FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 5

    Now Yuki and Mei are an item now.  Mei requested that they keep their
relationship a secret from the school because the last time she was even nice
to one of the guys at her old school, the other boys squashed him.  For the
sake of Yuki's safety, everybody that knew they were a couple, had nothing
against it, agreed to keep it a secret.  It was a beautiful morning on
Saturday.  Sakura woke up with full of energy.  When she came down for
breakfast, there was a familiar voice that always annoyed her, "Morning
    "I'm not a kaijuu!" and she kicked his shin.
    "Itai!  Paaaiinn"
    "Where are you off so early?" Fujitaka asked
    "To Penguin Park for a nice long walk"
    "As long as you're not with the kid, as long as you're not with the kid"
Touya moaned.  She stuck her tongue out at him.  Then she went to Penguin
Park.   "Great timing you have speedy" Syaoran said
    "I had a few problems" Sakura said.
    "So let's get on with our nice day together"
    "Don't you mean date?"
    "I call it a nice day together, you call it a date"  he smiled.  <She
looks so beautiful under the sun.  Those green eyes look like a pool of
emralds.>  He place his arm over her shoulder and they walked through the
park together.  Meanwhile, in hiding, Tomoyo, Kero-chan, and Mei were spying
on them.  "Ooooo this is going to be fun!" Mei said.
    "Thanks for telling me about their date" Tomoyo said.
    "It's my job to torment my little brother"
    "And it's my job to torment  Sakura"  They all giggled.  Syaoran and
Sakura walked into a cute little cafe hand in hand.  The sat in a booth.
"How may I help you Kaijuu?  How may I help you wolf brat?" a very familiar
voice asked.
    "Onnichan!  What are you doing here? Let me guess, a part time job"
    "Bingo!  I thought you said you were going for a walk"
    "I did, and I uh, met Syaoran.  What a coincidence"
    "Uh huh.  So what do you want kaijuu?"
    "I'm not a kaijuu!" this time, she stomped on his foot.
    "More paain"
    "We'll have the Fruit Special" Sakura ordered.  There was the moment of
the Glare Contest.  Then Sakura broke up the fight by kicking her brother.
When their order arrived, Touya said to Syaoran, "If you damage her in
anyway, I think you should write your will and decide whethter you want to be
buried or cremated"
    "Gomen, my brother is like that"
    "I understand"  Sakura placed two straws in the tall glass.  Slowly, both
of them were drinking the contents, while their hearts were pounding 1000
times per minute.  Touya was watching, and didn't seem to happy about this.
Meanwhile, Tomoyo and Mei were watching and recording with glee while
Kero-chan was eating a hot fudge sunday.  "Ooo this is so good.  Tomoyo, why
don't you get a shot at Touya.  This is gonna be sooo funny"
    "I can't wait what they're gonna do next.  I just can't thank you enough
Mei.  If it weren't for you, all these moments would be wasted not recorded"
    "I agree"
    "Ffanks for the sunday Mei" Kero-chan said.
    "Now everybody's happy, well except for Touya" Mei laughed.  Then Syaoran
and  Sakura went on walking, having one of the most perfect days of their
lives together.  It was pretty much the late afternoon.  They went to Tokyo
Tower.  "Wow, it's so high" Sakura said.
    "It's just like it was always the last time we came here" Syaoran said.
    "Yea, that was the time you caught The Dream.  By the way, what did YOU
dream of?"
    "Eerr, well...." Syaoran told her everything.  (For those of you that
don't know, he was watching a romance movie.  The scene was on a beach with a
sunset.  Syaoran: These Clow Cards are for you  Sakura: Thank you     Then
they hugged.  Syaoran was yelling what the hell am I doing?)
    "That was sweet" Sakura said.  Syaoran wrapped his arms around Sakura's
waist and burried his head in her hair.  She giggled, "That tickles"  Far in
the little corner, Tomoyo and Mei are still having fun while Kero-chan is now
sipping a strawberry and kiwi smoothie.  It was sunset when they got back to
Penguin Park.  They sat on the swings swaying.  "I had a wonderful day
    "Me too"  Then they moved closer to eachother.  Syaoran slipped his arms
around her waist, and Sakura place her arms around his neck, and they both
kissed eachother passionatly.  After 15 minutes of passionate kissing, they
said their goodbyes and went back home.  "Yata!!! All that on tape" Tomoyo
    "Give me a call when you have the video ready"
    "I'll come over then, and we can add a few things to spice it up" Mei
said evilly
    "Definately" Tomoyo gave an evil smile.

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