FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 12

    "What's wrong?" Syaoran asked.
    "I'm sorry for teasing you," Sakura sniffed (she hasn't cried, she just
looks sad, or more worried.
    "Don't be, it's not your fault"
    ""Don't worry, before I moved to Japan, they always tease me about things
like that.  I'm used to it sometimes, but then it gets out of hand."
Sakura's face lit up a bit.  "Really?"
    "Really"  Sakura ran to him and hugged him from behind.  Meanwhile, a
firefly was floating around.  Then she put her head on his shoulders, and
they both looked at the stars.  Syaoran turned his head to face hers.    Then
slowly, they kissed.  It was soft and sweet.  There was a tingling feeling
inside Sakura.  Still kissing, they turned to face eachother.  Sakura placed
her arms around Syaoran's neck and his arms around her waist.    The firefly was still
hanging around, but disappeared very quickly.
    Vines started to wrap around Syaoran and Sakura's ankle.  They didn't
notice.  It wrapped them around, and around, and around, until it reached to
their knees.  "Syoaran!  Sakura!  There's something wrapping around you!" Mei
shouted.  That's when they broke off and noticed.
    "What is this?" Sakura
    "I don't know.  D'you think it's one of the monsters?" Syaoran
    "Well what do you expect?  All the cards have been captured, and the
legendary battle is continuing, what else do you expect it is?"  Sakura.  The
vines tightened when it knew that its prey noticed its doing.  Sakura did her
little realease the key speech, and lastly said, "Sword!"  Syaoran used his
little Fire Wards.  Everybody came out and tried to help.  Kero-chan became
Kerberos and threw fireballs at it which helped a lot.  Then more vines grew
and grew, faster, and faster.  The four also used some of the Fire Wards,
while Syaoran's mother used some fire spells.  Mei, however, seems to be
looking for something.  "What are you doing Xiao Mei?!" everybody shouted,
"We need help!"
    "It's no use just fighting the vines!  Don't you think by now it's
awkward how more vines appear when each of you cut or burn one off?  Don't
you think that there's a source?!  Maybe we could destroy the main source,
which would make the job a lot easier!" Mei shouted back.  Then half of the
group went to look for the resource, while the others fight back the vines.
It was no use.  One by one, each was captured.  Then the monster's true form
appeared.  Apparently, it was looking forward to eat its evening's capture
for dinner. (What the beast generally looks like, just imagine it a bit more
scary and fierce:)
[Unable to display image]
 Sakura thought.  Just in the nick of time,
a bright light bursted between the monster and the helpless captives.
 Mei Li thought.  Indeed it was her.  First she chopped of
the vines that were wrapped around the captives with her sword.
[Unable to display image]With one swift move, she chopped of most of the
vines.  Then the sword disappeared.  After that, she was chanting some spell,
and a huge fireball engulfed the monster.  It screamed in rage with pain.
The vines though, were flying everywhere trying to catch anything that's near
it.  Unfortunately, it found Angelina's neck.  This was no problem though,
the sword appeared again and she used it to cut of the vine.  After chopping
off EVERY SINGLE vine, the fire had burnt the monster to a crisp.  Everybody
gapped at the sight.  After Glori-ella picked up a red stone and placed it in
her pocket, she turned to everybody and smiled.  Then she flapped her wings,
and gold glittery powder poured all over SakuraI&co.  As this was happening,
all their wounds were healed.  Angelina was about to leave, when Sakura
jumped at the chance to ask, "Wait!  Glori-ella, can't you stay to tell us
    "I'll tell you when the right time comes"  Then she disapeared, leaving a
feather behind.  Sakura ran to pick it up.  <Thank you Angelina.  I hope the
right time would come soon, so you can tell us everything.  Then we can fight
together and help......>

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