FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Sakura blossoms on the Alps Chapter (1)

Okay, I!¡Âm going to say this on the first chapter
only! The characters belong to CLAMP and the story
belongs to Johanna Spyri, the author of Heidi. I!¡Âm
using the names of the CCS characters. If you have no
idea who!¡Âs who, I typed that up. Some, like Rika,
I!¡Âve changed the roles from guy to girl.

Sakura-Heidi * Touya-Aunt Dete * Syaoran-Peter *
Sakura!¡Âs great grandfather-Alm Uncle * Tomoyo-Klara *
Rika-Sebastian * (non-CLAMP) Miss Reeves-Miss
Rottenmeir * Sonomi-Mr. Sesemann * Mizuki Sensei-Dr.
Classen * the grandmothers as themselves.

Speech form: !¢XSpeaking!¡Ó [Thinking]

!¢XAre you feeling tired Sakura?!¡Ó

!¢XNo, only hot. Mou!| Touya did you have to wrap me up
in all of this?!¡Ó

!¢XHa ha ha, that!¡Âs because your suit case was so
small. You probably bit it to size like a Kaijou.!¡Ó

!¢XWhere are we going again?!¡Ó

!¢XTo the top of that mountain. Are you sure you don!¡Ât
want to stop by over there?!¡Ó

!¢XNo, the sooner we get there, the better.!¡Ó


Two figures went through their birthplace, both
sweating after the long walk through the mountain and
under the June sun. Switzerland!¡Âs famous Alps let its
fragrance roam the air. The !Rsmall!¡Â girl of 10 took
in the air as they went through the small hamlet of
Dorfli. The taller and older youth, a guy of 16
carried a suitcase that belonged to the small girl. He
had to take her to her Grandfather.

Touya raised Sakura ever since she was three. Their
parents, Fujitaka and Nadeshiko died in a car crash
and only Touya and Sakura survived. Their wealthy
second relatives supported them with a home and solved
their financial problems. This could not continue and
soon Touya had to get into university but being out
all day there was no one to keep an eye on Sakura. So,
here they were in Dorfli climbing the Alps to reach
their lonely Grandfather.

!¢XHey Touya! Come over here!!¡Ó It was a long time
neighbor, Yukito when the Kinomotos was in their happy
times before Fujitaka and Nadeshiko died.

!¢XWhere are you taking Sakura?!¡Ó

!¢XI!¡Âm taking her to the Alm Uncle.!¡Ó

!¢XThe Alm Uncle? Why him? Our family can take care of
Sakura while you!¡Âre in university.!¡Ó

!¢XWell, I prefer if she stays with him. Sakura never
met any of her relatives but him and will feel safer
with him.!¡Ó


!¢XHe came to our aid when we were homeless and got our
second relatives, the Daidouji family to help us for
he had to return.!¡Ó

!¢XWell I suppose ever since then he will never come
down from that mountain and simply live like a hermit
and not come to any festivals.!¡Ó

!¢XIs that true? I lived in Frankfort for so long

!¢XRumor says when he was young he lost all he had by
gambling when he lived in Japan. Leaving only a bad
name of himself, he moved to Switzerland in a place
near Frankfort. Here he prospered but soon lost most
of his money while helping a false friend. He vowed to
never set foot there but to stay in Dorfli. I say he
is keeping his vow true.!¡Ó

!¢XWell good for him!| Sakura?!¡Ó

Touya felt his heart skip a beat when he saw her being
bullied by a boy her age who was obviously a goat
flock keeper.

!¢XI!¡Âm sorry, I didn!¡Ât know it was your goat!|!¡Ó

!¢XNo, it belongs to the Alm Uncle and he!¡Âll get so
cross when he hears that you!¡Âve been messing around
with it.!¡Ó

The boy raised his fist about to punch the frail child
but stopped. Behind him was Touya, keeping a firm grip
on the boys' wrist. !¢XSay you!¡Âre sorry. She didn!¡Ât

!¢XBut!|!¡Ó the boy paused as soon as he received a
warning glare. He simply glared back.

!¢XWhat did you do by the way Sakura?!¡Ó

!¢XI petted the goat and gave it some herbs I picked
along the way!|!¡Ó

The boy interrupted, !¢XThey could!¡Âve been poisonous
and I was taking it to the vet because of its upset
stomach!!¡Ó no more was to be said when they all saw
the goat prancing around instead of struggling. Sakura
gave the goat the curable herb. All they could do was
sigh with relief.

!¢XSince that was the Alm Uncle!¡Âs goat you!¡Âll
probably know where he lives in this mountain!| can
you take us there?!¡Ó

The boy hesitated at Touya!¡Âs request but had to agree
because of the two puppy-dog-green-eyes behind the
tall youth.

As they climbed the mountain, Sakura stopped. Touya
was far behind and the boy was way in front. She
noticed the boy was wearing his summer clothes and she
wasn!¡Ât!| only wrapped up in layers of clothing that
wouldn!¡Ât fit into her suitcase. Sakura ran to catch
up with the boy as she took off her many layers till
it reached her last layer, her white cherry-blossom
printed summer dress. It had spaghetti-straps (the
straps are very thin) and her dress only was half way
between her knees and hip.

The boy blushed when he saw her and couldn!¡Ât help his
lips gape. After all no one could doubt the girl
looked awfully cute. !¢XWell, I caught up didn!¡Ât I?
What is your name?!¡Ó

!¢XS-S-Syaoran!| and you?!¡Ó

!¢XSakura Kinomoto! Hey, do you always act like that?!¡Ó

!¢XL-l-like what?!¡Ó

!¢XI mean like before you were so bitter and now
you!¡Âre so !Rgentle!¡Â!!¡Ó

Sakura beamed at the Syaoran. He was unfamiliar with
meeting new people and very awkward about meeting
girls. Especially her, for some reason!|

!¢XDo you take care of the goats in Dorfli?!¡Ó

!¢XYeah!| my dad used to but he died and only mom,
Grandma and I are left. I only take care of the goats
in holidays!| the rest is done by another guy called

!¢XI would like to meet him some day!|!¡Ó

!¢XSure, I!¡Âll take you to his place some time. Are you
visiting the Alm Uncle?!¡Ó

!¢XWho!¡Âs he?!¡Ó

!¢XThe old hermit who lives up there.!¡Ó

!¢XOh, no I!¡Âm meeting my grandfather. I only met him
when I was five.!¡Ó

!¢XWell the only male elderly up here is the Alm

!¢XWhy is he called that?!¡Ó

!¢XHe lives up in the Alm.!¡Ó

They soon arrived and Touya finally caught up. He was
a funny sight because of all the clothes piled up in
his arms with the suitcase. Sakura forgot to pick up
her clothes while she took them off. She felt a little
guilty but had to giggle because her brother!¡Âs face
was rather worn in a comical way. The humor stopped
when an old man tapped his feet impatiently.

!¢XWhat is the matter?!¡Ó he asked gruffly.

Hi, I!¡Âm Alien_No#6! 0_0 well how!¡Âd you like my first
chapter? It!¡Âs a bit dull I have to admit. I hope
you!¡Âll continue to read these series. I!¡Âm sorry if
this was too long and dull. I!¡Âm trying my best to get
it right. Wish me luck! ~_0 b.t.w. this was supposed
to be a worddocument but the receiving mail always
received codes so I decided to send it on email

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