FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Angel of Mine: A Sakura and Syaoran Romance
By: GypsyMoon

[Thoughts . . .]
(Author's notes or comments)
~~~~~ Scene change ~~~~~

Disclaimer: As usual -- I don't own these characters. Any of them.
But, I did think
them up. Yup. I guess I was just too late in trademarking them. ^.^;
A-hem. This
might be a little long, so get comfortable. Now, on to the good part.

> Part 1: Secret Admirer <
May 12
Dear Diary,

I thought I gave up writing in you about 6 years ago. I was wrong.
Remember my
last few entries about my crush after Yukito? Remember all that stuff I
wrote about
Li Syaoran? Well, now I have some updating to do.


May 13

Yep. 6 years. Wow. I've had so much bottled up in my head, and my
heart, that
I'm surprised I just yesterday thought to write in you. I'm almost
through 3rd year
of college. I turned 20 exactly 43 days ago. And who's here at torture
school with
me? Tomoyo, Rika, Chiharu, and Yamakazi. Syaoran, too. He's so hard to

understand. We're close to each other every day, and I try to get him to
talk to me.
A long time ago, ten years almost, he was so nice to me, and I thought
then that
maybe he liked me. But he never shows any emotion besides his usual
scowl. OK,
maybe he does blush once in a while, but it's probably out of
embarrassment, not
because of me. I just can't help it! I'm doomed to liking him. But
there might be
someone else. On my birthday, I found a small crystal angel in a bag on
my door.
The note in the bag said, "To my Angel on your 20th Birthday." The
figurine is
beautiful. It sits right here next to you on my desk. But the note, it
was typed. I
couldn't hope to trace the person who gave me the angel by the note.
Maybe it was
Syaoran, but he didn't say, "Happy Birthday," to me at all. I doubt it,
anyway. It's
just been on my mind lately. To whom am I, "Angel?"


May 18
Dear Diary,

Great news! Third year students may attend the end-of-term dance!
I've heard
that college is worth it just for the term dance. Ooh. There's only one
catch: you
must be accompanied by another person. In other words, girls must have
escorts. In
short, get a date. What am I going to do? You know, maybe now I'll find
out who
keeps sending me things. Oh, sorry; yesterday a little piece of tissue
paper was
outside my door. It had, again, a typed note on it. “You needed a charm
bracelet, so I
decided to start you one.? It was an intricate silver chain that fit my
wrist perfectly.
I wore it today, even though I don't have any charms on it yet.


Syaoran was really upset. Not for the first (or last) time, either.
Once in his room,
he slammed the door and threw himself on his bed. He'd been muttering to
himself all
the way through the dorm.

"Great. What now? That end-of-term dance . . . How am I ever going
to ask her?
It's no use. I'll never be able to do it. Ooh, what's the point of this
dance, anyway?"

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then, he remembered
something. Oh,
the nerve he had! He couldn't begin to think what would have happened if
written the notes free-hand.

"Why? Why do I do this?" he whispered. [But she doesn't know that I
wrote it. I
would have known if she did. I have to be honest with myself: I do want
her to know
that I was the one who wrote it, what I feel for her. That dance,
though. I only have
two weeks to ask her to go with me. I need two months. If I don't ask
her soon,
somebody else will. She's too pretty. Some boy will get her if I
don't.] With that, he
turned over and pulled out his Architecture of the Ancient Cultures
textbook. He'd
found that this was one of the things that got his mind off 'her.'
Another was his
sword. He began the three-page essay on pyramids that he'd assigned
himself. But
his mind was still full of visions of him embarrassing himself while
trying to ask her to
be his date for the term dance.

~~~~~Ten days later: Monday, May 28~~~~~

Tomoyo walked with Sakura to their next class, one of the four they
had together.
Great Literature of the Past and Present was also one of Sakura's
favorite classes.
Tomoyo's was, of course, The Art of Movie-making and Photography; she
just took
Lit. to be with Sakura.

"I heard there is a visiting guy that's going to try the University
for the last week.
He might transfer here next year. Someone told me he was way cute, and
nice too," a
delighted Tomoyo reported.

Sakura giggled and shook her wrist. The three charms she'd gotten by
her door the
past week made a pretty light tinkling sound. "Yeah, but we'll probably
never see
him anyway."

Tomoyo stopped. "Oh, no. He'll be in the next class with us. I
thought you knew."

Surprised, and a little startled, Sakura leaned on the wall. Except,
that wasn't a
wall. It was a door. And, when she leaned on it, it opened, causing
Sakura to tumble
sideways into the classroom, which, coincidentally, was the one she
needed to be in
anyway. And who should be standing right inside the classroom conversing
Yamakazi, perfectly positioned to catch Sakura, and, luckily, did, but .
. .


"Well, Sakura Card Mistress, it's been a long time. I'm glad I just
happened to be
standing here to catch you." He lowered her the remaining three feet to
the floor,
where she sat, speechless. He smiled warmly.

Tomoyo, who already had her video camera out, muttered, "And I'm glad
Li wasn't
here to see that, or there would have been a glaring match right about

Finally, Sakura was able to speak. " Eriol, you're the visiting guy?
I couldn't have
guessed." She was staring into his eyes. [Wow, he's just as cute as the
last time I saw
him.] "Thank you . . . for catching me."

"It's no big deal. But, you're welcome, if you want." His smile
broadened. "I knew
you'd be here, and I've pretty much already made up my mind about next
year. I'm
staying. But, for the sake of justice, I'll give it all this week to
make sure I'll like it
here. Well, Spinel will have to like it, too." [Yes, now I'm here.
I'll make everything
right for you. If I can. He'll have to put in his part, too.] His
thoughts were
interrupted by the professor of the Literature class.

"Please take your seats, class. Now, Eriol, I understand you're
visiting. You are
very lucky. All the finals were last week. This week is review; to make
everyone goes to the end-of-term dance knowing everything. You must have

something to talk about, and what's better than Great Literature? Please
take out
your books, class. Oh, and Eriol, you may sit on Miss Kinomoto's left."
With that, the
5-days-till-the-dance countdown began.


May 29
Dear Diary,

I'll give you one guess. Who is visiting school for the last week,
is going to come
here next year, caught me when I fell in the classroom, and spent the
rest of
yesterday and today with us? 3. . . 2. . . 1. . . Time's up! It's
ERIOL! Maybe the
dance will be fun after all. Another charm today. I'm acquiring a nice
collection of
them. They're all pretty, and they all have some meaning to me. This
person is very
thoughtful. Which erases Syaoran from the list of suspects. Eriol
couldn't be sending
them to me, so he's not on the list either. It would have to be someone
on my dorm
floor, 3, because anyone else would be noticed. I don't know; should I
try to find the
guy, or should I just wait and enjoy the mystery?


Now Syaoran was furious. Last Friday he was upset. Not this time.
Ready to kick
down a door was more like it. Yesterday, Eriol showed up. From where?
last class! Then, Syaoran lost his seat to Eriol, who was all over
Sakura. [I've got to
ask her soon, or I'll be too late.] Not even his sword gave him any
comfort. And the
next few days would only be worse.


May 30
Dear Diary,

Ooh, what a wonderful day! We had time after classes today to play,
and with no
homework we had forever. We messed around, talking on the checkered
rolling in the grass, tickling each other. And Tomoyo taped it all.
Eriol's been
spending alot of time with me, although if it's because he likes me or
he's just looking
out for me I don't know. Chicharu, Yamakazi, Rika, and Tomoyo always
come with
us. But I haven't seen Syaoran at all. I wonder if I should go talk to
him. Maybe
tomorrow. I'm too tired today.


The next day was not much different. Sakura and Eriol spent three
hours catching
up on the years they missed. And, again, Syaoran was nowhere to be seen.
let Sakura and Eriol be alone, and, on the way back to her room, she met
Rika in the

"I guess Sakura's with Eriol again, huh?"

"Well, yeah. But I don't get it. I get the impression that Eriol
isn't here because he
likes Sakura. It's not that, but it's still got something to do with
her. And, Sakura has
seemed stressed lately. Between spending time with Eriol, thinking about
her secret
admirer, and worrying about Li; gosh, I don't know. I could see it in
her eyes when
she asked if I'd seen Li anywhere today."

"He's probably in his room doing homework, even though none of the
gave any." She giggled.

Tomoyo let the matter go and laughed with Rika. "Yeah, you're
probably right."

~~~~~Next day: Friday, June 1~~~~~

"Welcome, class. I'm relieved to say that this is our last day of
school. On to
summer break! So, I've decided to keep the tradition and -"

" - Give us homework, right prof.?" A voice piped up from the middle
of the room.

The professor smiled. "No. Today is going to be party day." A
cheer rang out
through the class. A few people laughed. Then, everyone made their way
to the back
where a table of food was set up.

"I love party days!"


"Party day" was busy for Sakura. But, through all the fun and food,
the little voice
in her head kept saying, "Go talk to Syaoran." So, after the last class
of the year, she
dropped her stuff inside her door, fixed her hair, and made her way down
the hall to
Syaoran's room. [No one's asked me to the dance yet. Well, there's
still tomorrow.]
She kinda wanted Syaoran to ask her, but she wouldn't let herself think
that. What
about that other guy? [Syaoran probably won't go to the dance anyway.]
Before she
knew it, she was in front of his door. She knocked once, and it opened.
"Li, I need to
talk to you." He moved out of the way, and she stepped in. His room was
a picture of
perfection. Not a spot of dust lay anywhere.


"Listen, I, um, I've been. . . wondering where you've been lately."
[I could have
said worrying. . .]

". . . Why. . . ?"

"Well. . . I've just been so busy - "

" ?with Eriol."

"No, I've had so much on my mind that - "

". . ."

"Li, why won't you ever talk to me??

"I would. . . but lately Eriol's - "

"Don't blame it on Eriol."

"So you like him, do you?"

"I didn't say that."

"Then who is it?"

"I ?I don't know. . ."

”That's pretty bad. You really don't know who you like??"

“No! I just don't know who likes me!?

“What did you come to ask me??

She sighed. [I don't know what I came to ask him.] She looked up at
him; he was
closer to her than she'd thought. She pressed a finger to his chest.
“What's in here??
She whispered, knowing she hadn't meant to ask him that. What was in his
What did he hide under that scowl? She dared to look at him, and noticed
a change in
his face, his eyes. The scowl was gone, and he was smiling. Suddenly,
the hurry and
stress of the past days was gone. She knew the answer.

“You have no idea.?

“About what??

“Kinomoto Sakura, when will your head clear up? You asked me a
question; I
answered it.?

“Oh yes. . . Well, I guess I'll go. . .?

“What are you going to do? Be stressed and worried about who likes
you? Listen ?
don't. Just relax. Tomorrow's the dance. I'm sure someone will ask

“You think so? 'Kay. I'll see you tomorrow??

He smiled secretly. “Maybe.?


Tomoyo and Eriol stood in front of Sakura's room. Sounds of happy
singing came
from inside.

“You think. . . ?

“Nah, not likely.?

“Well, I'm not going to ask. She must have gotten another note. Or
maybe he
asked her to the dance.?

“I didn't need to help after all.?

“But you'll still come here next year, right? Please??

“You want me to stay? You'll be sad if I don't??

“Uhm ?don't ask me that.?

“Would you? Come on. . .?

“Alright! Yes!?

“Then you'll come with me to the dance??

“Of ?of course!?

“Good. I'll see you tomorrow.?

Tomoyo's eyes were dreamy. She swayed back and forth, watching him
go down
the hallway toward his room. Right then, the only thing she could think
of was him.


Author's notes: Hey everybody! I changed it! I think this is so
much better than
before. I deleted a whole bunch of junk - that stupid fight and all.
Tell me if it's
boring now, 'kay? I'm soo glad to have this thing finally up! Sorry to
everyone for
changing it on you. I think I improved it. You'll tell me if I'm wrong,
ne? E-mail me
what you think, please! I put a little T+E in there at the end. Can you
believe it -
Tomoyo actually being excited about herself! Do you know who's sending
Sakura all
her pretty charms? An unknown guy. . . next time - we'll meet some new
friends at
the dance. Who'll ask Sakura? Hehe. Thanx for reading!

E-mail address: moonfortune@juno.com

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