FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Author's Note: ok ok ok this is mah 1st time writing a fanfic, so puh-lease do not send me nething saying how bad this is or how ghetto my slang is or how stupid I am cuz I'm using Japanese incorrectly cuz I'm not Japanese! And neone who sends me flames about incorrect Chinese usage doesn't kno how to speak Chinese! ~~~Calming down~~~ but neone who has pointers on Japanese grammar and usage please e-mail me at AzniDIoT64@aol.com! So far the only Japanese I know is what I've picked up off the internet…and for those of u in America football is soccer, not the one oblong brown ball with stitches on the side…ok maybe I should quit ranting now…
Disclaimer: I do not own CCS all CCS characters are property of CLAMP and neone else they're letting use them…any other characters are named randomly…

+++ Change of scene
~~~ New scenario, simultaneously as previous text
Italics are character's thoughts


Blind to a Fault
Chapter 1: Reunion

"HOE~E I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying…umph." Sakura struggled to get her shirt on while trying to put on her pants at the same time.
"Hurrying for what?" asked Kero.
"School, what else?" she snapped, "Drat, where are my socks?"
+ + +
"NoOtou-sanI'mnoteatingbreakfasttodayI'mgoingtobelateittekimasu!" Sakura yelled as she bladed out the door. "Onii-chan wait up!"
Fujitaka smiled. Sakura, you'll have to start paying attention to the days of the week.
"Kaijuu, if you'd get up earlier, you'd not only have time to eat breakfast, but you'd be able to get to school on time…and I wouldn't get yelled at every morning" Touya added. And then you wouldn't be rushing to school when there isn't school.
"I'm not a kaijuu, you…oh hi Yukito-san!" Sakura gave Yukito one of the half-smiles that had become her trademark ever since Li-kun went back to Hong Kong 4 years ago.
"Ohayo Sakura-chan, To-ya-chan." Yuki directed all his attention towards Touya as they walked on. Sakura went to the high school, so she took a different route from the intersection. As the sound of their conversation faded, her thoughts turned to how she had changed over the years…or how she had not changed over the years. Sakura smiled. She still couldn't be on time for anything, she was still on the cheerleading squad, and her math skills were as bad as ever. Now, however, Sakura had added highlights to her hair, which was now waist length, and she played the violin, instead of the recorder that was required in Tomoeda Elementary. Sakura had also begun figure skating as a hobby.
She wasn't paying much attention to her surroundings, or Sakura would have noticed that she had bladed PAST the high school.
"Sakura-chan?! Where do you think you're going?" Tomoyo inquired as she stepped around the school gate, with her ever-trustworthy camcorder in hand.
"Hoe~e? Oh, my bad…" Sakura gave her a weak grin, "Gomen, I wasn't paying attention."
"Obviously," snapped Tomoyo, "And it appears you weren't paying attention yesterday either."
"Hoe~e? What do you mean?"
"Yesterday was Friday, Sakura-chan. We don't have school today, and the party for our latest football victory isn't until 7 PM! AND we're having a picnic today at King Penguin Park at noon! It's 7:55 now!"
"Oh…" ***sweatdrops*** "then why are you here?"
Tomoyo tapped her foot impatiently, "You, Naoko-chan, Chiharu-chan, and Rika-chan were supposed to be at my house at 7 to try on the new dresses I made for you!"
"Oh…" ***more sweatdrops*** "umm…"
"Well what are you waiting for? Come on already!"
+ + +
"Tomoyo-chan, I don't know, it's kind of…REVEALING." Sakura wailed as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a dark blue velvety top that had sky blue, petal shaped gauze sleeves with long black skirt that had a large dark blue rose design on it, with a slit on the left side up to her thigh, with every edge done in silver, including the almost non-existing neckline. "It's WAY too low and…and…Tomoyo-chan!" Sakura gave her best friend a glare that could have rivaled those that Syaoran and Touya had given each other. Tomoyo chose to ignore that and continued to videotape her.
"But it looks SO good on you, Sakura-chan!" argued Chiharu, "Besides, think of how…mmphmph!"
"Excuse us, Sakura-chan," Naoko smiled, pulling Chiharu into one of the other rooms with Tomoyo and Rika.
"Hoe~e? Ok…" Sakura turned back to her reflection in the mirror, trying to tug the neckline up a bit.
+ + +
"CHIHARU, anta baka. You're going to ruin everything!" Hissed Rika, "Just what do you think you're doing?"
"Demo…I don't think I can keep it away from her any longer!" Chiharu wailed, "When it's such a big secret, I just can't! I just HAVE to tell her that Li-k…"
"URUSEI!" snapped Naoko.
"What if she hears you, Chiharu-chan?" added Rika, "as clueless as Sakura-chan is, she's bound to notice something, you know."
"Try not to tell, please Chiharu-chan? PLEASE?" pleaded Tomoyo, "This is really important to all of us that she doesn't find out yet."
"Yeah. Remember, last time Yamazaki-kun had to intervene with one of his tall tales, remember?" said Naoko, "Something about how football originated in China with some fruit or other."
Chiharu turned a light pink color, "SOU KA, ALL RIGHT already. Mou…this is SO difficult."
~ ~ ~
"We are now landing in Tokyo Airport, please enjoy your stay and thank you for flying Japanese Airlines." The flight attendant's voice was all light, bouncy, cheerful, and…fake. Syaoran sighed. Why did everything have to be so hard? I thought that coming back to Japan after finishing all his training and other matters in Hong Kong would be easy, but NO. Tomoyo had INSISTED that I should come as inconspicuously as possible, and that I had to come on THIS particular day, and that I HAD to be at Yuta Something-or-other's house at 7 PM for some party or other. Not only that, she had Chiharu, Rika, Naoko, Takashi, and even Wei backing up her idea, whatever it was.
"If it weren't for them, I'd have already been in Japan for at least two weeks," he muttered to himself as he got off his plane. He checked his watch. "Tao yen sh le, and it's still only 8 AM," he growled, and went outside with his luggage, waiting for Wei to pick him up.
+ + +
12 PM…
Sakura, Chiharu, Rika, and Naoko were in King Penguin Park with the rest of the cheerleading squad, talking about the upcoming dance, people they knew, boys, and (whenever Sakura was out of hearing range) Syaoran's return to Japan.
"WAII!" Exclaimed Mika, "This is going to be so cool!"
Tomoyo put down her camcorder, exasperated. "Look, don't you remember about you-know-what and how Sakura's not supposed to know?" She whispered.
Mika giggled. "Of course. That's why I have to act as much as possible that nothing's going on!" She bubbled happily.
Tomoyo put up her camcorder again, "And I thought I was over-genki about this Sakura and Syaoran reunion."
"And what's wrong with being over-genki?" Demanded Mika.
"Nothing, nothing," Tomoyo turned her attention back to the rest of the cheerleading squad. "Oh I can't wait to tape the look on Sakura's face when he arrives tonight!"
"But you're positive that he's coming to the party?" Inquired Meynori. "It is possible that he won't, you know."
"And does he know that you're trying to get him and Sakura together?" Piped up Megumi, who was Meynori's twin sister.
"If he does, he's not letting on about it," Tomoyo gave a sigh of resignation.
"Hey," called Sakura, "I'm not about to set up everything by myself! And you people do want to eat, right?"
"Calm down Sakura-chan. Yukito-chan's not here to eat everything," laughed Rika.
"HOE~EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Sakura glared at her.
Everyone laughed.
~ ~ ~
"Hey, everything in here is exactly the way I left it," exclaimed Syaoran. "Amazing…"
"Well, no one has used this room since you left. Even before you first came, that room was just an extra storage room that had nothing in it." Wei chuckled to himself. "Then you came, had us move furniture into it, and then you put a dent in the floor that's still there from one of your sword practices."
Syaoran just glared at his relative. Wei chuckled again.
"Look, you just maybe, possibly, might want to get organized if you're going to get to the party your friends are having tonight."
"What's so important about this party anyway? Tomoyo-chan insisted that I should come, and she has just about everyone, including you, backing up her idea." Syaoran paused, "except for Sakura-chan. Why's that?"
Wei shrugged, "I wouldn't know. Tomoyo just wanted me to make sure that you would go."
Syaoran growled through clenched teeth.
+ + +
6: 30 PM…

"I really don't know about this, Tomoyo-chan." Said Sakura nervously. Somehow, Tomoyo had gotten her to wear the outfit, and now they were going to pick up Naoko and Rika. Chiharu was going with Takashi. "I really think that this thing is way too low…and-"
"Relax, Sakura-chan. It looks good on you, and it won't be out of place. Remember that I made outfits for Rika, Chiharu, Naoko and even myself." Tomoyo stated. She was wearing a maroon tank top that had a white dove on it with a really short black skirt. "And you're going to be wearing it for my next fashion show anyway. You did promise to."
Sakura sighed, "Yeah, I'll be modeling it, but you do have others that aren't as revealing, right?"
"Of course!" Tomoyo beamed, "It's another chance to show the public how cute Sakura-chan is!" And it's another chance for me to try and get Syaoran to actually notice how cute you are.
"Hey Tomoyo-chan sorry I was brushing my hair." Naoko smiled as she got into Tomoyo's limo. She was wearing a red silk blouse with a black skirt a little past her knees. "Rika-chan called and said that her mother was sending her."
"Tomoyo-chan!" Exclaimed Sakura, "Why did you have to put so much emphasis on my outfit?!?!?! Look at hers, it is SO much better…"
"Sakura-chan! Why are you so ungrateful?!" Exclaimed Naoko.
"Sakura-chan, it's because Naoko had specifically requested on how her outfit should turn out. Since you're going to be modeling for my fashion show next month, I decided to have you wear this dress for tonight's party!" Tomoyo smiled as she put up her camcorder, "Smile, Sakura-chan!"
***sweatdrops*** "Tomoyo-chan, you're weird," Sakura gave a sigh of resignation.

"Quit bickering you two, we're here," Naoko snapped. As she, Tomoyo, and Sakura stepped out of the limo, Rika rushed up to them.
"WAIIII!" she exclaimed, "This is amazing! You will never guess how Yuta pulled this one off."
"Rika-chan, it might help if you slowed down a bit," said Tomoyo.
"Anyway," Rika continued (***Sakura, Tomoyo, and Naoko sweatdrop***), "Yuta has all these strobe lights, a disco ball, the fog making thing, and-"
"Ohayo gazaiimas, minna!" Chiharu rushed over, with a slightly disgruntled Takashi following her. Rika glared at her. Chiharu ignored her, "Well, why are we all outside? The party is indoors, you know."
"You know, the word 'party' was originally thought of by-" Takashi started one of his familiar lies.
"Urusei, anta baka. I see some things don't change." A figure stepped out onto the sidewalk. Sakura gasped and fainted, with Tomoyo happily recording.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Lin Paw-Paw: Ok so maybe much of give away, wutever. I doan really care. Well yeah I do care but…wutever…
Thanx everyone who's putting this one their site **sniffs*** I'm not worthy of such an honor
BUT if u c this somewhere and want to put it on ur site pleez e-mail me first at AzniDIoT64@aol.com. And I thank everyone from Tai Chi Crew, u kno who u r!

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