FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Title/ The battle for life and love!

Chapter one!

Note: Sorry people I'm gonna change a lot of things, I'm just warning you guys. Syaoran as you know has a crush for Sakura and he hadn't told his feeling to her yet, and he will not be moving to Hong Kong yet! One more thing ' ' is for thoughts, and this is ( ) something I gotta say! Ok enjoy, and here we go!

Sakura was heading for school, she walked slowly under the Sakura's trees on top of her. It was a very bright day, she looked at her watch with a shocked, there was 5 more min. until school starts. Sakura quickly ran, on her way into the school, she suddenly bumped into someone, and they both fell to the floor.

"Ouch." said Sakura rubbing her head. She opened her eyes and saw Syaoran doing the same thing. "Li are you alright?" asked Sakura, which got up.

'This voice.I know this voice, so sweet and so graceful.this is my dear Sakura's voice.' He quickly opened his eyes, and saw her standing there. "Li are you alright?" she asked him again. Syaoran quickly got up, and nodded his head. Sakura smiled at him, and he blushed.

They both got down to get their books on the floor. "I'm sorry Li.I didn't see where I was going." Syaoran once again nodded his red face. They both went to get the last book, and suddenly their hands touched each other's hand. Li got really red, and took his hand out, they got up and the bell rang.

When they got in the class Mr. Torada, looked at them. "Today is the first day of school, and so you won't get in trouble this time." He smiled at them, they quickly entered and went to their seats.

"As you know class, Eriol Hiiragizawa moved away (Ok guys, you must be wandering and the combat.well sorry the combat they already had it, but in a different way, which I won't explain.), and we have another new student to substitute Eriol, please come in." Everyone waited, and a girl slowly walked in. She had short reddish hair, blue eyes, and she had a light skin.

Mr. Torada wrote her name down at the board, her name was Salin Washina. "Well class this is Salin, she is a transferred student from Hong Kong. Please Salin you can sit where Eriol used to sit, beside Li Syaoran." Salin walked to her seat, and looked at Sakura and Syaoran, she gave them both a little smile, and sat down.

At lunchtime, Sakura and her friends sat down in the grass, they were having their lunch together. Sakura had made them all some chocolate cookies, and they all grabbed one.

"Umm, this is soooo good. You are very great in this things Sakura" smiled Tomoyo.

"This is great Sakura!" said Rika and Naoko.

"Really?!? Thanks guys, I learned to do it with my father!" said Sakura happily.

"Do you know that the chocolate cookies were invented when." Chiharu quickly pushed away from the circle, "There he goes again, with his lies."

Syaoran kept staring at her, 'Sakura your so beautiful, and a great cooker, I wished I could tell you how I feel.' Syaoran kept looking at her talking and smiling, and he started to blush.

Sakura looked around and saw Salin by herself in a far away bench. Sakura called out, "Hey Salin, don't you want to join us?" Salin got up, and walked to the circle, and sat down by Sakura. "Thank you for inviting me." "That's ok Salin, do you want a cookie?" Sakura offered her. "Thanks" replied Salin getting one, she took a bit. "This is good."

Salin looked around, and saw Syaoran. "Li is that true that you came from Hong Kong?" Syaoran nodded. "I heard that you are great in martial arts." Syaoran nodded again. "Well can we have a round here? Just for fun." Syaoran looked surprised, and so did Sakura. Syaoran got up, "It won't be easy." He warned her.

Salin got to her fighting position and so did Syaoran. Salin asked, "Are you ready! Lets make a bet Li, if I win you will have to show me the town." "And if I win." He asked, "I'll do whatever you want." "Ok, we have a deal, but I warn you it won't be easy." Said Syaoran confident.

The girls kept watching them, 'Will Li win.or will Salin win. Probably it will be Li, he is really good in martial arts.' Thought Sakura.

Salin made a sign with her hands, saying come. Syaoran ran and punched, but she made a back flip. They started to give some kicks and punches. Syaoran once more gave her a punch, but this time she ducked down so fast and jumped in the air, and kicked him. They couldn't see her moves. Syaoran fell to the ground.

'I can't believe it, she won, how did this happen, I couldn't see her moves.she must had had a great trainer.' Salin walked up to him and stretched her hand out, he hold on and she helped him up. "Well Li I guess you will have to show me the town." Sakura came running to them, "Wow Salin, your really good." "Thanks Sakura, I really had to train a lot." Sakura turned to Syaoran, "Are you ok Li, aren't you hurt?" Syaoran got red, and quickly said, "No I'm fine."

Salin saw his red face and noticed that he had a crush on Sakura, she giggled. "Why are you giggling Salin?" asked Sakura confused, "Well Sakura, you are very lucky." "Huh? Lucky of what?" Salin looked at Syaoran, and then faced her again, "You will soon find out." Salin turned around and walked away.
When school ended, Syaoran took Salin out to show her the town. They stopped to have an ice cream, and sat down at a bench.

"Li can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure."

"What do you feel inside?" Syaoran looked confused at this question. "What do you mean?"

"What do you feel inside of you right now." Syaoran didn't know what to say, he didn't have an answer to her question. Salin smiled, "I guess you shouldn't feel nothing right now, and so what do you feel inside when you're with Sakura?"

Syaoran blushed, and Salin smiled at him, "Sorry Li I shouldn't have asked you this question." She got up, and started to walk, "Oh, by the way we can finish our tour in an another day." Syaoran kept thinking, 'What did she mean by, I shouldn't feel nothing right now?'

The next morning, at cooking class, they were learning how to make a cup cake. They were in groups of 4, Sakura, Tomoyo, Syaoran, and Salin. While Tomoyo and Sakura went to get more flour, Syaoran was mixing, and Salin was putting the ingredients into the mixing bow.

"Li.may I ask you a question." He looked at her, and nodded. "Ni yo may yo ai ika zun?" (Sorry guys it's in Chinese!). Syaoran turned red, he didn't know if he was going to answer her question when, Sakura and Tomoyo came back with the flour. "Li, don't answer." Said Salin smiling. Sakura and Tomoyo looked confused.

When Sakura, Tomoyo and Syaoran walked home, the blue clouds suddenly turned into a reddish color. They all looked shocked in this situation.

"Li I feel something."

"I feel it to, a great power." They looked around, and saw nothing. Suddenly the red clouds started to rain pointed arrows, which only shout on the two cardcaptures.

Sakura quickly got her key, and turned it into a staff. Syaoran in the other hand got his sword. An arrow quickly came rushing towards Tomoyo, and Sakura called out the shield to protect her.

Syaoran got the magical papers (sorry I don't know the names of it.), and out came fire, but his powers didn't work. Sakura turned her staff and called out for the wind, but the wind didn't stop it from coming.

"What will we do now Li!" called out Sakura. An arrow was heading behind Sakura, Li quickly ran and cut the arrow in two halves. "Thank you Li!" and he blushed.

"Watch out Sakura!" shouted Tomoyo. Sakura turned her staff into a sword, and cut the arrows.

"We can't just start cutting them all, there are millions of them." Said Li. "We gotta think of something and fast." More red clouds started to form. Sakura got out a card it was the thunder. "Hope this will work." The thunder came out of the staff, and hit the red clouds. The red clouds slowly turned blue again. The arrows at the floor disappeared.

"Li this is strange, it isn't a Clow card."

"I know, when the red clouds formed I felt a strong power near here." Sakura nodded, "I felt it too. We must ask Yue and Kero-chan for more information." Syaoran nodded.

"Yuppi!" shouted out Tomoyo, "What are you happy for Tomoyo." Asked Syaoran. Tomoyo's eyes lit with stars, "Well now that there is action I can once more film you guys, and make some costumes for battle!" Sakura and Syaoran quickly said, "You don't have to Tomoyo!" but Tomoyo seemed not to hear them, and wondered how the both of them would look in a new costume she had in mind.

The three of them started to walk home again. 'Will Sakura be in danger again, if she does I have to protect my love.' Thought Syaoran.

On top of a Sakura tree someone was watching them from the top, gave them a smile, and saw them leave.
Well hope you enjoyed this story, and there will be a second chapter coming up soon, I may be busy or something like that, but don't worry when I have time I will start writing it! One more thing, please, please, please, send me a letter telling me your opinions, it's really important for me (e-mail, jjl_net@hotmail.com )!!! Thank you =^_^= !!!

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