FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 8

    So far, there weren't any monsters that came across Penguin Park.  Sakura
and Syaoran were walking together hand in hand to a little shop.  Syoaran
bought a notebook for Sakura.  Then the storekeeper took out a box and said,
"Take a ball out of this box.  If you pick out a gold one, you get a trip to
Hong Kong!"  Sakura reached into the box, and made a grab for it.  To her
surprise, she got a gold ball! (Not really, we all knew she was gonna win
anyway).  "Yata!!!  Isn't that great Syaoran?!" Sakura squealed.
    "Yea, great," he said at the thought of seeing his sisters again.  There
was a great celebration at the Kinomoto's residence.  Everybody was there
(Touya: I can't believe you brought the brat in here).  "The letter says I
can bring 3 friends!"
    "Sakura, if you want to know the truth, gomen, I can't come, I have a
buisness trip to attend," Fujitaka sighed.
    "I can't come, kaijuu, I can't avoid my part time job," Touya.
    "I'M NOT A KAIJUU!!!!" and Touya was in pain after a few seconds.
    "What about you Yukito-san?"
    "Gomen, I have a job too"
    "I have no job, and no problem for me"
    "Great!  What about you Tomoyo?"
    "I'm in"
    "Yata!  Syaoran?"
    "Definatelly, I'm not going to leave you stranded in Hong Kong like a
lost pup"
    "Father, can I please go? Mei can look after us"
    "All right.  Mei, I'm trusting you to take care of these kids"
    "I'm trusting you not to let that brat not to hurt my kaijuu" Touya was
in real pain afterwords.
    "I'M NOT A KAIJUU!!!"
    "THAT'S MY LIL' BROTHER YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!!!"  Everybody was laughing
and having a merry time.  It was a week before their trip came.  Tomoyo,
Kero-chan, Syaoran, and Sakura stepped out to have some fresh air.  Mei was
in Sakura's room  taking a nap.  Then a huge fire ball came hurtling towards
them.  Sakura quickly used the Card Time.  "What's happening?!" Mei shouted.
Then everybody saw a massive fire bird( it's Suzaku! Not, it's just a
monster)  Mei, immediatly came to help.  "Water!" Sakura shouted.  "I call
forth water now!" Syaoran called.  All the flames were put out, but the bird
was still there.  They only took out its flaming feathers.  Then the bird
swooped from above aiming for Sakura.  "Fly!" she barely doged the monstrous
foul.  "Windy!"  The wind surrounded the beast, so it couldn't move.  Syaoran
grabbed the chance and cut it half with his sword.  It was diminished, but
nobody noticed that a white stone just appeared where the bird was killed.
Then a small breeze picked up the stone and carried it to a tree.  Then a
shadowy figure appeared and took the stone........

    Then came the day where they left.  Mei gave a Yuki a kiss goodbye, adn
they were off.  "Hong Kong here we come!" everybody shouted.

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