FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Lin Paw Paw: I am so sorrie people¡K I promised this chapter by new years (Chinese lunar calendar) and this is really late, even for me¡K so don't be surprised if this sux cuz I've been really busy with my applications to all these stupit high schools¡Kand I'm not even gonna get in¡Kneways¡K. I hope u enjoy the fic! Please Note that this chapter doesn't really follow the actual dramatized storyline¡Kthis chapter is here to help u understand how the rest of the fic falls into place. Arigatou!

+++ Change of scene
~~~ New scenario, simultaneously as previous text
Italics are character's thoughts or Chinese pinyin
:: these are mind to mind speech ::

Chapter 2

Yin. A great fiery bird that is reborn from the ashes. This is the Chinese phoenix. Also represents the peacock. The embodiment of hope, she is the symbol of the Empress of China. Female, Dark, Cold, Moon, all of these is represented by a single word. Yin. [Author's Note: notice how I have so much more info on yang than yin]
Yang. Seen as a great long reptile. He has the head of a camel, the horns of a stag, the eyes of a demon, the ears of a cow, the neck of a snake, the belly of a clam, the scales of a carp, the claws of an eagle, and the paws of a tiger. He breathes not fire, but clouds, and often appears in human form. This is the Chinese dragon. He is the symbol of the Emperor of China, shown with five claws instead of four to be distinguished from lesser beasts. Male, Light, Warmth, Sun, all of these is represented by a single word. Yang.
These two beasts were now across from each other, conversing in what they considered hushed tones, but if you were to stand in from of either while they were speaking at a "normal" tone of voice, you'd be sent flying into the opposite cavern wall.
"Yin, it would be so much easier for you to just DIE this time."
"Yang, I've told you, it would take centuries for my mind to mature again, and in case you haven't forgotten, humans don't have CENTURIES. They have DECADES."
The dragon snorted. "Yes, I suppose that's why you took Nadeisco at such an early age, ne?"
:: He has a point, you know. You can't argue with that one ::
:: Ni gei woa bi juei, Nadeisco. After HOW many years and you still can't keep your mind shut ::
:: At least I have my own, instead of preying off of the minds of others ::
:: Why you impertinent-::
"As much as I hate to intrude upon your¡K inner conflicts, I do believe that they must wait for now, Yin."
Then, for the first time in centuries of her rebirth, the great phoenix was completely silent, and shivering too. [A.N.: how the h--- you can shiver when you're whole being is comprised of fire is beyond me]
"Yin, be reasonable. What has happened to you? Have you forgotten what you represent? Or do you not care? Does the life of one girl mean that much to you?"
At this she lost her temper. "Don't you DARE speak to me like that. If I take this ONE girl I will have the ability to not ever need to be reborn again without taking another life, Yang. I thought that was what YOU wanted, remember? Now who's the one at fault?"
Without another word, she left the cavern. He could only shake his head in remorse.
One day, Yin, you will return to me, the way you did years ago¡K

~ ~ ~
Lin Paw Paw: ^_^ ok only 2 and 1/8th pages w/o the notes at top and bottom, but this time I swear I'm gonna get in the third chapter before I move onto my 9th grade year. Again, thanks to all of you who e-mailed me! Remember, it's AzniDIoT64@aol.com! And, if you have a Neopets account, you can neomail me at the username blAcKitTy735.

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