FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 18

Syoaran opened the door when she arrived. ¡§Hello Little Wolf!¡¨ <It
feels better seeing him. Either that, it was the fact that he¡¦s treating her
dinner.> ¡§Hello Cherry Blossom!¡¨ he said with a come back. <Then again,
maybe it¡¦s because of the meal he¡¦s treating me.> As usual, his apartment,
rather Mei¡¦s and his apartment are spotless. ¡§Dinner is almost ready,¡¨
Syaoran said. He was wearing a chef hat (Syaoran: Mei made me wear it),
and an apron. He had a spatula in one hand. ¡§You look cute in that outfit!¡¨
she smiled.
¡§Th-thanks...¡¨ he blushed lightly.
¡§Sakura!!! You¡¦re here!!! I knew little brother was having a date! Or
he wouldn¡¦t have cooked up one of those special meals,¡¨ Mei squealed.
¡§Can it sis¡¦, don¡¦t you dare use any of your magic to spy on us....I
mean her....I mean.....errrr!!!!! Just stay in your room until dinner¡¦s
now he was really blushing.
¡§Don¡¦t worry, I won¡¦t spy on you.....¡¨ Syaoran set down the plates of
delicious food. Tears of joy rolled down Sakura¡¦s cheeks, <Thank god for
this meal.......No longer will I be starving after this.> Before Syaoran
ate, he
was looking around the room. ¡§Vat are vou voing?¡¨ she said with a mouth
full of chowmein. ¡§I don¡¦t trust Mei. I know she¡¦s up to something to
this, so I¡¦m going to look for anything that looks like a camcorder......or a
firefly,¡¨ Syaoran replied. After thoroughly checking that there was nothing
tape the both of them, he sat down to eat. ¡§I¡¦m guessing you ran out of
groceries at your house,¡¨ he said.
¡§How¡¦d you know?¡¨ Sakura asked.
¡§I was only searching the room for a second and you scarfed down half
a plate of fried squid, maybe more than a few bowls of rice, and some
chowmein,¡¨ he chuckled.
¡§Hooee!!! I¡¦m sorry¡¨
¡§That¡¦s all right. Come on, have some more chowmein¡¨ After a
while, Syaoran was chewing on a string of chowmein while looking for any
bugs floating around them. Sakura was also chewing on a string of chowmein
and was mindlessly looking around Syaoran¡¦s and Mei¡¦s apartment. Slowly
both of them had to turn their heads toward the plate of chowmein, because
something was pulling it. Then, without knowing it, they kissed eachother in
the middle. When the snapped out of it and realized what they were doing....
¡§I¡¦m, sorry, I had no idea......seriously, I had no idea that was your
string of
chowmein...um umm,¡¨ now his face can only be described as a ripe tomato.
¡§Hooee...........It¡¦s okay, I¡¦m sorry too........¡¨ There was a quiet
moment after that. Then they finished their meals. Both of them washed the
dishes together. There were times when their hands accidentally brushed
against eachother under the soap and foam. After that, Syaoran fell on the
couch, while Sakura curled up beside him. ¡§That was the best meal I ever
had¡¨ She looked up from his shoulders. Then slowly, their lips met, and they
started to make out. When they had their last kiss of the big make out,
Sakura fell asleep on Syaoran¡¦s shoulders, and he fell asleep on her hair.
crept out of her room to see how the lovebirds were doing. She took
Syoaran¡¦s blankets and covered the two. She brushed Syaoran¡¦s and
Sakura¡¦s cheeks with her hands whispering, ¡§Soon....little
brother......soon....little cherry blossom....¡¨ Then Mei went to the phone
called Touya. ¡§Kinomoto residence! This is Touya, how can I help you?¡¨
¡§Hey Touya, it¡¦s me, Mei¡¨
¡§Hi Mei. Listen, is Sakura all right over there? Did your little br- (he
remembered that if he called Syaoran a brat in front of Mei, or in this case,
Mei¡¦s hearing distance, he could be pounded.) br-r-o-th-th-er (it was torture
for Touya to say that) do anything to my kaijuu?¡¨
¡§No, but there¡¦s something about her I want to tell you¡¨
¡§What?! What did HE do to her?!¡¨
¡§Don¡¦t worry, nothing really happened...actually something happened,
but it doesn¡¦t involve anything with hurting Sakura. Anyway, I think she¡¦s
gonna spend the night here.¡¨
¡§Don¡¦t fret...please, she just fell asleep in Syaoran¡¦s arms.¡¨
¡§She WHAT?!¡¨
¡§If you want to know what happened, you can call me a day after
tomorrow. Don¡¦t worry, she¡¦s in good hands. Whatever happens to
her.....that she does not like, you can pound my little brother. Although
you¡¦re gonna have a hard time doing that.¡¨
¡§I know she¡¦s in good hands, but it¡¦s just your own little kaijuu that¡¦s
making me upset.¡¨
¡§And I also know that you love Sakura very much, despite the fact that
you tease her constantly. You¡¦re probably thinking that he¡¦s going to take
something dear from you, and that something is Sakura.¡¨
¡§Yes it is.¡¨
¡§Touya, it¡¦s not like she¡¦s gonna be gone. She loves you too. You
should respect who she loves. You should really learn to respect my Little
Wolf. He¡¦s not as bad as he seems.¡¨
¡§I know, I know, he even protected Sakura from all those battles she
¡§It¡¦s good that you understand. Okay, okay, you can call my wolf a
brat if you want. I know it¡¦s torture for you to call him a respectful name.¡¨
¡§I¡¦ll meet you back at school tomorrow, ciao!¡¨
¡§Sayonara!¡¨ When it was morning, Mei woke up extra early to cook
breakfast. She knew that Syaoran and Sakura would be ¡§almost late¡¨ to
class, so she better get prepared. Then she left a note on Sakura¡¦s plate of
toast with jam and orange juice. Counting on the fact that she probably won¡¦t
stick around for a full round of breakfast. Then she left <Don¡¦t wanna be
myself, so I¡¦m just gonna go right on ahead.> It was 7:30 AM when they
woke up. Sakura saw the time and screamed, ¡§HOOOEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!¡¨
¡§What?!¡¨ Syaoran jumped.
¡§Look at the time!¡¨
¡§Ayah!¡¨ And there was a rush of two people running around the
apartment. One¡¦s either dressing, brushing their teeth, eating breakfast, or
finding their homework. ¡§I cannot believe I spent the whole night in you
apartment. Sleeping in your arms!¡¨
¡§I cannot believe that you slept in my arms for the whole night!¡¨
Apparently, Sakura had enough time to read the note on her breakfast.

Dear Sakura,
Knew you would be waking up really late, so I decided to help you
out. I packed you and Little Wolf lunches. They are on the table. I made
you breakfast. I did your homework, and went to your house to pick them
up. They¡¦ll be in your desk. Bet you didn¡¦t have enough energy to do any of
it huh? Well future sis¡¦ in law, you owe me one!
Your Lifesaver,
Xiao Mei

<Thank you Mei!> Sakura was very thankful. ¡§Come on! We¡¦re
going to be late!¡¨ Syaoran shouted. Off they rushed to WestWing.
Meanwhile at Northwest, Mei was looking at her watch. ¡§What are you
doing?¡¨ Yukito asked.
¡§Syaoran and Sakura are barely going to make it in time¡¨
¡§And why are you looking at your watch?¡¨ Touya asked.
¡§Just lean out the window like I am¡¨ They leaned out.
¡§Five...four....three...two...¡¨ CRASH!!!!! ¡§That should be them
arriving now! They did make it! Five minutes early too. They must¡¦ve really
ran!¡¨ <Either that, Sakura used The Dash card on the both of them.> Yukito
and Touya sweatdropped. Back at West Wing, some of the classmates asked,
¡§Where were you?¡¨
¡§Uhh, umm,¡¨ Sakura didn¡¦t want her classmates to find out that she
spent the whole night at Syaoran¡¦s place. BRRRRIIINGGG!!!! <Saved by
the bell!> When break came, Mei went over to Sakura for a little visit.
me Sakura, where were you last night?¡¨ Naoko asked.
¡§She was at Syaoran's and my apartment for the whole night!¡¨
¡§Mei!¡¨ Syaoran and Sakura
¡§Of course, I was in my room the whole time. But, Sakura and
Syaoran fell asleep in eachother¡¦s arms on the couch!¡¨
¡§Oh my!¡¨ Rika
¡§Did you? Did you? Did you, uh.....¡¨ Chiharu
¡§NO WE DIDN¡¦T!!!!!¡¨ Sakura and Syaoran shouted. They were
blushing BIG time. ¡§Got it all on tape too! It¡¦s soooo kawaii!¡¨ Mei said.
¡§But you promised not to record!!!¡¨ Syaoran&Sakura said.
¡§I did promised you that I wouldn¡¦t record it! But I didn¡¦t promise you
that Tomoyo couldn¡¦t record it! Once I found out about the date, I called
Tomoyo in my room. Then I secretly placed recorders all over the place. Of
course, you couldn¡¦t see them, cuz they are microscopic. One would need to
remember exactly where they placed them. HEE! HEE! HEEEE!¡¨
¡§WHAT?! THAT IS SOOOO UNFAIR!!!!!¡¨ Syaoran&Sakura cried.

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