FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

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Chapter 1: The old feeling?lt;P> Seven years after the card capturing business?lt;P> ?I missed my days of capturing the cards so much,?said Sakura to her best friend Tomoyo. ?I had a fun also exciting days with Syaoran-kun and Kero-chan. Especially the time when we just had captured a Clow card?

“That’s true,?said Tomoyo. As she brushed Sakura’s long, silky auburn hair she continued, ?I missed the days that I can record you, Syaoran-kun and Kero-chan all in action or?confess their love to each other.? Sakura blushed. After Syaoran-kun left Japan, he only came back once. Since then they communicate each other by letters. Sometimes a parcel came with it, but this only happens when it was a special day (like Christmas, Valentine’s, Birthdays and etc.) Of course she mail him some parcel as well. “Tomoyo-chan, I just remembered I need to do something and it’s really important, so bye!?lt;P> By that time Tomoyo already had finished with her hair. “Oh?really? I was just about to let you try your new dress for the next disco night, when ever that is?lt;P> Sakura said, “I’m really sorry, but I really need to go?ja-ne!?Off she headed home.


When Sakura got home from Tomoyo’s mansion, she got into her room and searched for something from her drawer.

“I know it somewhere here, I put it here,?Sakura thinking to herself. “Ahh…here it is? She blew the dust away from the old book. “Hello Kero-chan and Yukito-san. You two look so fierce like you guys supposed be,?she whispered quietly to the lion with the wing on his back and the guy who has a wing on his back too. ?I can’t believe that the time had past so quickly?then a drop of tear dropped on the book.

After opening the book very slowly, she picked up her Sakura cards. When she reached the Love card she started crying.

All the cards suddenly start flying round madly. Before she knows what’s going, Cereburus and Yue were in front of her.

“What’s going on??she asked softly.

“Something’s wrong, can’t you feel it Sakura??explained Yue.

To Be Continued.


Next Chapter: What’s wrong?

What’s going on in Tomoeda? What’s the new threat?

Author's note: Any comments? If the is please mail me at:


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