arriving."
"Great, thanks. Talk to you later."
"Yeh bye."
As he hung up, he thought, "I'll be even further away from Tomoyo."


I know its short, but hey, it has to be…err

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