FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 3
Recovery and Training

Li regained consciousness very soon after Sakura had flown him home. Thanks to Sakura’s dad Li would be alright. Mr. Avalon was quite handy in the art of first aid and healing. He had to be, Sakura was a cheerleader. (and she didn’t start out all that great) He spent quite a few days and night tending to twisted ankles and bruised bodies.

Li woke up to the sight of Sakura’s sweet face standing over him. Sakura had tears in her eyes. No matter what her father said she still feared that Li might have died. She still had a mental picture of the way she found Li before Ryong had attacked her. Li had looked horrible. It looked as though he was on the brink of death. She looked down at Li.

Li looked unbelievably better. This puzzled Sakura. She was sure that Li had been beaten badly. But now, he was conscience and starting to move. Sakura just didn’t understand. How was it possible for some one to heal so much so quick. She knew that her father was quite good in the ways of healing, but this was incredible.


Li looked around. Still unsure of what had happened. The last thing that he remembered was being attacked by the Wandering Prophet.... and losing badly. Li was still bitter. how could he have lost to the Wandering Prophet. I never lose. How could some one be so powerful that they could defeat me with such ease. I am a seasoned warrior. This is just not possible. Thought Li.

Sakura’s voice sprung into Li’s head. “Li!! Your alright. Your really alive! I’m so happy your ok. I was so afraid Li. But your awake now, and everything is ok.” Said Sakura. Li sat up and started to speak. “No, Sakura. Everything is not ok. I meet the Wandering Prophet. He is a being of incredib! le power. We fought one another when I was on my way home. I cast one of my strongest spells on him and it didn‘t even phase him. He hit me with a spell that I have never heard of before. It was called Hurricane.”
Li jumped off of the bed and started to stretch. His muscles cramped from not moving for so long. Once Li’s body started to loosen he continued the story. "It was so fast. I didn’t have time to react or to dodge the spell. When it connected against me it felt like the force of the spell was going to rip my body to shreds."

Li started flexing his muscles and checking his bones to make sure that nothing was broken. “Sakura. In all actuality I should have broken bones all through my body. I shouldn’t be walking and I really shouldn’t even be awake right now. The Wandering Prophet was the strongest being that I have ever fought in my life. He is much stronger then both of us.”

“Li, don’t worry about that right now. Concentrate on getting better. If what you say is true you shouldn’t be out of bed. So go on, right back to bed you go.” Sakura said with concern in her voice.

“Sakura look I am perfectly fine. I don’t know how, but I feel stronger then I was before I fought the Wandering Prophet.” To prove himself Li jumped into the air did a back flip and landed gracefully on his feet. “Sakura, I’m afraid that I must go. I am sorry but I have to go train and get stronger. The Wandering Prophet is way to strong for us to defeat. even if we were fighting him together” Li started to turn to leave the room.

Sakura grabbed him by the arm and spun him around so that he was facing her. “Li! how could you just leave me like that. I am going with you. But training can wait. I have to tell you the things that happened to me while you were unconscious. It may serve to help us.” Li looked into Sakura’s eyes. Then he melted. Her beautiful eyes always did that to him. How could Li turn down Sakura when those eyes were looking deep into his.

“Alright we will train together. Go! ahead and tell me what happened to you. but make it quick because we are losing valuable training time. Only god knows how soon the Wandering Prophet will attack again.”

“Well Li, that is one of the things that I wanted to talk to you about. He might not attack us for a while. He has very strong friends as well. I meet one of them on my way to find you. Her name was Ryong. She was incredibly powerful. She took all of my cards except for the sword card. Ryong told me to use it so that we may have a sword to sword battle. She was an incredible fighter. she would have even been a match for you. When I was fighting her I caught a glimpse of you lying over by the wall in a heap. You looked so helpless. I knew that I had to take you home fast or you might not make it. A power rushed up in my body and it made me unbelievably strong. I was floating off the ground without the use of the Clow cards. Then I went to attack her and my speed and strength were multiplied three times. I was unstoppable for that time. But I made a mistake and she caught me off guard and then Ryong kicked me. That ended my ‘trance’ like state. Ryong called it using my innate abilities. When she had me pinned to the ground you came out of nowhere and stabbed Ryong in the back killing her and saving my life. I brought you back here, and then my dad started to fix you up. But, as it seems you have healed nicely on your own.”

“Wow, this complicates matters a lot. Now not only do we have to watch out for the Wandering Prophet, but we have to watch out for his cronies as well. This innate abilities thing puzzles me. What was it you called it? A ‘trance’ like state? A trance. I like that. For now we should refer to it as a trance.”

“That’s fine with me, Li. Well that is what I wanted to tell you. So we can go and train when ever you are ready.” Said Sakura. “Well I am ready now so lets get going. The town in completely empty. There is no one out so I say that we go and train in the park. Go put on something that you can move ! around in easily.” “Ok Li, I will be ready in a minute.”

Sakura went and put on one of her battle outfits. She put on the outfit that she had worn on her first Clow card capture. Li and Sakura left the Avalon home and traveled to the park so that they may train in piece. The black wind was a constant reminder of the treat that faced them. A short while later they entered the park and went to an open area surrounded by trees.

“OK Sakura. We are going to spar with one another. That means that we are going to have to fight each other. Don’t worry about hurting me I can take it. You better not hold anything back or you might get hurt.”

“But Li, I don’t want to fight you. Can’t we just train side by side. I don‘t think that I could ever attack you.” said Sakura. She had a very sheepish look on her face. She obviously did not want to fight Li.

“Sakura, this is the only way we can get strong enough fast enough so that we might stand a chance against the Wandering Prophet.” Without saying anymore Li drew his sword and took a battle stance. He hated to have to put Sakura in this position. But he had to. They both had to get much stronger before they would stand a chance against the Wandering Prophet.


Sakura knew that she had no choice but to fight Li. But if she was going to fight Li. She decided that she would have to win. She smiled wickedly at the chance to finally prove her skills to Li. She drew her rod and also took a battle position.


Li saw Sakura’s little smile. It scared him. Sakura was extremely powerful. He would have to fight Sakura with everything he had or he would get hurt himself. Li decided that in order to prove to himself that he was strong enough to defend and protect Sakura he would have to win the battle. So Li did the only thing he could think of to show Sakura he was not backing down, he smiled back.

The two warrior! s rushed at each other drew there weapons and attacked. Li attacked high with his sword and Sakura attacked low with her wand. Li jumped over Sakura’s wand and Sakura side stepped Li’s sword attack. Li swung again at Sakura and barely missed.

Sakura realized that she would need to strategize in order to beat Li. She dropped back a few from Li, and pulled out the firey card. She cast it and command it to go after Li. Li knew that should would cast her element cards, and was prepared. He jumped and rolled to the left to avoid a vicious torrent of flames courtesy of the firey card. After the roll Li sprung to his feet and made a jumping attack at the firey. The firey was caught of guard, Li had expected this and swung his sword in a devastating arc. His sword not only connected with, but cleaved the firey into two neat pieces. The firey morphed back into it’s card form

Li wasted no time. As soon as his feet hit the grounded from his attack against the firey he ran after Sakura and jumped at her. He swung his sword with all of his force. Sakura quickly cast her power card and blocked Li’s sword attack with her wand.

Shit that’s the last thing I need. Sakura is tough enough when she is normal. But now she has the strength of the power card. This just made everything much more difficult. Thought Li.

Sakura swung her wand at Li. It caught him square in the ribs and sent him sprawling to the ground. Li was positive that is broke one of his ribs. He felt the shatter as soon as the rod connected. This attack infuriated Li. He stood up and sheathed his sword. It didn’t seem to be doing him any good anyways.

Li broke into a dead run after Sakura. Sakura did not expect this to happen. She swung her wand at Li, but Li was to fast for her. When she swung her wand, Li slid under her attack and tripped her to the ground. A very skillful attack. Li sprang to his feet and saw that Sakura was still recovering from the blow Li had dealt to her legs. While she was still getting up Li tried ! to punch her but Sakura rolled out of the way and sprang to her feet.

Sakura got back into a battle stance and charged after Li. He jumped high into the air to avoid Sakura’s rush. When he landed Sakura came rushing back after him. She started swinging at him like a mad woman. Li was to fast for her though. he dodged all of the attacks in Sakura’s onslaught.

This made Sakura realize that she was not fast enough. So she pulled out the dash card and cast it. now not only was she extremely powerful but she was incredibly fast as well. Li knew that he had better think of something quick. She was becoming more and more powerful. But Li knew that she would soon tire from all the continuous use of her magic.

Sakura came dashing at Li. She was so fast Li barely had time to react. Li rolled to the side to avoid Sakura’s wand but it clipped him in his left arm. Li was starting to get annoyed. No matter what he did there was no way to best Sakura. Then it hit him. It was going to take a lot out of Li but that was the point of training. ‘Conditioning starts at the point of fatigue.’ That was what his master back in China had taught him.

Li started to lure Sakura to the end of the opening to where the trees were. This was not an easy task. Every time Li would start to go toward the trees Sakura would use her speed to block his path. So Li would have to change directions.

After a long time of running from Li’s part he was able to get Sakura in the trees at the end of the clearing. Here Li could use all his abilities and Sakura could use very few of hers. With all of the trees Sakura could not use the dash power and Li could use his element of surprise in the woods also.

Sakura did not realize this until it was to late. The second she entered the woods from chasing after Li she could not find him. Li popped out from behind a tree near Sakura and kicked her in her side. Sakura hit the ground hard. Not able to brace herself for the attack because she didn’t expect it. Li went bac! k into hiding. Sakura knew to watch herself now.

Li tried the same attack again except he came out of a different direction. Sakura saw him coming and slammed her wand into his side. the force of the blow sent him flying into a nearby tree.

It took Li a minute to recover from the blow, he thought he broke three more ribs. but Li got back up and resumed his hiding. he had to if he wanted to win.

An idea popped into Li’s head. He took out his sword and started to chant an incantation. When it was complete Li sliced a tree in half. The falling tree startled Sakura. Li started cutting down trees all over the place. one of them fell on Sakura but she pushed it off of her. A tree fell to the left of Sakura. She turned her body to face it and Li came out behind her.

Li acted to quick for Sakura to do anything. He grabbed her and swung her to the ground and pointed his sword at his neck.

“It is over Sakura. this round belongs to me.”

“Yes Li, you have beaten me this round. But you will not win the next round.”

Li nodded that he excepted the challenge and then checked his ribs. They were completely healed. This puzzled Li. But he didn’t complain. He took a battle position and waited for Sakura to commence her attack.


A figure in a dark rob stood nearby shrouded in a invisibility spell so that the fighters could not see him. “Quite remarkable. Those children are something else. I just hope that they are enough. Li is remarkably smart. He is starting to realize that he has a healing ability. Ha Ha Ha. It is incredible how much stronger they have gotten in the course of a day.”

The Wandering Prophet just sits and watches Li and Sakura train for a while. He stands up and calls upon his servant. “Alucard! Come here I have a task for you.”

A bat flies out of a tree and slowly materializes into the shape of a man. He is dressed all in black and has extremely pale skin. He smile! s exposing the long fangs that reside in his mouth. He begins to speak.

“You have called upon me almighty one.”

“Yes Alucard. Those down there are the children I have told you about. I want you to go take care of them for me.”

“Yes your excellency. It would be a great pleasure.”

With that said the Wandering Prophet teleports out of the training ground.

Alucard morphs into a wolf and begins to limp. He lays down and yelps. Alucard smiles in spite of himself. This works every time. Ha ha ha. The children are to kind hearted to leave a hurt animal behind. Thought Alucard.

Sakura and Li see and hear the wolf.


“Li! look there. A wolf. It sounds like it is hurt, lets go see if we can help it.”

“Good idea Sakura, the wolf sounds like it is in a lot of pain. I hope there is something we can do to help it.”


well that’s it for this chapter. I hope you liked it. Send me your comments at neomagus15@aol.com you guys got to let me know what you think. ohh and I am so sorry it took me song long to get this up. I was under punishment for a while.

I want to give a special thanks to spike for editing. thanks man

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