FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Author Note

By flowermistress

Summery: Sakura is in high school now, and nothing happened since she and Syaoran captured all the clowcards, does this mean she can now have a normal life as a highschooler......

Note #2 I don't know how many chapters I am going to write, but this is absolutely a series.

Time: Five years after the "clow thing."


Chapter 1: It's only a beginning


"Ring, ring."

"The class is over, see you tomorrow, everyone." Mr. Terada said as he started walking out of the classroom.

(after school, on the way to home)


"Sakura, what are you going to get for your loved "xx" since tomorrow is the V. day? Tomoyo asked with a sweet smail."

"I...I don't know yet." A girl with brown hairs replied, blushing.

"Hello, don't tell me you are going to give Yukito some sort of bowl again like in fourth grade!!" Tomoyo teased, trying to hide her grin as Sakura punched her lightly with her left hand.(for those of you who have no idea what Tomoyo is talking about, please see CCS manga #2).

"What are you...Tomoyo, you know that I have gotten out of that for a long time!!" Sakura yelled, pretending to be angry.

"Whatever you say, Cardmistress." Tomoyo jumped, just missed another "attack."

"And stop calling me that! I've stopped capturing cards for almost 5 years!"

"According to my calculation, it has acturally been only 4 years five months and 14 days..." Tomoyo smailed and started counting her fingers, she knows things about Sakura more that Sakura herself.

"Nice memory" (sweat drop) Her eyes were still on the ground, and she wasn't looking at where she was going. She bumped into someone, and they both fell down. Tomoyo helped Sakura get up on top of whoever it was.

"What the heck is..." Sakura said as she opened her eyes and staopped what she was going to say. It was Li Syaoran. He got up too when Sakura stared at him, speechless. He looked up, quickly, he wished he hadn't, and he was about to run off, but he found Tomoyo standing in front of him, blocking his way.

"Hi, Li, why are you in such hurry, you just bumped on Sakura, at least "sorry" is necessary." Tomoyo said, trying to be strict. At the mean time, Sakura stayed where she was now started to face Syaoran with her eyes directly. Syaoran dropped his head a bit and whispered something, his face turn from pink to red like a tomato. Anyway, he said something and started walking away without looking back.

"Wait, Shao..." Sakura said, but not quick enough t of inish her sentence. Syaoran was already gone (break a world record) like a wind.

Sakura blinked, tears filled her eyes and threatening to flow down her cheeks" [why is he always avoiding me, I don't understand.] she thought sadly. Tomoyo noticed her glassy eyes and said nothing. Then they walked silently back home.

(at night)

"You will never get away from this cardmistress, never....." the sound faded as Sakura jumped up from her bed, breathing hardand sweating as well. She got up and walked slowly into the living room, tried to get a glass of water. She opened the door and thought about a walk, stilling thinking about that weird dream she've had. Suddenly, she was attack by a giant creature, with a bull head and a lion body. She fell on the ground and injuried by this suddenly attack. The beast was about to make another attack, Sakura close her eyes and she heard a male voice,"Source of.......release the light."(acturally, I can't recall the whole thing, so...>_<) It was Syaoran, the thunder hit the beast, it yelled in pain and fell, a mirror arround its neck broke and shined like a star though the dark. Sakura got on her feet,"Thanks for saving me, Syaoran. He blushed a bit. "By the way, why are you here in the mid of the night?" Sakura asked. "I just had a weired dream that you are going to be here and attacked by someone, but this creature is out of my thought." He answered, going closer toward Sakura. They walked together toward the beast, and Sakura realize the glowing mirror, "what is that?" She said, amazed. Suddenly the light got stronger and surrounded her, and her body started becoming transparent, "Syaoran," she yelled,"Help..." He realized Sakura was in trouble and running toward her, ignoring the strong light which was hurting his eyes. He grabbed her hand and the light surround him too, then, they just vanished within a second, everything got back to normaal like nothing had happened but a broken mirror shined slightly lying on the ground...

~The beginning

to be continued...

This is my first fanfic, so I'm not sure whether anyone will like it, but I'll try my best. If you have any question or suggestion, please email to <flowermistress@hotmail.com>

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